Attachment 80-T1262-1_RF exposu

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20060821-01412 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


        EMF Exposure Assessment of 9M
                    MediaFLO Antenna

                                                                  August 7, 2006

                                                              80-T1262-1 Rev A

                                                                          Fang Han

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EMF Exposure Assessment of 9M MediaFLO Antenna

80-T1262-1 Rev A

Fang Han

August 2006

  Contents ................................................................................................................................ iv
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................1
2. Antenna and System Parameters .......................................................................................1
3. On-Axis and Off-Axis Power Density Calculation............................................................2
  3.1 Far Field Calculations.......................................................................................................2
  3.2 Near Field Calculationsnn ................................................................................................2
  3.3 Transition Region Calculations ........................................................................................3
  3.4 Region between Power Feed and Sub-Reflector ..............................................................3
  3.5 Antenna Surface (Main Reflector)....................................................................................3
  3.6 Antenna Area in Plane with Sub-Reflector.......................................................................4
4. Conclusions...........................................................................................................................4
5. Reference ..............................................................................................................................5
6. Engineering Declaration......................................................................................................5

80-T1262-1 Rev A                                      QUALCOMM Proprietary                                                          Page iv

EMF Exposure Assessment of 9M MediaFLO Antenna                                               Introduction

1. Introduction
This report assesses non-ionizing electromagnetic field radiation from a
VertexRSI 9.0 meter antenna for MediaFLO operation system in Qualcomm
facility pursuant to FCC OET Bulletin, No. 65, Edition 97-01 [1]. Power flux
densities generated from the antenna at far field, near field, transition region,
sub-reflector, and main reflector surface are calculated based on the method
recommended by the FCC Bulletin.

Table 1 outlines the limits of exposure to EMF in the Ku-band in terms of power
density specified by FCC and ICNIRP [2].

            Table 1. Maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits at Ku-band

                                     Power density                   Average time (min)
      Exposure environment                   2
                                        (W/m )                FCC                   ICNIRP
    General public/uncontrolled           10                   30            4 (based on 68/f 1.05)
    Occupational/controlled               50                    6            4 (based on 68/f 1.05)

2. Antenna and System Parameters
The antenna and system specifications for power density assessment are listed
in Table 2. Drawing of the antenna assembly and partition of power density are
shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2 respectively. The worst case of simultaneous transmit
of 13 carriers are considered in the analysis.

                              Table 2. Antenna and system specs

  Main reflector diameter and area        D = 9.0 m , Aa = πD 2 / 4 = 63.62 m 2

  Sub-reflector diameter and area         DS = 1.78 m , AS = πDS 2 / 4 = 2.49 m 2
  Wavelength at mid-band 14.25 GHz        λ = 0.021 m
  Maximum feed power at antenna flange    750 10 2 10 = 473.22 W
  Antenna gain                            G = 60.1 dBi = 1.02 × 10 6
  EIRP                                    EIRP = 86.85 dBW = 4.84 × 10 8 W
  Antenna aperture efficiency             η = (Gλ2 / 4πAa ) = 0.57
  -15dB antenna beam-width                -15dB (0.032) at 0.34°

80-T1262-1 Rev A                      QUALCOMM Proprietary                                       Page 1

On-Axis and Off-Axis Power Density Calculation            EMF Exposure Assessment of 9M MediaFLO Antenna

                                                                             1.   far-field
                                                                             2.   near field
                                                                             3.   transition field
                                                                             4.   between feed and sub-
                                                                             5.   antenna surface
                      5                                                      6.   surface in plane with
                                           6          2         3        1

          Figure 1. Radiation 4.8-meter ku-band antenna assembly – side view

3. On-Axis and Off-Axis Power Density Calculation

3.1 Far Field Calculations
The distance to the beginning of the far field can be calculated as follows [1]

                                                 0.60 D 2
                                         RFF =            = 2308.5 m

The maximum on-axis power density in the far field can be calculated as follows

                                         G × Pmax (or EIRP)
                                S FF =                      = 7.23 W/m 2

The maximum off-axis (0.34°) power density in the far field can be calculated as

                                  S FF_Off = 0.032 × S FF = 0.23 W/m 2

3.2 Near Field Calculations
The distance to the extent of the near field can be calculated as follows

                                          RNF =       = 961.88 m

Page 2                                     QUALCOMM Proprietary                             80-T1262-1 Rev A

EMF Exposure Assessment of 9M MediaFLO Antenna                 On-Axis and Off-Axis Power Density Calculation

The maximum on-axis power density in the near field can be determined by

                                 S NF =           = 16.88 W/m 2
                                            πD 2

The maximum off-axis (>0.34°) power density in the near field can be calculated

                              S NF _ Off < 0.032 × S NF = 0.53 W/m 2

3.3 Transition Region Calculations
The transition region will be the region extending from R NF to R FF . If the
location falls within this transition region, the on-axis power density can be
determined by the following equation:

                                                   S NF R NF
                                          S TF =

The exposure level S TF at the transition region R ( R NF < R < RFF ) would be less
than near-field exposure level and greater than far field exposure level, i.e.,

                                          S FF < STF < S NF

Therefore the average power density in transition region will not exceed 16.88
W/m 2 .

