Bond submission.F.pd

OTHER submitted by TerreStar Networks Inc.

Performance bond requiement submission


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070530-00732 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        One Discovery Square 12010 Sunset Hills Rd. • Suite 900 • Reston, VA 20190

                                              December 11, 2008


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:    Performance bond (E070098)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       TerreStar Networks Inc. has complied with the performance bond requirement associated with its
gateway earth station license. See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20070530-00732, Special and General Provisions,
condition 486. A copy of TerreStar’s performance bond is attached.

       Please direct any questions concerning this filing to the undersigned.


                                                    /s/ Douglas I. Brandon
                                                    Douglas I. Brandon
                                                    Vice President, Regulatory Affairs

cc:    Fern Jarmulnek, FCC
       Andrea Kelly, FCC
       Scott Kotler, FCC

                                                                       This bondis executed in Duplicate

                                                                             Bond No. 2093929

                             License and/or Permit Continuous Bond

KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, That TerreStar Networks Inc. (hereinafter called
the "Principal"), and North American Specialty Insurance Company, Inc., a New Hampshire
corporation (hereinafter called the "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto the United States
Treasury (hereinafter called the "Obligee"), in the maximum penal sum of SEVEN HUNDRED
FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($750,000.00) to the payment of which sum, well and truly be
made, the Principal and Surety bind themselves, and each of their heirs, administrators,
executors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Regardless of the
number of years this bond may be in force, the aggregate liability of the Surety payable under
this bond shall not be cumulative and is limited to the stated maximum penal sum.

WHEREAS, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") has issued a license to the
Principal to operate a gateway earth station, EO 70098; and

WHEREAS, it is a condition of the gateway earth station license (the "Gateway License") that
the Principal file a payment bond with the FCC within 30 days of the issuance of the license.

well and truly perform each and every obligation set forth below at the time and in the manner
specified during the term of this bond, then this obligation shall be void, but otherwise shall
remain in full force and effect.

PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is subject to the following conditions:

1. The TerreStar—1 satellite that is the subject of an authorization issued by the FCC under
call sign $2633, as modified from time to time ("TerreStar—1 Authorization"), must be launched
and placed into operation in accordance with the technical parameters and terms and
conditions of the authorization by the time period—milestone specified below or such extended
time period—milestone as the FCC may authorize. By way of example and not limitation, this
condition shall survive any transfer of control of the holder of the TerreStar—1 Authorization
and/or the Gateway License and shall survive any assignment of the TerreStar—1 Authorization
and/or the Gateway License to any entity controlling, controlled by, under the same control as
the Principal.

        Launch and begin operations by August 30, 2009

2.   In the event of a Notice of Default (/.e., an order or public notice revoking the TerreStar—1
Authorization) issued by the FCC to the Principal and the Surety regarding the performance of
the milestone specified above during the term of this bond, the Surety shall be liable only up to
the maximum penal sum amount. It is also understood and unconditionally agreed that upon
receipt of such Notice of Default, the sole remedy under this bond will be the tender of
payment of the current outstanding maximum penal sum of the bond within thirty (30)
business days of such Notice of Default.

Any such Notice of Default made under this bond shall be made in writing and shall be given a
personal delivery or expedited delivery service, postage pre—paid, addressed to the parties at
the addresses specified below:

              To the Surety:           North American Specialty Insurance Company
                                       Attn: Surety Claims
                                       1200 Arlington Heights Road,

                                       Itasca, IL 60143

              To the Principal:        TerreStar Networks Inc.
                                       Attn: Vincent Loiacono
                                       12010 Sunset Hills Rd Ste 600
                                       Reston, VA 20190

Signed, sealed and dated the      10‘ day of   December, 2008

                                                            Principal: TerreStar Networks Inc.

