This document pretains to SES-LIC-20060328-00528 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                           A Coordination Agreement
           Between the National Aeronautics and Space Admlmstratmn
                               (hereinafter "NASA")
                and RaySat, Incorporated (hereinafter "RaySat")
                  for Operation of the RaySat LMSS Terminals
                           in the 14.0 — 14.5 GHz—Band

RaySat seeks to license and operate Land Mobile—Satellite Service (LMSS) terminals in the
Continental United States (CONUS) on a secondary basis in the 14.0 to 14.5 GHz FSS band.
The LMSS terminals are RaySat StealthRay satellite communications terminals aboard ground
vehicles using transponders in the Geostationary Satellite Orbit (GSO) arc. This Coordination
Agreement has been prepared in compliance with the rules of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) and the recommendations of the member states of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) following the World Radio Communication Conference WRC—03.

1.    Overview

1.1   In the United States, the 14.0 —14.5 GHz—band has been allocated to the mobile—satellite
      service on a secondary basis, provided that Land Mobile Earth Stations (LMSS) include
      specific protection to the Space Research Service (SRS) earth stations and to the Tracking
      and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) within the 13.40 — 14.05 GHz—band.
1.2    RaySat, Inc. is expected to file an application with the FCC for license authorization to
      operate up to 5,000 technically identical LMSS units in the 14.0 — 14.5 GHz transmit and
      11.7 —12.2 GHz receive bands.

1.3    The RaySat LMSSs are internally controlled and receive from and transmit to possibly
      different GSO satellite transponders without the control of a Ground Earth Station (GES)
      and Network Operations Center (NOC). Each individual RaySat terminal can be connected
      to different transponders (from different satellite providers) and each RaySat terminal has
      an internal global position system receiver.

1.4    This Coordination Agreement has been prepared to ensure that operations of the RaySat
      StealthRay terminals conform to FCC requirements for protection of the SRS Network.

1.5    RaySat, Inc. has the authority to negotiate and sign this Coordination Agreement for its
      StealthRay terminals, and NASA has the authority to negotiate and sign this agreement for
      the TDRSS and SRS Network sites listed in Section 3.1.


NASA concludes this agreement pursuant to 42 USC §2473 (c) (5) and (6) and section
203 (c) (5) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 as amended, in addition to the
Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (National
Telecommunications & Information Administration Redbook), May 2003 Edition, September
2005 Revisions.

NASA Coordination Agreement               1 of 7

3.     Space Research Service Earth Stations

3.1    TDRSS Earth Station Sites

       Table 1 provides a list of TDRSS Earth Stations sites currently requiring interference
       protection. Also provided are the TDRSS satellite orbital locations currently supported by
       each Earth Station site.

       Earth Station Site               Latitude       Longitude       TDRSS Satellite
                                        (D,M,8)        (D,M,S)         Degrees East Long.*
       Continental United States
          White Sands, New Mexico       N32 30‘        W106 36‘ 37.153"          —174
          Antenna Size— 18.3 meter                                               —171
          Antenna Gain — 66.4 dBi                                                —150
          Elevation — 1456 m                                                      —79

       United States Territory‘
          Guam                          N13 36‘ 0"      E144 54‘ 0"               85
          Antenna Size— 11 meter                                                 —171
          Antenna Gain — 61.9 dBi                                                —174

      Table 1. TDRSS Earth Station Sites

         *Ephemeris data on existing TDRSS spacecraft indicated in Table 1 may be found at the
         following Web sites:
         a. center/pc frame page.htm
             Select Retrieve Other Products
             Select Retrieve 2—line Element Sets (Celestial BBS)
            Under NORAD Two—Line Element Sets, Select Current Data
             Select Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
         b. Obtain the NORAD orbital elements directly at:
            choose Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System

‘ NASA recognizes that RaySat is currently applying only for CONUS authorization. If RaySat
applies for future authorization to operate outside of CONUS RaySat and NASA shall develop
an addendum to this agreement to accommodate RaySat‘s protection of the NASA Guam TDRS

NASA Coordination Agreement                2 of 7

   3.2   Earth Station Site Protection Limits

         The TDRSS protection limits are listed in the Table 2 below.