3.4 Region between Power Feed and Sub-Reflector
The maximum on-axis power density between the RF power feed and sub-
reflector can be determined by the following equation:

                                   S4 =        = 190.17 W/m 2

3.5 Antenna Surface (Main Reflector)
Assuming uniform illumination and full reflection of the reflector surface, the
power density at the antenna surface (main reflector) can be calculated as

80-T1262-1 Rev A                     QUALCOMM Proprietary                                             Page 3

Conclusions                                        EMF Exposure Assessment of 9M MediaFLO Antenna

                                          4 Pmax
                                   S5 =          = 29.75 W/m 2

The maximum off-axis (>0.34°) power density at the antenna surface (main
reflector) can be calculated as

                                S 5 _Off < 0.032 × S 5 = 0.94 W/m 2

3.6 Antenna Area in Plane with Sub-Reflector
Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the power density near
the antenna surface in plane with sub-reflector can be calculated as follows:

                                          2.56 P
                                   S6 =          = 19.40 W/m 2

The maximum off-axis (>0.34°) power density near the antenna surface in plane
with sub-reflector can be calculated as

                                S 6 _ Off < 0.032 × S 6 = 0.60 W/m 2

4. Conclusions

  Table 3. Summary of expected RF exposure levels in beam and outside beam area
                         On-axis maximum        Off-axis (>0.34º) max   RF Hazard assessment
                       exposure level (W/m2)    exposure level (W/m2)       (off-axis area)
                                                                        Meet FCC MPE limit for
Far field (R>2308 m)          <7.23                      <0.23
                                                                        public exposure
Transition field                                                        Meet FCC MPE limit for
                           7.23 – 16.88               0.23 – 0.53
(962m<R<2308m)                                                          public exposure
                                                                        Meet FCC MPE limit for
Near field (R>273m)           <16.88                     <0.53
                                                                        public exposure
Between power feed
                              190.17                      N/A           N/A
and sub-reflector
Antenna surface                                                         Meet FCC MPE limit for
                              29.75                       0.94
(main reflector)                                                        public exposure
Antenna area in
                                                                        Meet FCC MPE limit for
plane with sub-               19.04                       0.60
                                                                        public exposure

Table 3 summarizes the expected RF exposure levels based on the above
analysis. Under the worst-case scenario, the EMF exposure level in all on-axis

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EMF Exposure Assessment of 9M MediaFLO Antenna                               Reference

regions, except the area between the power feed and sub-reflector, would meet
the occupational exposure limit specified by FCC and ICNIRP. At regions of off-
axis (0.34º) from the main beam, the EMF exposure level would be below the
limits for both public and occupational exposure specified by FCC and ICNIRP.
Since the analysis is based on the worst case conditions, the actual exposure
level would be even lower than the above conclusions.

The following measures will further assure the protection of public and
occupational personnel from potential RF exposure:

   •    The antenna will be installed in an area where public access is restricted.
   •    The antenna of the earth station with will be isolated by a fence by at
        least 3 meters so the public access area will be in the off-axis area beyond
        0.34 degree.
   •    The antenna beam will be elevated at least 30 degrees from the horizontal
        plane for normal operation.
   •    The transmitter will be turned off during antenna maintenance.
   •    The actual exposure level will be measured and evaluated routinely to
        ensure it would not exceed the level by this analysis.

5. Reference
[1] FCC OET Bullet No. 65, Edition 97-01, “Evaluating Compliance with FCC
    Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields”,
    August 1997.

[2] ICNIRP Guidelines, “Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric
    magnetic, and electromagnetic fields”, Health Physics, Vol.74, No.4, April

6. Engineering Declaration
I hereby certify that the information contained in this test report is complete and
true to the best of my knowledge. All test and analysis were performed in
accordance with good engineering practices.

Certified by:      Fang Han
                   Regulatory Engineer, Senior Staff
                   Qualcomm Inc.

Date:              August 7, 2006

80-T1262-1 Rev A                     QUALCOMM Proprietary                      Page 5

Document Created: 2006-08-07 11:50:36
Document Modified: 2006-08-07 11:50:36

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