Attachment E070001

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20070103-00008 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        Rederal Communications Commission
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                      na a7—503
                                        Februay 1, 2007
Mr. Eddic Maalout
Pacifc Satelite Comnection,Inc.
1629 8 Srcet
Sacramento, CA 95814
                                        Re:   File No:   SES—LIC—20070103—00008
                                              Call Sin:E070007
Dear Mr. Maalout
On January 3, 2007, Pacific Satelite Comection, Ic. (Pacifc Satellte)filed the above—captioned
applicationfor authority to operatea fixed earth sttion hat would communicate with ALSAT—
designatedstelites in portions of the extended and conventional C—Band." Pursuant tSection
25.1 I2(aX1) ofthe Commission‘srles, 47 C.F.R. § 25.112(a)(1), we dismiss this appliction as
defectve without prejudice to reiing.
in Schedule B ofthe icense application, Pacific Satllte indicates that th only Points of
Communication forthe proposed earth sutionare ALSAT—designated satlltes. However, only
those fixed—satlite servicecarth sations that are both 2—dearee compliant and operte in the
conventional C—band frequencies37004200 MHz and $925—6425 Mz are eliibl t request
              nated steltes aspoints ofcommunication. Because Pacific Sateite proposed
aperations in the S850—5925 Mz band, i must idetif the specifc satellit or sutelites with
which the proposed earth sation secks to communicate
In addition, in response to Question 26 on FC Form 312, Pacifc Sotellite indicates that it eeks
a lcense foa TransmitReceive sttion. However, Pacifc Satellit did not iclude thereceive
frequency band in response to Questions EG—E47 of Schedule B. Additionally, Paifc Satellte
did not providea response to Questions ES through E6O concerning frequency coordiationfor
the 5850—5025 MHtz band. Withoutthi nformation he appliction is incomplete

Purthermore,in responseto Question E8 in Schedule B, Pacific Sateite indieates thatfequency
coordinationis not required. However, prsuant tSection 25.203(e) fthe Commission‘srules,
47 CR § 25.203(0, ll eath sution appliants must complet frequency coordination they
intend t operate in frequency bands shared with terestrialservices on a co—primary basis

    ses0—s¢as and soas.otns ite
* Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Regulatay oleies o Alow Non—S. Licesed Space Sutions to
Provide Domesti and Inerational Services in the United Sutes, is Ordeon Reconsidention1B
DocketNo.96—111, 15 FCC Red 7207, 7216—16 (pams. 1602)

                                  Federal Communications Commission                 na .5

 Additonally,in response to Question E48 of Schedule B, Paciic Stelitelsts the maximum
 EIRP percarieforthe 2K40G7E emission as 48 dBW and in response to Question B49,ts the
 maximum EIRP density per carier as 31.01 dBW/ kife. For emissions having bandwidthsless
 than 4 kloherte such atheproposed 2K40G7E emisson, the maximum EIRP density in a 4 k
 band is th same asthe maximum EIRP specified in response to Question E48. Moreoverin
 response to Question I41/42, Pacifi Satelit indicates that the trnsmit antenna gain is 48. dBi.
 Based on these values, we calculatea maximum power density at te input of the anterna as—0.1
 dBWkite. This value exeeds the maximum input power spectrl density limit of—2.7 dBW/4
 kifeforroatiely authorized earth stations in Section 25.212(0)(2) othe Commission‘s rules, 47
 CIBR, §25.212(0(@). In such casesapplicants may not use ALSAT—designated satelitesas he
 point of communication." Thus, Pacifc Satelite mustidentify specific stelitesas ts point of
 communication for this emission. Als, in accordance with Section 25220(0() of the
 Commission‘s rules, 47 CF.R. §25.220(0(Z)Paciic Satelite mustsubmia cetifeation
 described in Section 25.220(e)() ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. §25.220(e11), rom each
 targetsitelite operator. Pacifi Satelfte‘s application docs not include these centfieations.
Further,in response to Question 25 on FCC Form 312, PacifSatelite indicatesthatthe sution
is Temporary—Fixed. However, in responseto Questions EL1—EI3 of Schedule B, Pacif Satllte
lt a specifc coordinate location for the suation. Thiimpliesthat t station is fixed, ather
than temporary—fired. Pursuant o Section 25277 ofthe Commission‘s rules, temporiry fixed
earth stations mustremain at asingle ocationforfewer han 6 months. In any reiing, Pcifi
Satelit should olaify thtype ofsttion for which it is applying
Finaly,in response to Question ES4 of Schedule B, Pacific Sateliteindicates hatthe
eastermmost portion of tstelite aris 74° EL. This value is inconsisent with the locaton of
the earth station, the15elevation anglelisted asthe esterlimit iresponseto Question ES7,
and the 101° easternmostazimuth limit s ndicated in response to Question ESG of Schedule B.
Should PacifSatelite refile the applicationit must supply an approprite valuefor eastemmost
portion ofthe satelitearefor which it intends o communicate
Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.112(@¥1) ofhe Commission‘srules, 47 CR
§25.112(@)(D, and Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegations o uthority, 47
CR §0.261, we dismiss your application withoutprejudict refiing.*


                                                  JeA . KokRean
                                                   Scott A. Kotler
                                                   Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                   Satelite Division
                                                   Intemnational Bureau

   Amendment othe Commisions Repultry Paliies o Allow Non—U—Licensed Space Sutios to
Provide Domestand Inemational Serics in he United Sutes, Fust Order on Reconsideraion, TB
DocketNo. 96—111, 15 FCC Red 7207, 7216—16 pams 1620)
* IfPacife Steite reftesanapplction idenical o thone disnised,with theexcepionof supplying
the corected information, it eed not pay an appicaton fee. See 47 CER 1.1109@)

Document Created: 2007-02-01 13:43:58
Document Modified: 2007-02-01 13:43:58

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