Attachment Completion of Constr

Completion of Constr

LETTER submitted by Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Completion of Constr


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070703-00885 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                          Skappen, Arps, Scate, MeaogomerR & LLP
                                             1440 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W.                                       FIRM/AFFILIATE OFFICES

                                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005—2111                                            BOSTON
                                                   TEL: (202) 371 —7000                                          LOS ANGELES

   DiRECT Diat.
                                                   FAX: (202) 393—5760
                                                                               RECEIVED                            NEW YORK
                                                                                                                  PALO ALTO
                                                                                                                SAN FRANCISCO
                                                                                                                 WI LMINGTON

                                                                                  DEC 1 8 2007
(202) 37 1—7574
   DIRECT FAX                                                                                                        BEIJING
                                                                                                                   B RUSSELS
(202) 661—9074
                                                                                                                   HONG KONG
                                                                                 Satellite Division                  LONDON
                                                                               International Bureau                  MUNICH

                                                               December 13, 2007                                      TOKYO

                    Marlene Dortch                                               DEC 1 a 2007
                    Secretary                                             Fedaral Cammunications Commission
                    Federal Communications Commission                            Office of the Secretary
                    445 12th Street, S.W.
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                                       RE:—      Certification of Completion of Construction
                                                E—070130, Montgomery, Texas (Woodlands #1)
                                                File No. SES—LIC—20070703—00884
                                                E—070131, Montgomery, Texas (Woodlands #2)
                                                File No. SES—LIC—20070703—00885
                                                E—070132, Montgomery, Texas (Woodlands #3)
                                                File No. SES—LIC—20070703—00886

                    Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                This letter is submitted on behalf of Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                ("FTS") to advise the Commission that the acts necessary to complete construction
                for certain antennas at the above—referenced facilities have been completed.
                Specifically, construction has been competed for the antennas identified as 1A, 2A,
                2B, 3A, 4A, and 4B in the above—referenced licenses.

                               As required by the conditions set forth in the licenses issued
                September 5, 2007, FTS certifies that the facilities have been constructed as
                authorized and that each antenna has been tested and is within 2 dB of the pattern
                specified in Section 25.209 of the Commuission‘s rules. Attached hereto please find
                an excerpt from a Field Test Report prepared by VertexRSI, the manufacturer of the
                antennas, confirming that the facilities are operating in compliance with the
                Commission‘s rules. Also attached is a copy of a report confirming that the facilities
                comply with the Commission‘s rules with respect to radiation exposure.

Marlene Dortch
December 13, 2007
Page 2

                 In addition, please accept this letter as notification that FTS will
commence operation of the facilities described herein on December 14, 2007. The
facilities will remain operational during the license period unless FTS submits the
licenses to the Commission for cancellation.

               Should you have any questions concerning this matter, kindly contact
the undersigned.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Jared S. Sher
                                            Counsel to FTS


C4 Systems

                                      FIELD TEST REPORT

                     VERTEXRSI JOB #                                  40480F

                     FT REPORT #                                      7070

                     TEST DATE:                                       November 2007

                     ANTENNA SIZE:                                    VertexRSI 9.0m
                     ANTENNA TYPE:                                    Cassegrain
                     ANTENNA UTILIZATION:                             4 Port RXITX
                     FREQUENCY BAND:                                  C—Band
                     POLARIZATION:                                    Linear
                     LOCATION:                                        The Woodlands, TX
                     CUSTOMER:                                        FOX Networks
                     RF SPECIFICATION:                                975—1717C
                     FEED MODEL NUMBER:                               C90KP1FRCN

                     PREPARED 8Yy: LUIS BUSTAMANTE
                     2600 LONGVIEW STREET
                     KILGORE, TEXAS 75662
                     (903) 984—0555

    EXPORT CONTROL WARNING — Do not disclose this document or its contents to non—U.S. persons, or
    transmit this document or its contents outside the United States without the written permission of Vertex
    Communications Corporation and required U.S. Government approvals.


