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Reply Comments

REPLY TO COMMENTS submitted by ViaSat, Inc.

Reply Comments


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070322-00396 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, DC 20554

In the matter of                               )
Application of L—3 Communications Titan        )   File No.   SES—LIC—20070322—00396
Corporation for Authority to Operate a         )
Mobile On—the—Move Mobile Satellite            )
Antenna in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2     )
GHz Frequency Bands                            )

                           REPLY COMMENTS OF VIASAT, INC,

        ViaSat, Inc. ("ViaSat") hereby replies to the response of L—3 Communications Titan

Corporation ("L3 Titan")‘ in connection with the above—captioned application for authority to

operate an "On—the—Move" mobile satellite terminal in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz

frequency bands." ViaSat does not object to a grant of L3 Titan‘s Application, however, the

authorization should be appropriately conditioned (i) to limit the terminal from operating within

a network of similarly non—conforming terminals, and (ii) to require L3 Titan to maintain

tracking data consistent with the requirement in the Commission‘s rules for ESVs.


        ViaSat does not oppose a grant of the Application; however, the Commission should

preserve its opportunity to review the parameters under which the L3 Titan‘s proposed modem

would operate in a network setting. If other identical, or similarly non—conforming, terminals are

licensed (for example, to entities other than L3 Titan) but are operated within the same network

     Letter from Paul Moller, VP, Intellicom Technologies, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary,
     FCC, Re: Response to ViaSat Comments, File No. SES—LIC—20070322—00396, Call Sign:
     E060390 (May 15, 2007) ("Response").
     Application ofL—3 Communications Titan Corporation for Authority to Operate a Mobile
     On—the—Move Mobile Satellite Antenna in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz Frequency
     Bands, File No. SES—LIC—20070322—00396, Public Notice, Report No. SES—00914 (rel.
     April 4, 2007) (the "Application").


as the terminal proposed in the Application, the Commission may not have notice that the

terminals are operating with the same network. While L3 Titan seeks authorization to operate a

single terminal, L3 Titan acknowledges that its proposed modem is designed to operate within a

network." L3 Titan argues in its Response that it should not be required to provide information

on how the modem will manage EIRP spectral density if the proposed earth station is operated

within a network, because such information is not relevant to the operation of a single antenna.‘

However, the interference potential of a network of non—conforming terminals may be different

from the operation of a single antenna.

         L3 Titan asserts that it will "address the network provisions which ensure that positive

control of all VSAT earth stations can be maintained from the Hub (or Network Controller)."""

However, if L3 Titan does not seek blanket authority but instead operates other individually

licensed non—conforming terminals in the same network, the Commission may not have the

opportunity to evaluate fully the operation of the proposed modem. Therefore, if the

Commission chooses not to evaluate the network capabilities of the modem as part of its review

of the Application, the Commission should instead condition the grant to limit L3 Titan from

operating the proposed antenna within a network until the Commission has reviewed all

technical parameters of the modem.

     Application, Technical Brief at 5.
     Response at 2. L3 Titan indicates that it will adjust the direct sequence spreading factor to
     ensure that maximum EIRP density is not exceeded but does not provide further detail on
     how the terminal‘s EIRP density is controlled in a network environment. See id. at 3.
     However, L3 Titan‘s reference to ViaSat‘s "very low power density" to indicate that this is
     the approach that L3 Titan has proposed is inaccurate; ViaSat‘s spreading technique results
     in an EIRP power density that is typically on the order of 10 to 40 times less than the power
     density L3 Titan indicated in its Application.
     Response at 2.



         L3 Titan asserts generally that the location and activities of a single earth station are not

typically required by the Commission.‘" However, licensees of individual fixed earth stations

generally are required to indicate the coordinates of the terminal location.‘ Further, records of

transmissions of fixed stations are not critical to resolving incidents of interference, unlike

mobile terminals whose location at any particular time may not be easily determined. In the

context of authorizing mobile terminals, the Commission has determined that maintaining

location tracking data is necessary to enable other users of spectrum to resolve any incidents of

interference." Therefore, the Commission should impose similar requirements on any grant of

L3 Titan‘s Application.

         L3 Titan‘s distinction between an individual terminal authorization and a blanket

authorization is irrelevant to the tracking requirement. In the ESV Order, the requirement to

maintain locational data applies generally to the operators of the mobile terminals, and is not tied

to provisions in the Order that permit ESV applicants to seek blanket authority." Licensing a

mobile terminal under an individual license, instead of within a blanket authorization, does not

obviate the need to track the location and operations of that particular mobile terminal. The

      Response at 3.
‘     See FCC Form 312 — Schedule B, Items El1, E12.
      See Procedures to Govern the Use ofSatellite Earth Stations on Board Vessels in the 5925—
      6425 MHz/3700—4200 MHz Bands and 14.0—14.5 GHz/ 11.7—12.2 GHz Bands, Report and
      Order, 20 FCC Red 674, [ 47—48 (2005) ("ESV Order"); see also, Qualcomm, Inc.,
      Application for Blanket Authority to Construct and Operate a Network of 12/14 GHz
      Transmit/Receive Mobile and Transportable Earth Stations and a Hub Earth Station,
      Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, 4 FCC Red 1543 [ 20 (1989) (requiring
      Qualcomm to maintain records of the locations of terminals being operated in a
      transportable mode).
      See ESV Order at §« 47, 112, 114 (requiring ESV operators to maintain locational
      information, and permitting ESV applicants to seek blanket authority).


Commission‘s reasoning for requiring mobile terminal operators to maintain tracking data

applies equally to L3 Titan‘s proposed single terminal. Thus, the Commission should require L3

Titan to maintain tracking data, consistent with the ESV rules, as a condition to the grant of the


         For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should either (i) require L3 Titan to

demonstrate that a network of non—conforming antennas similar to the proposed terminal could

operate in compliance with the limits in the Commission‘s rules, or (ii) condition any grant of the

Application on a requirement to make such a demonstration prior to operating the terminal

within a network. Further, a requirement to maintain records of locational information of the

single terminal is appropriate for the reasons discussed herein.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                Rhzabeth R.Park
                                                LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
                                                 555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
                                                Suite 1000
                                                Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                Telephone: (202) 637—2200

                                                 Counselfor ViaSat, Inc.

Filed: May 24, 2007


          I hereby certify that | am the technically qualified person responsible for reviewing the
enginecering information contained in the foregoing submission, that I am familiar with Part 25 of
the Commission s rules. that 1 have reviewed the engineering information submitted in this
pleading. and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
                                                    ¥iaSat. Inc.
                                                    6155 EJ Camino Real
                                                    Carisbad. CA 920090—1699
Dated: May 34. 2007
1X :O92018 i

                                   CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Jennifer Bruyere, hereby certify that on this 24"" day of May, 2007, I served a true copy
of the foregoing Reply Comments of ViaSat, Inc. by first class mail, postage pre—paid upon the

         Paul Moller
         Intellicom Technologies
         1335 W. Shellfish Dr.
         Gilbert, AZ 85233

                                                 Jey{fer Bru%fe            L


Document Created: 2019-04-17 13:38:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 13:38:36

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