Attachment Cert of Complete

Cert of Complete

LETTER submitted by Fetcher, Heald, Frank Jazzo

Sabil Uplink Comm, LLC /E070024


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070313-00347 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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   Marlene H. Dortch, Esquire
   Hamnie              a                                                  F’LED/ACCEPTED
   Federal Communications Commission                                        Miy
   445 12" Street, S.W., The Portals                                                ~4 2007
   Washington, D.C. 20554                                                               c
   Attention: System Analysis Branch
                            Re:—   Seetion 25.133
                                   Certification of Completion
                                   Sabil Uplink Communications, LLC
                                   SES—LIC 20070313—00347

   Dear Ms. Dortch:
           Transmitted herewith, on belalf of Sabil Uplink Communications, LLC, licenses of
   transmit earth station E070024 isits Certification of Completion for EO70024, filed pursuant to
   Section 25.133 of the FCC‘s Rules.
             Should any questions arise concerning this matter, please contactthis office.
                                                         Very truly yours,
                                                         PLETCHER, HEALD & HILDRETH, PLC.

                                                          rank R. Jazzo                     W
                                                         Counsel for Sabil Uplink Comnfication. L

   ces Eleanor Lott (wene.(by e—mail)


          1.    Licenice             Sabil Uplink Communications,LLC            RECEIVED
          2.    FileNo:              ses—Lic—20070s13—00847
                                                                                  MAY 0 8 2007
          3.    CallSin              roroore                                      Satelite Dsion
          5.o   nmebue               April 17, 2007                             InternatonalBureau
          5..   Statement            "hefaily above has been completed as authorized. The anterna
                                     specified is certified by is manuficturer as being compliant with
                                     Section 25.209 ofhe FCC‘s rules. This fcilty went into
                                     operation parsuantto is lcense and it will emain in operation for
                                     the liense period unless th lcense is returned for cancellation.

                                                      sanil, UPLiN.Conmyuntcaions, LLC

                                                      Tile: Managing Member



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Document Created: 2007-05-21 15:48:29
Document Modified: 2007-05-21 15:48:29

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