     Frequency Band          Interference Threshold Limit     Reference Percentage
                             Measured at Antenna Output       of Time
     13.40 — 14.00 GHz       —176 dBW/ kHz                    Never to be Exceeded
     14.00 — 14.05 GHz       —146 dBW/ MHz                    Never to be Exceeded
     14.05 — 14.40 GHz       —100 dBW                         Never to be Exceeded

                               Table 2. TDRSS Protection Limits

   In order to meet the protection limits specified in Table 2, RaySat LMSS terminal operations
   will be prohibited within certain zones surrounding TDRSS Earth station. The size and
   shape of these zones may be calculated using TDRSS and RaySat radio frequency parameters
   and operational characteristics which are based on direct technical coordination between
   NASA and RaySat. Tables 3 and 4 list the exclusion zones (where LMSS transmitters will
   not operate), in kilometers, that are necessary to protect the NASA TDRSS.

                                  Required Separation Distance (Note 1)
                               Between RaySat Terminal and TDRSS Earth
                             Station (RaySat Ops above 14.2 GHz) centered
                                 on N32 30‘ 18.686", W106 36‘ 37.153"
          TDRSS Earth       RaySat Emissions into      RaySat Emissions into
            Station          TDRSS Earth Station       TDRSS Earth Station
                              Backlobe Region2          Mainlobe Region2,3
          White Sands                10 km                     10km
                            (North of TDRSS earth]|   (South of TDRSS earth
                                    station)                  station)

         Note 1: TDRSS "out—of—band" criteria is —100.0 dBW
         Note 2: RaySat emissions into TDRSS Earth station backlobe region
         assume RaySat "mainlobe"; RaySat emissions into TDRSS Earth
         station mainlobe region assume RaySat "backlobes"
         Note 3: TDRSS latitude excursions resulting in less than one degree
         Earth station antenna elevation.
                               Table 3. RaySat Ops above 14.2 GHz

NASA Coordination Agreement              3 of 7

                                         Required Separation Distance (NOTE 1)
                                         Between RaySat Terminal and TDRSS Earth
                                         Station (RaySat Ops below 14.2 GHz)
                                         centered on N32 30‘ 18.686", W106 36‘
                     TDRSS               RaySat Emissions           RaySat Emissions
                     Earth               into TDRSS Earth           into TDRSS Earth
                     Station             Station Backlobe           Station Mainlobe
                                         Region2                    Region2,3
                     White               46 km                      73 km
                     Sands               (North ofTDRSS)            (South of TDRSS)
                     Note 1: TDRSS "in—band" criteria is —146.0 dBW/MHz
                     Note 2: RaySat emissions into TDRSS Earth station backlobe
                     region assume RaySat "mainlobe"; RaySat emissions into
                     TDRSS Earth station mainlobe region assume RaySat
                     Note 3: TDRSS latitude excursions resulting in less than one
                     degree Earth station antenna elevation.
                                  Table 4. RaySat Ops below 14.2 GHz

4.    Operational Coordination Agreement

NASA and RaySat agree to the following:

      a. The purpose of this Coordination Agreement is to provide protection to the TDRSS
      Earth Station site located at White Sands, New Mexico as listed in Table 1. Should Raysat
      later identify a need to operate terminals in Guam, an addendum to this document will have
      to be developed and coordinated to protect the TDRS Guam site.

      b. The level of protection afforded to the White Sands site identified in Table 1 shall be
      equal to or greater than the Interference Threshold Limits shown in Table 2, and the
      exclusion zones appearing in Tables 3 and 4.

4.1   This Coordination Agreement may be reviewed periodically by the signatories to the
      agreement following commencement of service by RaySat under an operational license
      from the FCC. The purpose of the review is to assess the effectiveness of this agreement
      and update this, or subordinate operational agreements, as appropriate.

4.2    Each party shall inform the other party in a timely manner of changes in the points of
      contact as defined in Section 6.

NASA Coordination Agreement                4 of 7

4.3   FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS: Each party shall be responsible for funding its own
      responsibilities under this Agreement. No provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted
      to require obligation of funds in violation of the Anti—Deficiency Act 31 U.S.C § 1341.

RaySat agrees to:

4.4   Prevent transmissions from any LMSS that would exceed the thresholds given in Table 2.
      Based on RaySat technical parameters and operational characteristics agreed during direct
      RaySat/NASA coordination discussions, RaySat terminals will not operate within the
      distances of the White Sands TDRS site specified in Tables 3 and 4.

4.6   Respond expeditiously to a NASA request to isolate a source of interference to a TDRSS
      Earth Station suspected to be from a RaySat LMSS terminal.

4.7   Provide a central point of contact (on a 24 hour, 7 day basis) for interference resolution and
      other contact.

