Attachment E060436


LETTER submitted by Crawford Communications, Inc.

Certification of Completion


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20061212-02136 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Tc ces                  FletcHER, HEALD & HILDRETH, P.L.C                                      darvnans
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Hubter                                      Januay 31, 2007          hematonalBures

   Marlene H. Dortch, Esquire                                               FILED/AccEPTep
   Secretary                                                                    JaN
   Federal Communications Commission                                       Ined 31 2007
   445 12" Street, S.W.                                                        CmyOmaian
   Washington, D.C. 20554
   Attention: Analysis
                  Re:     Earth Station E060436
                          Certification ofCompletion
   Dear Ms. Dortch:
           Transmitted herewith, on behalfofCrawford Communications, Ic., and pursuant to
   Section 25.133 of the Commission‘s rules,isits Certification ofCompletion in connection with
   the licensing oearth station EO6O436.
           Should any additional information be required, please contact this office.
                                                 Very truly yours,
                                                 FLETCHER, HEALD & HILDRETH, PL.C.

                                                 ‘Counsel for Crawford Comm             fons, Inc?

   cc:    Ms. Eleanor Lott (w/enc. by e—mail)


1.    Licensce          Crewford Communications, Io.
2.    EileNo:           ses—ucomein20136
3.    CalSim            rosoiss
4.    LicenseDate:      January 23, 2007
5..   Sutement          ‘The constructionofthe ficiity above has been completed as
                        uthorized. Th antenna specifid is certified by ts menuactarer
                        as being compliant with Section 25.209 ofhe FCC‘s mles. This
                        facility went into operation and it will emain in opertion for the
                        Hicense periodunlessthe Hcense is retuned for cancellation.

                                      Crewford Communications,Inc.

                                              James L. Schuster
                                              Senior Viee—President and
                                              President of Crewford Satelite Services

Dated: Dopgeey 31 2007
nomtx tntircompnireetsnipime tson

Document Created: 2007-02-01 12:08:15
Document Modified: 2007-02-01 12:08:15

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