Attachment Dismissal Letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070511-00688 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


!»*‘X                   Federal Communications Commission
a       :                        Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                     ba 07—220

                                          May 25, 2007
Gican Hoterhaus
Siy Television, LLC
920 Corporate Lane
Chesipeate, VA 23310
                                            ie File No. SES—L1C—200705t 1—o06ss

Dear Mr Hoherhaus
On May 11, 2007, Sky Television, LLC(Sky Telcvision filed the above—caprioned application
for authortyto operte a Temporay—Fined Kw—Hand Transmit/Receive EathSttion. For
reasons discussed below., we dismisthe applcation as defective, without projudice to refitine!
Section 25112 ofthe Commission‘s rils, 47 C.FR. §25.112, requies the Commission toretum,
as unacceptable for fling, any carth sation appllatlon that s not substantlally compler, that
containsinernalinconsistncies, or hat does not substantaly comply with the Commission‘s
rules. Sky Television‘s apleation does not comply withthe Commissin‘s rules. which enders
it unacceptableand subjectto dismissal. The deficiencies areasfollous:
Porsuant to Section 25130(a) ofthe Commissions rules, 47 C.FR., § 28.130@, appliationsfor
transmiting carth sations must befled elecronicaly through the ntormational Burcau F
systemusing Form 312. including Schedule B. Sky Television did not submit ts application
in addition. Qustion 28 ofForm312 indcatesthat a radation hazard study must
applications as an exhibitfor new transmiting ficlfiessuch as the one proposed
SkyTeleviston‘s application did ot include this required extibit

1 AfSig Television refilean applcaionin wthedeiciensos idenied ithis oter have been
cereced bat otherise identcltheone divnisod,nend ot pay an aplcuionfe. See47 C $
* seear CrRlg 11070

                                Enderal Communic                                  ba arzam0

Consequentls, we dismits Sky Television‘ application without prejuticeto refiling. In preparing
any appliationto berefiled, Sky Television may wish t eforto thIntemational Bureau Filing
System (IBFS) wabsitat waeui wgou TMG. If you need any technical assstance withIBFS,
please contatthe IBFS help deskar 202—118.2222


                                           (Zan) SeotA. Kotler
                                               7 Chict Systems Analysi Branch
                                                 Satellte Division
                                                 International Burcau

Document Created: 2007-05-29 11:44:43
Document Modified: 2007-05-29 11:44:43

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