Attachment E930472

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20060705-01110 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                             ‘Treodor Frank@apontrcom
        RECEIVED                                                             Stifssors on
                                                                             565 Teatth Sveut, NW
                                                                             Washington, be atooetzos
          SEP 1 5 2006               $        hn      f£ 508
                                         eptember          13,
          Sateite Diision                                                     RECElVEp
        International Bureau

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                                                                                SEP 1 3 20
Federal Communications Commission                                               on aratins Com
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                                              Sicmiy
Washington, DC 20554
       Re:     Earth Station EO30472 — Commencement of Operation
Dear Ms. Dortch:

       On behalf of Twin Cities Public Television Inc. (*Twin Cities®), lcensee o
Satellite Earth Station E930472, I am forwarding notification pursuant to Section 25.133
of the FCC‘s rules that Twin Cities has commenced operation of the Earth Station under
the license granted on August 28, 2006, File No. SES—LIC—20060705—01 110.
       Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this submission.


                                                    Theodore D. Frank
                                                    Counsel for Twin Cities Public Television


cc:    International Bureau, Satellite Division, Engineering Branch

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September 12, 2006
                                                                                        Emait rebedoff@ptory
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Stret, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
        Re:     Earth Station E930472 — Commencement of Operation

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Pursuant to Section 25.133 ofthe FCC‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.133, Twin
Cities Public Television Inc. (*Twin Cities"), lcensee of Satellite Earth Station
£E930472, hereby notifies the Commission that it has commenced operation of the
Earth Station pursuant to the license granted on August 28, 2006, File No. SES—
        As required by Section 25.133, Twin Cities makes the following
certifications: The facilityas authorized became operational on February 5, 1994,
with respect t the 6.1 meter antenna and on August 8, 1997, with respect to the
4.5 meter antenna.\ Bach antenna has been tested and found to be within 2 dB of
the pattem specified in Section 25.209 ofthe FCC‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.209.
The Earth Station will remain operational during the license period unless the
Hicense is submitted for cancellation.
        Please contact our counsel, Theodore Frank of Amold & Porter LLP, if
you have any questions concerning this submission. Mr. Frank‘s number is
(202) 942—5790.

                                                   Randy Lebedoff
                                                   Viee President and General Counsel

c       As the Commission is awar, the ficilites covered by this icense were formerly
authorized under two separate Ticenses. They have been consolidted and re—authorized witha
single Ticense underthisFile No. when the originallcense apsed and Twin Citcs sought a new
Hicenefor the filtics

                                                                            «on o 93°

                           ARNOLD & PORTER                                                   soviow
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                                       September 19, 1997
         Mr. Williem E. Caton                                     SeP 19 1997
         Acting Secretary                                   Sew
         Federal Communications Commission                       m""‘"’“,,_m‘""‘"-"
         1919 M Stret, N.W.
         Washington, D.C. 20554
                   Re:         Satellte Uplink Station E960083

         Dear Mr. Caton:
                   Pursuant to Section 25.133 of the Commission‘s rules, I am enclos—
         ing on behalf of Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. conditional licensee of the
         above—referenced satelite transmieceive earth station, a Certificate executed
         by the licensee‘s corporate secretary attesing to the completion of construction
         and commencement of operation of that station.
                   If there are any questions concerning this matter, please let me

                                                     Sincerely yours,

                                                    Theodore D. Frank
                                                    Counsel for Twin Cites
                                                    Public Television, Inc.

                   uin Gities Public Television
                   17e Eaeroum Svn
      *            SaeePaciromoss seio
                   Tocoe, e imt
krealkreg          meeraaiee


In accordance with Section 25.133 of the Commission‘s rules, this will
certify (a) that Twin Cities Public Television, Inc., completed
construction of the following transmit satellite earth station, (b) that
the antenna facility has been tested and is within 2 db of the pattem
specified in Section 25,209 of the Commission‘s rules, and (c) that
service commenced using that station as follows:

File Number:                                            .904—DSE—MP/L—97

Call Sign: .                                                      ..E960083

Date of License:                                                May 6, 1997

Date Station Became Operational:                              August 8, 1997

This will further certify that the station will remain operational
during the term of its license or the license will be submitted to the
Commission for cancellation.

                        Diane A. Thompson]        Secretary

                                                                          February 28, 1994
                                                                          wz. william B. Caton                                  fat*
                                                                          Acting Secretary
                                                                          Federal Communications Conntesion
                                                                          1919 M Street, N.#.
                                                                          Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                          artns     Common Carrier sureau                                  %
                                                                                    Sateilite Radio Branch
                                                                                                    me:   rec rile No.   3318—098—9/1—93
                                                                          Deaz Mc. Caton:
                                                                          In sccordance with condition 2938 of the Comnission
                                                                          authorization for the above—reference satellite earth
                                                                          station, this is to notify the Connission that the lMcensee,
                                                                          Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. ("Twin Cities®),
                                                                          commenced operation of the above—referenced donestic fixed
                                                                          satellite earth station on February 5, 1994._ The
                                                                          authorization for the station was Lssued on Pebruary 4, 1994,
                                                                          for a period to expire February 4, 204. The station will
                                                                          remain operational during the license period unless the
                                                                          license is subnitted for cancellation. This letter will
                                                                          certify that the facility has been conpleted in accordance
                                                                          with the terms of the authorization, and that the antenna has
                                                                          been tested and is within 2 d8 of the pattern specified in
                                                                          Section 25.209 of the Comission‘s Rules.

anser = 178 tnne Foursh Bereas+ Baine Baut, Minnssscassson + en mama717
                                                                          very truty yours,
                                                                          Vice President/Operations and Engincering
                                                                          Twin Cities Public Television, Inc.

     in Gities Puble ateunion + The Minne

Document Created: 2006-09-15 09:54:37
Document Modified: 2006-09-15 09:54:37

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