Attachment Dismissal letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20051018-01424 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                        pa o6—774
                                          Murch 31, 2006

Mr. Alfed Mamiet
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
1330 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20036—1795

                                                           CallSign: E050202
                                                           File No: SES—LIC—20051018—01424
                                                           File No: SES—STA—20051115—01578

Dear Mr. Mamlet:
On Octaber 18, 2005, Stratos Offshore Services Company (Stratos)filed the above—captioned
application secking a liense to operate a network of Ku—Band earth stations on board vessels
(ESV) through a previously lcensed 6—meter fixed earthstationin Scott, Louisiana. Pursuant to
Section 25.112(a)(1) ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. § 25.1 12(a)(1), we dismiss the
application and the associated requestforspecil temporary authority (STA)as defective.
Specifically, for Stratos‘s proposed one—meter ESV antennas (Remote Types #1 and #1), Strats
lissthe proposed Maximum EIRP per Carvir(tem E48) as 45.8 dBW for emision designator
(item E47) 40OKG7D, This valueis greatethan, and therefore inconsistent with, the Total EIRP
for All Carriers(iem E40), which Stratos indicates is 43.5 dBW. Similarly, for the 2.4meter
ESV antennas(Remore Type #3), Strato iss the proposed Maximum EIRP per Carier (item
E48)as 52.2 dBW for the following emission designators (tem E47): 4M9OG7D, 2MB0G7D,
2M40G7D, IM40G7D and 200KG7D. This is greate than the Total EIRP for All Carrirs (tem
E40) which Stratosindicatesis 48.6 dBW. Given these inconsistencies, we cannot determine the
proposed emission power. As a result,the application     defective, and therefore dismissed
While we dismiss the application on the above basis, we take the opportunity to apprise you of
other concems we have should Stratos choose o e—file the application.
Firs, in Iterms ES7 and ES9 ofthe Schedule B ofthe application, Stratos liss the minimum
anterna elevation angle as 0 degree. Section 25.205 ofthe Commission‘s ules, however, sttes
that earth station antennas shail not be authorized fotransmission at an angle that is lessthan 5
degrees measured from the horizontal plane to thdirection ofthe maximum radiation:
Second, Stratosindicates that ts proposed 1.0 meterand 1.2 meter antennas meet the of—axis
EIRP density limits contained in Sections 25.222(a)(1) through (4) ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47
    Call Sign Eosorss

                                  Federal Communications Commission                   pa 06—774

CRR. § 25.222(a)(1)through (4). Stratos appearsto base this assertion on the assumption that
the antennas also comply with the anterna radiation performance standards contained in Section
25,209 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. § 25.200. Thtechnical showings supplied in other
applications folcenses for the same SeaTTel 1.0 and 1.2 meter antennas as Stratos proposes to
utlize, indicate that the antennas do not satisfy Section 25,200‘antenna radiation performance
standards between 1.25 and 1.5 degrees. Consequentl, Stratos must include, in any refiling, a
demonstration of ts of:—axis EIRP density levels beginning at 1.25 degrees of—axis with 0.1
degree increments out to 2.25 degreesofaxis. The demonstration should include a comporison
ofth authorized offaxis EIRP density limits specified in Section 25.222(s)(1)—3) ofthe
Commission‘s ules
Finally, in Attachment C ofthe application, Sratos sttes that .. the antenna controller can
detect within 100 milliseconds a pointing error that exceeds 0.5 degrees and ceasetransmissions
immedistely...". Strtos must clarfy in any refling whethe the antenna controller can
automatically detect and cease transmissions within 100 millseconds of a pointing error that
exeeeds .5 degrees, in conformance with Section 25,222(@(7) ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47
Accordingly,pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1)ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. § 25.1 12
(2)(1),and Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s ules on delegations ofauthonty, 47 CER. §
0.261, we dismiss both applications as defective without prejudice to refling.


                                                    Scou         er
                                                    Chiet, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                    Satelite Division
                                                    Interational Bureau

547CR §281120)(0) See alo Echost Satellte LLC, Order on Reconsideration, DA 044056
(reeased December 27, 2004)

Document Created: 2006-03-31 14:59:57
Document Modified: 2006-03-31 14:59:57

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