All computer software, technical data or other information pertaining to the equipment covered
by this document is considered proprietary by VertexRSI. Such information transmitted in this
document or related document is for the benefit of VertexRSI customers and is not to be
disclosed to other parties verbally or in writing without prior written approval of VertexRSI.
Additionally, this document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent
from VertexRSI.

                                                                        <"*]Vertex S
                                                                        ~*   180 9001 Registered

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.0      INTRODUCTION AND ENDORSEMENTS......222,2022020020604444rrsevesvseversev se es ssevsrr es errravsenes 1
2.0      SUMMARY ....22020020¥verrrrrrrrererrerrrrerrrsrersercecsrrranvarsssessnnninuuav en ssssss esns sns rev en en e en en e se v en n n ns ene 1
3.0      DATA REDUCTION FORMULAS ....2.2222202a2202000s4rrrsssserere¢vas es 4446 e v es s rssrsrers s se en rrrrrrrrerssnnes 2
4.0      MAJOR PARAMETERS SUMMARY .....22220222222000¥0¥s¥¥¥¥¥tevtrrssresserrrrrrrrrressssssssessersaasssessiues 4
  4.1    ANt@NMM@A OAAA ..........2.2.0222022v2vvvrevrrererrrerrrrererereeerrrerrerrerrerrberrerrrerressessrssesrrrrerrrrrrr es se rrrrrrrrees 4
  4.2    ANt@MM@A OZA ...........2....0220222vv ze errrrrerrerrrrirerrrererirrrrrrrrrrrrrrversrsrrsrrrsrrrrrrrerrrsreserrrrrrees 4
  4.3     ANt@MMN@ OZB ..............2.22200020rr es vaavrrrrrrrerrrrrrssreerrrrerrrrrrrerrrersereerrerererrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrres 5
  4.4    ANt@BMMA OBA .........2.022222222ar e rrrrrrerresrrrerrvrrsarererssrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrererserrrrsserrrrrrrrrrrrreresrerra kss 5
  4.5     ANt@MNN@A O4A .....2202222222222222vvvavvvavraavrverrerererrrrrererererrrererresarssarraarsrercrsereserearrrrrerrrree e en en en en 6
  4.6    ANt@NMMN@A O4B .............2222222222av2vvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrssara se ererrrerererrrerersrerrererreersrssesrrrrrrrsesersrerrarreres 6
5.0      RECEIVE TEST RESULTS ...,202202202r¥rrrrr4rer44vr4¢8s 64484444486 sssirirsssr tss sasesesrersr es e aassessssses es i ues7
  B1     ANf@NN@ OTA ...........2.ll02222222vsrvrvvvvveverveserrrrvrsssscssersesrcrerrsssrsserersesrerrereerresererrrerrrrrreraerrerrreee 8
  B.2     ANt@NMMN@A OZA .............222l022022220vvvrvvevvrrevsreessssrrrrrsererrerreresrsssserssssrrerrererssserrrrrrrererrrrrrrrrrarek 19
  5.3    ANI@MMN@ OZB .........2.22222220222222rrrvrvvvrvrvvrerrrcerrererresreersrsrrssrrrrererscrrrrsssresesverserrrrrrrrrerrrerererenee 31
  B.4     ANI@MM@A OBA .......2222222222222222rrvvrvvrrvrvrrrrvvrrrrrrrrrrrrserrrccrerreerrrrrrrrrrrssersrrerrerrdrrrerrrarrrrrrrrrrrr e ies 43
  5.5     ANI@MMN@A OAA ........2222220000200002rvvvvvvrvrvrvvrrrvrrereserresserserrrerrcrerrrererererssessrrerssreerrrrrrrrrrerrrerreres 55
  5.6    ANt@NN@ O4B ............22200222022222rrrrvrevrrveverrrrrsresserversresssrrscrssrssersesescrrcrrererererrrerrerrrrrerererrrnes 67
6.0      TRANSMIT TEST RESULTS ....2.02200202uu00susscsssssrsusuuevescescvescerscces 6666 t 46646 assssssaseass ce es e r s ssnee 79
  6.1    ANt@NMNA O1A ............0022lvrvrvrrrvrrrrrvrrvrrrrrassss se serrer e es ressreerscerrerrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrerrerrrrrrerreseee 80
  ©6.2    ANt@MNA OZA ...........l..000000020rervrrrrrerrrrvrraavarasrers iss es rrerersessserserrrrrerrrrrrrerrerererrerrerrrrerees 92
  6.3    ANt@MM@ OZB ..............22002202002errrrvavavavrsavaasraassrrsverrrrrerrrrresseressrreeerrrrrrrerrrrrererrrrrrerrrrerreree 104
  6.4    ANt@MNA OBA .............000022l22vvvrrvrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerssrsssasvseerrrsirreerrrrerrrrrrrreserresrerrrrrrrrrees 116
  6.5    ANt@MNA O4A .............2022022222rrvvvravrvrsvrrraaavasas esc errrrrrerrressrerrresererrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrerrrerrrrrrreee 128
  6.6    ANt@MMN@A O4A4B ..........2..00200220222e2ssravvervevrrvvarrvrssseerrrrrrerressereeereressrererrrrerrrerrersrerrseererrrrrrres 140
APPENDIX A.           S.A.T. ANTENNA O1A.....222220000002500ssservivevsnnaunasncecrvecceccccers cssc e es es ccrcererrrreee 152
APPENDIX B.           S.A.T. ANTENNA OZA..........22200.0000¥v¥vrvirvrvrersasserrr en nc errnnvern n n rnnnmnn mm es 164
APPENDIX C.             S.A.T. ANTENNA OZB.....2...2.0206re2rrrverrrrrreerrrersrrrerserrarererreearreeserserrecerrrseriress 178
APPENDIX D.           S.A.T. ANTENNA OBA ....,222222000020ververrsssvsvevesevevvecvcavecorvccvsssesssersssssscrrernrrrrraee 190
APPENDIX E.           S.A.T. ANTENNA O4A ......2222022,000s00sssevvevevavevavruercrecsteccssssccssscrsccesvevsrersscsccrssee2204
APPENDIX F.            S.A.T. ANTENNA O4B ....2222222,00022004rvrvversserssrecerrernnnnnnnnnaaanessscsssreccrsc ces resssevsees 217