4.8   To facilitate RaySat terminal operations, on a case by case basis, within the distance
      separations specified in Tables 3 and 4, RaySat shall provide a written waiver request for
      NASA authorization of these distance constraints providing the specific terminal(s) to be
      used, the start/end date and time, a description of the user requirement and the closest
      distance separation to the White Sands site that will be needed to satisfy the user mission,
      and the starting and ending date of operation applicable to the waiver request. RaySat
      agrees to provide this request to the NASA contacts identified in section 6 at least 2 weeks
      prior to requested use. To expedite consideration and to ensure the request is not lost,
      Raysat agrees to used a method that provides tracking of the sent request and to contact the
      NASA point of contacts by telephone as soon as the request has been sent. RaySat will not
      allow terminals to transmit within the zones of exclusion specified in Tables 3 and 4
      without NASA authorization, in accordance with sections 4.9 and 4.11

4.9   Raysat agrees to implement an internal means within its terminals, to ensure that its
      terminals cannot transmit within the agreed distance separations from White Sands,
      specified in Tables 3 and 4, unless the automated program is "overridden" using a terminal
      unique hardware or software "cipher key"". Raysat also agrees not to provide this cipher
      key to any terminal user without NASA authorization. Authorization may be requested by
      Raysat when requesting a waiver of the distance separations in Tables 3 and 4 using the
      method described in subsection 4.8.

NASA agrees to:

4.10 Maintain an open dialog with RaySat concerning any perceived breach of interference
     thresholds that may be attributable to an LMSS terminal that is not in compliance with this
     Coordination Agreement.

NASA Coordination Agreement                5 of 7

4.11 Provide timely notification to RaySat of changes or additions to TDRSS earth station sites,
     TDRSS spacecraft orbital positions or interference thresholds listed in this Coordination

4.12 Consider Raysat waiver requests, on a case by case basis; to authorize the operation of
     individually identified RaySat terminals within a distance separation less than those
     established in Tables 3 and 4... NASA will endeavor to provide a response to RaySat‘s
     request within one week after receipt and review of such request from RaySat. The
     NASA written response will be sent, via a method that provides a tracking mechanism, to
     the RaySat points of contact in section 6.

5. Assignment and Termination

5.1   This Coordination Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective
      successors and assigns.

5.2    This Coordination Agreement may be terminated by either party upon 6 months written
      notice to the other.

5.3    CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS: The obligation of RaySat to protect the NASA TDRSS
      Earth Stations from interference as described in this agreement will survive termination or
      expiration of this Agreement.

6. Points of Contact

6.1   Points of contact concerning this Coordination Agreement:

Name: David P. Struba                                       Name: Ian Kaplan
Title: Director NASA Spectrum Policy                        Title: VP, Product Management
Organization: NASA                                          Organization: RaySat, Inc.
Address: NASA Headquarters                                  Address: RaySat, Inc.
          300 E Street SW                                              8460—D Tyco Road
          Washington D.C. 20546—0001                                  Vienna, VA 22182
Telephone: (202) 358—4808                                   Telephone: 703—584—3770
Facsimile: (202) 358—2865                                   Facsimile: 703—584—3775
e—mail:                               e—mail:

NASA Coordination Agreement               6 of 7

6.2     Points of contact for technical concerns related to this Coordination Agreement:

Name: Roger D. Porter                                         Name: Robert Yip
Title: Goddard Spectrum Manager                               Title:
Organization: NASA                                            Organization: RaySat, Inc.
Address: Goddard Space Flight Center                          Address: RaySat Inc.
          Mission Services Program Office                               8460—D Tyco Road
           Greenbelt, MD 20771                                                   Vienna, VA 22182
Telephone: (301) 286—5089                                     Telephone: 703—584—3770
Facsimile: (301) 286—1724                                     Facsimile: 703—584—3775
e—mail:                            e—mail:

7. Signatures
This Coordination Agreement is being made in good faith by both parties and is effective on the
date of final signature. The parties signing this Agreement have the necessary authority to fulfill
the promises and obligations contained herein.

For: The National Aeronautics and Space               For: RaySaihfi.ncorporated:

                                                      By:        //@Q 1\7“   3

Name: Robert E. Spearig                               Name: I¥gn  Kaplan
Title: Associate Assistant Administrator              Title: VP, Product Management

                                                      ou. _0/2/%
       For Space Communications

Date:        fil//c?/fl
             17 7
                      6                                           1

NASA Coordination Agreement                7 of 7

Document Created: 2006-06-29 17:21:23
Document Modified: 2006-06-29 17:21:23

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