Attachment Comments


COMMENT submitted by ViaSat, Inc.



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070322-00396 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  Before the                                                FILED/ACCEPTED
                                     Washington, DC 20554                                          MAY — 4 2007
                                                                                            Federal Communications Commission
In the matter of                                                                                  Office of the Secretary

                                                N/ NN N N N) N/
Application of L—3 Communications Titan                           File No.   SES—LIC—20070322—00396
Corporation for Authority to Operate a
Mobile On—the—Move Mobile Satellite
Antenna in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2
GHz Frequency Bands

                               COMMENTS OF VIASAT, INC.

       ViaSat, Inc. ("ViaSat") submits the following comments regarding the above—referenced

application of L—3 Communications Titan Corporation ("L3 Titan") for authority to operate an

"On—the—Move" mobile satellite terminal in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz frequency

bands.‘ ViaSat provides and develops Ku band services and equipment. Thus, ViaSat has an

interest in licensing decisions impacting the development of new technologies that expand the

capabilities of Ku band systems. As a general matter, ViaSat encourages the FCC to authorize

new and innovative uses of the FCC Ku band spectrum, including land mobile satellite service

("LMSS"). However, ViaSat is concerned about the potential for interference if this terminal

were operated within a network. Additionally, the Commission should include as a condition to

any grant of authority a requirement to maintain records of the location of the mobile terminal to

enable other operators to assess any incidents of interference.

    Application ofL—3 Communications Titan Corporation for Authority to Operate a Mobile
    On—the—Move Mobile Satellite Antenna in the 14.0—14.5 GHz and 11.7—12.2 GHz Frequency
    Bands, File No. SES—LIC—20070322—00396, Public Notice, Report No. SES—00914 (rel.
    April 4, 2007) (the "Application").


             Although L3 Titan seeks authorization to operate a single terminal, the modem specified

    in L3 Titan‘s Application (the L3/Linkabit MPM—1000 modem) is capable of operating within a

    network and, indeed, the Application indicates that the modem is intended to do so." L3 Titan

    indicates in its Application that it intends to apply in the future for a blanket license for this type

    of terminal." However, if other terminals operating on the same network as the proposed

    terminal are authorized to different licensees, the Commission would not have the opportunity to

    evaluate fully the impact of L3 Titan‘s proposed operations within such a network.

            L3 Titan fails to provide information regarding its modem adequate to demonstrate that

    the proposed terminal will not cause harmful interference to other operators if operated within a

    network of identical terminals licensed to other users. Thus, the Commission should require L3

Titan to provide more detail regarding its modem necessary to allow the Commission to evaluate

the potential for interference from the proposed operation of this terminal, before it grants the

authorization requested in the Application.

            The Technical Brief provided by L3 Titan in support of the Application discusses the

"Access Scheme" to be used in connection with the proposed terminal, indicating that the

terminal will be capable of operating within a network." However, the discussion lacks specifics

regarding the bandwidth—on—demand and multiple—access techniques that the modem could

employ and whether it is capable of using contention access methods. Based on a review of

*        Application, Technical Brief at 5.
>        Application, FCC Filing Notes at 1.
*        Technical Brief at 6.

     these details, the Commission may determine whether authorization of identical terminals can

     operate within the same network within the application spectral power density limits.

            While the Technical Brief indicates that the equivalent isotropically radiated power

     ("EIRP") levels of the proposed terminal would be brought into compliance with Section 25.209

     through a combination of reductions in carrier power and spectrum—spreading," the Brief does not

     explain whether L3 Titan has built sufficient excess margin into its operations such that multiple

     MPM—1000 modems could be operated simultaneously on a network in compliance with EIRP

     limits contained in Section 25.209. In determining the allowable maximum power spectral

     density into the antenna, L3 Titan accounts for the relative rotation of the antenna, but does not

     appear to allocate any excess gain for multiple access methods."

            ViaSat has used and tested the L~3 Datron antenna and raises no issue with respect to the

     antenna‘s performance. However, ViaSat‘s operations using this antenna employed a modem

 that had a spread waveform with a very low power density, which greatly reduces the potential

 for interference due to antenna mispointing. On the other hand, operation of the L—3 Datron

 antenna with a modem using selected modulation, coding, and only minimal spreading to keep

 the off—axis EIRP density to a level just below the FCC‘s limit for off—axis EIRP, as proposed in

 the Application, could cause interference when operated within a network or if the antenna were



            Under the Commission‘s rules for earth stations on board vessels ("ESVs"), licensees are

required to maintain for a period of one year records of the ship location, transmit frequency,

°       1Id. at 12, 14.
86      1d. at 17, Table 8—1.

    channel bandwidth and satellite used.‘ In adopting this rule, the Commission recognized that

    retaining locational data for a full year would allow other operators the ability to investigate

    incidence of interference."   Under the same rationale, the Commission should impose a

    condition to any grant of L3 Titan‘s Application or other applicants seeking authority for similar

    terminals. Such locational information would be used for interference resolution and

    enforcement purposes and would not have to be made public. Certain govemr;lent users of such

    terminals desiring additional protection of sensitive locational information could seek waivers of

    a locational record—keeping requirement as required.

                                      %       *       *      *       %

‘      Section 25.221(c)(1).
8      Procedures to Govern the Use ofSatellite Earth Stations on Board Vessels in the 5925—6425
       MHz/3700—4200 MHz Bands and 14.0—14.5 GHz/ 11.7—12.2 GHz Bands, Report and Order,
       20 FCC Red 674, [ 48 (2005).

       For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should require L3 Titan to provide further

explanation of the access scheme used by the MPM—1000 modem to allow the Commission to

evaluate any potential for interference where the antenna is operated within a network. Until L3

Titan demonstrates that the proposed terminal complies with the Commission‘s rules when

operated within a network, as it was designed to do, the Commission should not grant L3 Titan‘s

requested authority. Further, any grant of authority should include a requirement to maintain

records of locational information, similar to the requirement applicable to ESVs.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Elizabeth R.Park
                                               Berin M. Szoka
                                               LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
                                               555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
                                               Suite 1000
                                               Washington, D.C. 20004
                                               Telephone: (202) 637—2200

                                               Counselfor ViaSat, Inc.

Filed: May 4, 2007


          I herebycertify that I aro the technically qualified person responsible for reviewing the

engineering information contained in the foregoing submission, that ] am famifliar with Part 25 of

the Commission‘s rules. that 1 have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information

submitted in this pleading. and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and


                                                      ¥ou             /
                                                   Dary!l T. Huntér, P.E.
                                                   ViaSat. Inc. C
                                                   6155 El Camino Real
                                                   Carlsbad, CA 92009—1699

Dated: May 4. 2007

                                    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Berin M. Szoka, hereby certify that on this 4 day of May, 2007, I served a true copy
 of the foregoing Comments of ViaSat, Inc. by first class mail, postage pre—paid upon the

          Paul Moller
          Intellicom Technologies
          1335 W. Shellfish Dr.
          Gilbert, AZ 85233

                                                gayw g—?.—owc
                                               Berin M. Szoka


Document Created: 2019-04-15 03:45:39
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 03:45:39

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