                                                                                                              {*pVertex RSI
                                                                                                              =      150 9001 Registered


        The purpose of this document is to present the results of the transmit, receive and control system
        site acceptance tests. The tests present in this report were conducted using the VertexRSI
        corresponding test procedures. The tests were required after the recent installation of the
        antennas. The antennas, located in FOX Networks Earth Station in The Woodlands, Texas are 6
        each 9.0 meter King Post mounted Cassegrain antenna systems with four ports, C—Band, linear
        polarized (LP) frequency reuse feed sub—system.

2.0      SUMMARY

         The RF test results contained in this report show the antenna performance for gain, G/T, sidelobe
         envelope and cross polarization isolation for the receive and transmit frequency bands. The
         antenna‘s gains were calculated by the 3db/10db beam width and integration methods. G/T values
         were derived from the specified antenna and system noise temperatures and the antennas
         measured gains.      Co—polarization patterns were recorded and plotted under the 29—25*log(8)
         curve. Cross—polarization patterns were recorded and plotted under the corresponding co—
         polarization patterns.

         The gain measurement results for all 6 antennas meet the specifications well within measurement
         error, according to EIA—411—A Standard, Chapter 6. The (6) 9.0m antennas show good sidelobe
         suppression at transmit frequencies and comply with the regulatory requirements described in
         Title 47, Part 25.209C of the FCC.

