Attachment Dismissed Letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20060412-00643 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                      pa o6—1003
                                          May 24, 2006

    Christine M. Gill, Esg
    McDermott Will & Emery LLP
    600 Thircenth Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 200053096
                                             Re:— Call Sign:EO6O134
                                                  File No.: SES—LIC—20060412—00643
Dear Ms. Gill
On April 12, 2006, Arizona Public Service Company (APS)filed the above—captioned carth
station application to operate a Conventional Ku—band‘ VSAT network consisting of a 3.$—meter
anterna hub sttion in Sun City West, Arizona and one hundred 0.25—meter remote terminals
throughout the United States, n the applications, APS statesthat it intends to use the hub station
to communicate with ALSAT—designated satelltes, Pursuant tSection 25.1 12@X1) ofthe
Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR.§ 25.112(a)(1), we dismiss the application as defective without
prejudice to refling."
First, APS did not ls a pointofcommunication fo ts remote terminals, as required in FCC
Form 312, Schedule B." Second, we cannot determine the proposed emission power ofthe hub or
remote terminals due toinconsistencies among the proposed maximum EIRP density per carrier
listed in the application and the average EIRP density calculated from other parameters.
Specifically, forthe IM0G7DCC emission, APS indicates the maximum EIRP density per cartier
for the hub station is —24.2 dBWtkitz (Question E49). However,we calculate an average value
of +20.83 dBWtkHz as derived from the maximum EIRP per carver of 44.8 dBW (Question
E48) and 1.0 megaherte necessary bandwidth (Question E47). Similarl, fo the same emission,
APS indieates that the maximum EIRP density per carier for the remote stations is —39.5
dBW/AkHdz (Question B49). However,thi value s ess than the average valve of +8.02
dBW/AkHtzas deived from the maximum EIRP per carier of32.0 dBW (Question E48) and 1.0
megahertz necessary bandwidth (Question E47). Further, APS lists the total EIRP for allcariers
for the remote stations as 39.5 dBW (Question E40}. Thisisinconsistent with the Toral EIRP o
26 dBW calculated using the proposed transmit antenna gain of26 dBi (Question E4 EA2) with
the proposed masimum input power atthe antenna flange of 1 Watt (Question E38).

*      mmoas oile
5. 1fAPS refilesan applcation identcal o the ondismissed, with the exeeption osupplying the
correted information,itneednot pay an applcation fe. See 47 CFR. § 1.1109(4)
* Should APS choose to refile th applcation, we notethat onl those fxedsatelite servicecarth
sutionstht aretwo—dearee complantand hat operat n the 37004200 Mite,5025—6128 MHz, 1.7—122
GHz,or14.0—14.5 GHtz bands can request ALSAT asa point ofcommunication.

                                  Federal Communications Commission                   Da 061003

In addition, APS indicated in its application that it plans to use the direct sequence spread
spectrum Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique. CDMA is a method of increasing
the amount of rafic within a VSAT network by assigning different codes to transtnissions tor
from different remote erth stations, sotht trmstnissions can occur simultneously without
eausing harmfulinterference to ech other. However,these simultaneous transmissions, when
considered together, can result n EIRP levels that exceed the VSAT power limit specifid in the
Commission‘s rules. Accordinely, Section 25.134(g)of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §
25.134(w), requires applicantsfor VSAT Hcenses planning to use CDMA to reduce the maximum
power of any given individual transmission." However, in Exhibit 3 o ts application, APS sates
that ts individual trnsmissions within ts VSAT network willbe as high as those allowed when
the VSAT network operator does not plan to use CDMA.® Thus, APS does not meet the
requirements of Section 25.134(g)and did not request a waiver othis rule in ts application.
Moreover, Section 25.220(c)(1) ofthe Commission‘s ules, 47 C.F.R. § 25,220(e)(1), setsforth a
procedure for earth station applicants secking authorty t operate at power levels in excess of
those specified elsewhere in Part 25. For the same reason that APS does not comply with Section
25.134(g), it does not comply with Section 25.220(c)(1). Specifically, in Exhibit 3, APS provides
a graph showing thatthe off—axis EIRP density level ofa single transmittig terminal meets the
off—axis EIRP envelope applicableto the operations ofa single terminal. However, the graph in
Exhibit 3 should compare the EIRP density ofAPSs proposed VSAT network operations tan
envelope that has been reduced to accountfor tfact that thre will be more than one co—
frequency simultaneously trnsmiting earth station in the same satelitereceiving beam. As a
resul, the graph in Exhibit 3 does not adequately demonstrate that the proposed earth station
operations would appear like those ofa routinely authorized earth station, s required by Section

