Attachment letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050902-01208 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              CoLE, Rarwip & BRavErman, L.L.P.
                                                ATTORNEYS AT LaAW
                                    1919 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W., SUME 200
                                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006—3458                                 Los AngeLes orFice
     RoseRt L. James                        TELEPHONE (202) 659—9750                            2381 Rosecrans Avenue, Suire IIO
ADMITTED in DC AND MARYLAND                    FaAx (202) 452—0067                             EL SEcuNDbo, CaLirornia 90245—4290
      Wairer‘s E—Mair                                                                              TecepHone (310) 643—7999
                                                 www . CRELAW.COM                                     Fax (310) 643—7997

                                                                                          STAMP & RETURN

                                                February 27, 2006

        BY HAND DELIVERY                                       RECEIVED
        Ms. Marlene Dortch
        Secretary                                                   FEB 2 7 2006
        Federal Communications Commission                  Federal Communications Commission
        445 Twelfth Street, SW                                      Office of Secretary
        Washington, DC 20054

        Attn:   Scott Kotler
                International Bureau

                Re:      Application of National Digital Television Center, Inc. for
                         Denver, Colorado Area

        Dear Ms. Dortch:

               National Digital Television Center, Inc. ("NDTC") by its attorney and pursuant to
        Section 25.110(a) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.100(a), hereby provides the
        following clarifying information regarding the "receive" element ofits above—referenced _
        proposed transmit/receive éarth station in the Denver, Colorado area. In its application, NDTC
        identified its proposed earth station as "transmit/receive" in response to Question No. 26 on FCC
        Form 312, as the station will uplink to in the 6 GHz band and will receive radionavigation—
        satellite service ("RNSS") signals from the satellite in the 1176 MHz and 1574 MHz bands.
     _ Specifics on the technical characteristics of both directions were provided in response to the
        information requests in Schedule B of the FCC Form 312. NDTC is providing this clarification,
        in response to a request from the Commission‘s staff regarding the proposal for the reception of
        RNSS for the reception of RNSS signals at the proposed earth station. Since it is NDTC‘s
        understanding that there is not a requirement to have an earth station license from the
        Commission to receive the RNSS signals transmitted from the RPS—1 satellite in the 1176 MHz
        and 1574 MHz frequency bands, the information in the application pertaining to these bands may
        be considered as having been provided for information only.


CoLe, Raywip & BRAvERMAN, L.L.P.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
February 27, 2006
Page 2

        Please let me know if there are any questions regarding the foregoing clarification.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

ce:     Les Shutter


Document Created: 2006-03-01 11:47:48
Document Modified: 2006-03-01 11:47:48

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