Attachment E060093


LETTER submitted by Meredith Corporation



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20060317-00469 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


4 DowLohnes                                              0 RI C1 N A L                                     Kevin P Latek
                                                                                        8 sntain. C tntgsmitnecon

                                                                                                APR 2 6 2007
                                                        April 2s, 2007                        Satelite Dvision

        via courter                                                        FILED/ACCEPTED
        SM;?:S:YH. Dortch, Esq.                                                APR 2 5 2007
        Federal Communications Commission
        445 12th Street, SW
        Washington, DC 20554
        Attention:      Stop Code 800B
                        Satellite Division
                        International Bureau
                Re:     Certification of Completion of Construction for Earth Stations E06002    EO600®3
        Dear Ms. Dortch:
                On behalf of Meredith Corporation, we hereby submit the ertifications of completion of
        construction for Earth Stations E060092 and EO6OO93, which are used by WSHM—LP, Springfield,
        Massachusetts and WESB(TV) Hrtford, Connectiout, respectively.
                Please contact me with any questions.
                                                          Respectfully submited, .
                                                          %fln $
                                                         /Asvin P. Latek

    Lohnes PLLC                                Ynsuneron.0¢ | Ams, oA                   viootentampat ow1sute oo
Animenattae                                                                             inhigon it mepeane
wrgentstoecon                                                                           Tammnams Famntaim

Foderal Communications Commission
445 12ih Strcot, SW
Washington, DC 20554
             Re:     Contifieation ofComplction ofConstruction
Doar Sit or Madam:
      Meredith Corporation hereby cotiies tht construction of B06OO3 has beon completed,
                       has becn testod and is within 2 dB ofthe patern spociied in Section
                                                        apcrtional and will emain operational
                                     mse is submitid for cancelltion
             Name ofLicenses:                     Meredith Corporation
             FCC File Number:                     ses—L1C—20060317—00469
             Station Call Sign:                   eoeans
             Diate of Liconss:                   April24, 2006
             Commencement of Service Date:       April25, 2006

                                                 Respectfully submited,
                                                 MEREDITH CORPORATION

                                                         . Srtlson, I,
                                                  ice PresidenDirector of Engineering
                                         pue 24,

Federal Communications Commission
445 12Srect, SW
Washington, DC 20554
              Re:    Centification of Completion of Construction
                     Eatth Station E060092
Dear Sir or Madam:
       Meredith Corporation hercby certfies that constuction of E060092 has been completed,
thatcach antenna failty hasbeen tested and is within 2 dB ofthe pattem specified in Section
25209 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, and that the station is operational and will emain operational
during t iconse period unless the icense is submited for cimecllation.
              Name ofLicansee:                     Meredith Corporstion
              FCC File Number:                     ses—L1C—20060317—00458
              Station Call Sign:                   rosoosa
              Date ofLicense:                      April24, 2006
              Commencemeat of Service Date:        April 25,2006

                                                   Respectfully submited,
                                                   mirgrortH corporatior
                                                   Vice President/ Director ofEnginccring
                                           Date:    4{2&4 24, ZeeZ

Document Created: 2007-04-26 12:18:41
Document Modified: 2007-04-26 12:18:41

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