Attachment Motion


MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME submitted by The Boeing Company (Boeing)



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20060228-00326 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


 mar 0 3 2006                                Before the                            RECEIVED
ms:fl’:ngfé'fifi"..                       Washington, D.C. 20554                        MAY 1 2008
                                                                               fodunl Conmunicatons Comiason
                                                  )                                    tfesotSectay
    Application o
    THE BOENG                                     )       File Nos. SES—L1C—20060223—00326
                                                  )       and SES—AMD—20060324—00507
    For Blanket Authority To                      )
    Stations Onbourd Vessel        $        45    )       Call Sign E060070
    GHz and 11.2—12.75 GHz                        1

                           MOTION FoR EXTENSION OF TIME
            The Bocing Company ("Bocing"), by itsattormeys, hereby filesthis Motionfor
    Extension of Time in the above—captioned application proceeding. Comments on
    Bocing‘s application were filed by PanAmSat Corporation (*PanAmSet") on April 21,
    2006, and comments on Bocing‘s application amendment were filed by ViaSat, Inc.
    (‘ViaSat") on April 28, 2006. Bocing seeks a brief seven—day extension ofthe reply
    period in the application proceeding to permit the filing of a consolidated reply on May 8,
            In support of ts request, Bocing notes that certain issues raised in PanamSat‘s
    comments with respect to Bocing‘s proposed operations are stll being addressed by
    PanAmSat and the operator ofthe AMC—6 satellite, SES Americom, Inc.. Indeed,
    responsible personnel at both companies have been on travel are retuming this week.
    Bocing believes that the briefextension requested herein will provide sufficient time to
    resolve the issues raised in PanAmSat‘s comments
            Boeing has contacted PanAmSat‘s counsel concemning this request and PanAmSat
    does not objectto the requested extension oftime. Moreover, grant of Bocing‘s request

would promote administrative efficiency and preserve scarce Commission resources by
permitting a single, consolidate reply fling in this application proceeding.
       For these reasons, Bocing respectfully requeststhat the Commission grant its
Motion for extension ofTime and permit Bocing to fle a consolidated reply pleading on
May 8, 2006
                                                      Respectfully submitted.
                                                     THE BOEING COMPANY

                                                     ( fulrzs M Y etda /dJ&
                                                     Carlos M. Nalda
                                                     Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferri, Glovsky
                                                      and Popeo PC
                                                      701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                     Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                      Counselfor The Bocing Company
May 1, 2006

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
       1, Carlos Nalda, hercby certify that on this 1st day ofMay, 2006 a copy ofthe
foregoing Motion was served via first class mail on the following:
       Joe Godles
       Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
       1229 19" Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                   Carlos M. Nalda

                                                 m2t .


Document Created: 2006-05-03 15:36:16
Document Modified: 2006-05-03 15:36:16

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