           Job No.: 40480                    FT No: 7070              Test Engineer: Rodolfo Robles

  Luis Bustamante           12/05/07                                  Alan B. Pollard              12/05/07

                        12/eg2)—                                      [PGa. bebtba 2fefo
  Originator                Date             Approval       Date              Approval             Date

VertexRS! Antenna Products Division                                                     Kilgore, Texas Facility
2600 N. Longview St., Kilgore, TX 75662                                                       Field Test Report

                                                   Page 1

 Radiation Hazard Report                                                                  Page 1 of 5

       Analysis of Non—lonizing Radiation for a 9.0—Meter Earth
                           Station System
 This report analyzes the non—ionizing radiation levels for a 9.0—meter earth station system. The
 analysis and calculations performed in this report comply with the methods described in the FCC
 Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 first published in 1985 and revised in 1997
 in Edition 97—01. The radiation safety limits used in the analysis are in conformance with the FCC
  R&O 96—326. Bulletin No. 65 and the FCC R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of
  exposure limits that are dependant on the situation in which the exposure takes place and/or the
— status of the individuals who are subject to the exposure. The Maximum Permissible Exposure
 {(MPE) limits for persons in a General Population/Uncontrolled environment are shown in Table 1.
 The General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an
 exposure     period    of   thirty   minutes     or   less. The     MPE   limits   for    persons      in   an
 Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a function of
 transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of six minutes or less. The purpose of the
 analysis described in this report is to determine the power flux density levels of the earth station in
 the far—field, near—field, transition region, between the subreflector or feed and main reflector
 surface, at the main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge and the ground and to
 compare these levels to the specified MPEs.

                  Table 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)
                    Frequency Range (MHz)              Power Density (mW/em")
                                30—300                               0.2
                              300—1500                   Frequency (MHz)*(0.8/1200)
                             1500—100,000                            1.0

                       Table 2. Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
                    Frequency Range (MHz)              Power Density {mW/em")
                            30—300                                  1.0
                           300—1500      j               Frequency (MHz)*(4.0/1200}
                         1500—100,000                               5.0

            Table 3. Formulas and Parameters Used for Determining Power Flux Densities
      Parameter                       Symbol              Formula              Value              Units
      Antenna Diameter                  D                   Input               9.0               m
      Antenna Surface Area             Asurtace           1 D/ 4                63.62             m*
      Subreflector Diameter              Dsr_              Input                116.8             cm
      Area of Subreflector               Asr              x Ds,*/4           10714.59             cm*
     Frequency                            F                Input               6175              MHz
     Wavelength                           A               300 /F             0.048583            m
     Transmit Power                       P                input              468.00             W
     Antenna Gain (dBi)                  es                Input               53.5              dBi
     Antenna Gain (factor)               G                1 ozes"©           223872.1             n/a
      Pi      |                           T              Constant           3.1415927             n/a
     Antenna Efficiency                  m               GM/I(AD®)              0.66              n/a

Radiation Hazard Report                                                          Page 2 of 5

1.      Far Field Distance Calculation

The distance to the beginning of the far field can be determined from the following equétion:

     Distance to the Far Field Region                       R; =0.60 D°/A                       (1)
                                                                = 1000.4 m

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be determined from the following

     On—Axis Power Density in the Far Field                 S; =GP/(4 1 R;")                    (2)
                                                                = 8.382 W/im"
                                                                = 0.833 mW/cm*

2.      Near Field Calculation

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout the entire length of the
defined Near Field region. The region is contained within a cylindrical volume having the same
diameter as the antenna. Past the boundary of the Near Field region, the power density from the
antenna decreases linearly with respect to increasing distance.

The distance to the end of the Near Field can be determined from the following equation:

     Extent of the Near Field                               Ra = D/ (4 )                        (3)
                                                                = 4186.8 m

The maximum power density in the Near Field can be determined from the following equation:

     Near Field Power Density                               Sa = 16.0 41 P / (xD°)              (4)
                                                               = 19.450 W/im*
                                                               = 1.945 mW/cm*

3.      Transition Region Calculation

The Transition region is located between the Near and Far Field regions. The power density
begins to decrease linearly with increasing distance in the Transition region. While the power
density decreases inversely with distance in the Transition region, the power density decreases
inversely with the square of the distance in the Far Field region. The maximum power density in
the Transition region will not exceed that calculated for the Near Field region. The power density
calculated in Section 1 is the highest power density the antenna can produce in any of the regions
away from the antenna. The power density at a distance R, can be determined from the following