                                                             is Mnpateferuank
                                                            N~ame: M',./Cw ZAo,/heaaws
                                                            Title: Peypetpn Frypicim. OCFFitGt

                                                            Surety: North American Specialty
                                                                      Insurance Company

                                                            Name: LoigJean Blinn
                                                            Title:    Attorney—in—Fact

                                                          GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THATNorth American Specialty Insurance Company. a corporation duly organized and existing under
laws ofthe State of New Hampshire, and having its principal office in the City of Manchester, NewHampshire, and Washington International
lnsur.mcu Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws ofthe State of New Hampshire and havingits principal office in the City of
       Illinois, cach does hereby make, constitute and appoint:
                                                          LOIS JEAN BLINN, KAY A. HULL
                                            BRIAN PASSOLT, YASMIN A. PATEL AND TERL SISSEL
                                                                   JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY
Its true and lawful Attorney(s)—in—Fact, to make. execute, seal and deliver, for and onits behalfand as its act and deed, bonds or other writings
obligatoryin the nature ofa bond on behalf ofeach ofsaid Companics, as surety, on contracts ofsuretyship as are or maybe required or permitted by
Iaw, regulation, contract or otherwise. provided that no bond or undertaking or contract or suretyship executed under this authorityshall exceed the
amount of:                                                  NTY—FIVE MILLION ($25,000,000.00) DOLLARS
     This Power of Attorneyis granted andis signed by facsimile under and bythe authorityofthe following Resolutions adopted bythe Boards of
Directors ofboth North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington InternationalInsurance Companyat mectingsdulycalled and held
onthe 24of March, 2000:
     "RESOLVED,that anytwoofthe Presidents, any Managing Director, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President,
the Secretaryor any Assistant Secretary be. and eachor any of themherebyis authorized to execute a Power ofAttorneyqualifying the attomeynamed
in the given Power ofAttorneyto execute on behalfof the Companybonds. undertakings andall contracts ofsurety. and that eachor anyofthem
hereby is authorized to attest to the executionofanysuch PowerofAttorneyand to attachtherein the seal of the Company; andit is
      FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature ofsuchofficers and the seal ofthe Company maybe affixed to anysuch Power ofAttorneyor to any
certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and anysuch Power ofAttorneyor certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be
binding upon the Company when so affixed and in the future withregurd toanybond, undertaking or contract ofsurety to whichit is attached."
              qoi0'//@,                                           se
                                                                t ied
                                                By                    [       PlakL..
                                   Steven P. Andersoi
                                          Bavid M. Layman, Senior VicePresident ofWathinglon Intemational Insursnce Company
                                                      & Vice President of North American Specialty Insurance Company
      IN WITNESS WHER OF. North American SpecialtyInsurance Companyand WashingtonInternational Insurance Companyhave caused their
official seals to be hereunt aftixed. and these presents to be signed by their authorized officers this 30%"_dayof September . 2008.
                                                        North American Specialty Insurance Company
                                                        Washington International Insurance Company
State of Illinois
Countyof Du Page
Washington International Insurance Companyand Senior Vice President of North American SpecialtyInsurance Companyand David M. Layman .
Senior Viee President of Washington InternationalInsurance Company andVice President ofNorth American SpecialtyInsurance Company.
personallyknown. to me, who being by me duly swomn, acknowledged that theysigned the above Power ofAttorneyas officers ofand
acknowledgedsaid instrument to be the voluntaryact and deedoftheir resnective companies.
                                                                                                                                 ,A(j qpmia A.
                                                                                                                                Donna D. Sklens, NotaryPublic
1. Jumes A. Carpenter . the dulyelected     Assi        :       ;          ofNorth American SpecialtyInsurance Companyand Washington
InternationalInsurance Company, do hereby certify that the above andforegoing is a true and correct copyofa Power ofAitemeygiven hy said North
American SpecialtyInsurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company, whichis still in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOEF, 1 haveset my hand andaffixed the seals ofthe Companiesthis 10th dayof___December_, 20 98 _
                                                                                   James A Carpenter, Vice President & Assistant Sectetany of Washungtan Intermational Insurance Corpany de
                                                                                                      North Amenicmn Specialt Insursnce Compans

Document Created: 2008-12-11 16:29:48
Document Modified: 2008-12-11 16:29:48

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