Attachment Dismissal letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20060210-00434 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                         pa o6—770
                                          March 31, 2006
Jutian L. Shepard
Willisms Mallen
1666 K Stret, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20006
                                                  Re:=—    File No: SES—LIC—20060210—00434
Dear Mr. Shapard:
On February 10, 2006, MMT License LLC (MMTfiled by paper a Ku—Band transmitreceive
earth sttion application. For reasons discussed below, we dismiss the application as defective,
without prejudice to refilin.?

As ofNovember 5, 2004, all flings on Form 312 must be submitted electronically through TBFS.
Please see Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, 2000
Biennial Regulatory Review—Streanining and the Revisions ofPart 25 ofthe Commission‘s
Rules Governing the Licensing of and Spectrum Usage ofSatelite Nenvork Earth Stations and
Space Stations, 1B Docket Nos. 02—34 and 00—248, 19 FCC Red 19564 (In‘. Bur., 2004). The
February10 application was filed by paperrather than electronically
Also,a review ofyour application reveals that MMT did not submit all required information on
FCC Form 312 — Schedule B. Specifically, MMT did not supply information with respect to
Anterna Heights and Maximum Power limits (Table B3), Particularsof Operation(Table B7)
Remote Control Point Location (Table B10); and FAA Notifation (Question B13)

Purther, while not a basis fo dismissal, we note in response to Question 20 (Nature ofService)
on the FCC 312 Main Form, MMT indicates thathe proposed earthstation is to operate in the
secondary—allocated Mobile Satelfite Service rather than the primary—allocated Fixed Satelite
Service. The use ofthe secondaryallocation is inconsistent with Section V ofyour application
which proposes ALSAT—designated satelites as a point of communication. The ALSAT
designation may be used only for arth stations operating pursuantt the primary FSS allocation.
in additon in response to Question 25 (Class of Station), MMT indicated that the proposed earth
stationis a Mobile Earth Terminal. This sttion class designation is only appropriate for
terminals thattransmit while in motion.   Ifyour terminal does not transmit while in motion, butis
portable and transmitsat various fixed locations for a period less than 6 months, is station class
desination is a Temporary—Fixed Earth Station.

!IfMMT License LLC refilesan apliction idenical to thone dismissedwith he exception of
supplying the missing informationitneednot payan applcationfee. See 47 C.FR.§ 1.1100@)

                                  Federal Communications Commission                   pa oe—770

If you choose t refilethe application, please fil it electronically via our Itemational Bureau
Filing System (IBFS)..The website is If you need any technicalasistance
with IBFS, please contact the IBES help desk at 202—418—2222.
Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1)of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25. 1 12
(211), and Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s ules on delegations of authonty, 47 C.ER. §
0.261, we dismiss your pplication as defective without prejudice t refiling.

                                                     Scot A. Kotler
                                                    Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                    Satelite Division
                                                    International Bureau

5. 47 CRR §25.112(0(0) Seealso Echostar Satelte LLC, Order on ReconsideraionDA 041056
(relased December 27, 2004)

Document Created: 2006-03-31 12:13:33
Document Modified: 2006-03-31 12:13:33

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