Further, in esponse to Question©47, APS isted IMOG7DCC as an emission designator. This
does not conform to the Commission‘s emission designator rules. Section 2.201(b) ofthe
Commission‘s rules provides that "[A] minimum ofthree symbols are used to describe the basic
characterstes ofradio waves. First smbol—type of modulation of the main characte; Second
symbol—nature of signal modulaing the main carvier;Thirdsymbol—type of information to be
transmitted.". Also, Section 2.202(b)(1)of the Commission‘s rules, 47 CF.R.§ 2.202(b)(1),

* Specificallysuch applicans mustreduce thirpower by 10log(N), where N ithe nuriber of
simltancous transmissions.
*   In other words, theapplicant plansto aperat t —14 dBW/ 4 ki instead of~14 — 10log() dBW/4
* Should APS choosetore—fl it application, we resommend that it nclude a spreadchect
demnstation containing:(1) the routinely licened inpatpower densty of—14—10 og (N) dBWA kitz; (2)
maximum anterns Gain (db) at trnsmit centerfequency of 14.25 GHlz; 3) the Maximum EIRP density
for theproposed remoteantenna (dBWkH); (4) nonoutinly sized antenna inut powerdensity
(dBWkite; () the co—pol antenna gai under Section25.209G1(1); (6) ofass EIRP densiyreduced by
the number ofco—fequency simultncousl trnsmitingremoteearth sution i the same satlite
receiving beam under Routin licensing;(7) Non—Routinely sized antenna offaxis anterna Gain (0B9;and
(8) masimumoffanis EIRP density onor—routnely ized anna (dBWkiz We also recomment
stting the Thea in incrementsof0.1from 1 degreeto 2 degrec; increments o0.5 from 3 degees to 7
deareesincrementsof5 degrecs fom 7 degres to9.2 degrees and from 9.2 degrees t 48degreesand at
inerementso20 from 48 degreesto 180 degrees

                                     Federal Communications Commission                    ba 06—1093

    indicates that the necessary bandwidth of the emission designator is to be expressed by three
    numerals and one letter. Therefore, the lasttwo symbols and the designation of he necessary
    bandwidth ofthe emission designator do not confarm to he Commission‘s rules
    While we dismiss the application on the above basis, we take the opportunityto apprise APS of
    other diserepancieswithin the application that needto be corrected should t chooseto re—fie the
Specifieally,in response to Question E38, APS listed thetotal nput power at the antenna flange
as 0.18 Watts In the Radiation Hazard Report submited with the application, however APS
indieated that th input power into the antenna is 4 Watts
Also,in response o Questions ES6 through ES on Schedule B, APS listed the minimum antenna
elevation angle for te 3.8 meter hub staion and for the 0.25 meter remote terminals as 0 degree
Section 25.205 ofe Commission‘s ules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.205, however, statesthat carth station
antennas shall not be authorized for trnsmission at an angle that is ess than 5 degrees measured
from the horizontal plane to the direction ofe maximum radiation.
In light ofthe above, pursuantt Section 25.112(a)(1)"ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.ER. §
25.112G@1), and Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s ules on delegations of authonty, 47 C.FR.
§.0.261, we dismiss the applicationas defective without prejudice to refling


                                                         Scott A. Kotler
                                                         Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                         Satelite Division
                                                         International Bureau

1      47 CR § 25.112G)(0. Seealso Echostar Stelite LLC, Order on Reconsideraron, DA 04—1086
(relased December27, 2004)

Document Created: 2006-05-24 14:11:41
Document Modified: 2006-05-24 14:11:41

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