     Transition Region Power Density                        S = Si Ry/R,                        (5)
                                                               = 1.945 mW/cm*

Radiation Hazard Report                                                          Page 3 of 5

4.      Region between the Main Reflector and the Subreflector

Transmissions from the feed assembly are directed toward the subreflector surface, and are
reflected back toward the main reflector. The most common feed assemblies are waveguide
flanges, horns or subreflectors. The energy between the subreflector and the reflector surfaces
can be calculated by determining the power density at the subreflector surface. This can be
determined from the following equation:

     Power Density at the Subreflector                      Ss; = 4000 P / As,       |         (6)
                                                               =174.715 mW/cm*

5.      Main Reflector Region

The power density in the main reflector is determined in the same manner as the power density at
the subreflector. The area is now the area of the main reflector aperture and can be determined
from the following equation:

     Power Density at the Main Reflector Surface      Ssurtace Z4 P / Asurtace                 (7)
                                                               = 29.426 W/im*
                                                               = 2.943 mW/cm*

6.      Region between the Main Reflector and the Ground

Assuming uniform iflumination of the reflector surface, the power density between the antenna and
the ground can be determined from the following equation:

     Power Density between Reflector and Ground             Sq =P / Asurtace                   (8)
                                                               = 7.356 W/im*
                                                               = 0.736 mW/cm*

Radiation Hazard Report                                                          Page 4 of 5

7.     Summary of Calculations

          Table 4. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment
                                                Calculated Maximum
                                          Radiation Power Density Level
Region                                              {mW/iecm"}                Hazard Assessment
1. Far Field (R; = 1000.4 m)                     S¢         0.833              Satisfies FCC MPE
2. Near Field (Ry= 416.8 m)                      Sn         1$.945              Potential Hazard
3. Transition Region (R,; < R, <Ry)              S          1.945               Potential Hazard
4. Between        Main  Reflector   and          Ss      174.715                Potential Hazard
5. Main Reflector                                 Ssurtace    2.943             Potential Hazard
6. Between Main Reflector and Ground              So          0.736            Satisfies FCC MPE

             Table 5. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment
                                             Calculated Maximum
                                           Radiation Power Density
Region                                          Level (mW/em*)              Hazard Assessment
1. Far Field (Rg= 1000.4 m}                     S¢          0.833            Satisfies FCC MPE
2. Near Field (Ry= 416.8 m)                     Sat         1.945            Satisfies FCC MPE
3. Transition Region (R; < R;< Ry)              e           1.945            Satisfies FCC MPE
4. Between       Main   Reflector   and         Ssr      174.715              Potential Hazard
5. Main Reflector                               Ssurtace    2.943            Satisfies FCC MPE
6. Between Main Reflector and Ground            Sq          0.736            Satisfies FCC MPE

It is the applicant‘s responsibility to ensure that the public and operational personnel are not
exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

8.     Conclusions

Based on the above analysis it is concluded that the FCC MPE guidelines have been exceeded {or
met) in the regions of Table 4 and 5. The applicant proposes to comply with the MPE limits by one
or more of the following methods.

Means of Compliance Uncontrolled Areas

This antenna will be located in a fenced area. The area will be sufficient to prohibit access to the
areas that exceed the MPE limited. The general public will not have access to areas within Va
diameter removed from the edge of the antenna.

Since one diameter removed from the main beam of the antenna or % diameter removed from the
edge of the antenna the RF levels are reduced by a factor of 100 or 20 dB. None of the areas
exceeding the MPE levels will be accessible by the general public.

Radiation Hazard Report                                                           Page 5 of 5
Radiation hazard signs will be posted while this earth station is in operation.

The applicant will ensure that no buildings or other obstacles will be in the areas that exceed the
MPE levels.

Means of Compliance Gontrolled Areas

The earth stations operational will not have access to the areas that exceed the MPE levels while
the earth station is in operation.

The transmitters will be turned off during antenna maintenance.

Document Created: 2019-04-14 13:12:12
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 13:12:12

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