Attachment COMMENTS


COMMENT submitted by Iridium Satellite LLC

comments filed informally after the conclusion of the comment period


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050825-01183 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                      Wiley Rein & Fielding ur

                                                                                                              R. Michael Senkowski
1776 K STREET NW            February 10, 2006                                                                 202.719.7249
PHONE        202.719.7000
FAX          202.719.7049

Virginia Office
                            VIA HAND DELIVERY
SUITE 6200                  Marlene H. Dortch
McLEAN, VA 22102            Secretary
PHONE        703.905.2800
                            Federal Communications Commission
FAX          703.905.2820
                            445 12th Street, S.W.
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

                            Re:      Globalstar USA, LLC Clifton Earth Station/IOT Antenna Application,
                                     File No. SES—LIC—20050825—01183

                            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                            Iridium Satellite LLC ("Iridium"), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section
                            25.154(b) of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or
                            "Commission"), is writing to express its concerns regarding the above—referenced
                            earth station application ("Application") of Globalstar USA, LLC ("Globalstar).‘
                            Although Iridium recognizes the need for Globalstar to test its spare satellites,
                            Iridium is concerned that Globalstar‘s operations, as described in the Application
                            and supplemental January 27, 2006 letter, could cause harmful interference to
                            Iridium‘s operations.

                            Globalstar proposes to conduct in—orbit testing and other "maintenance and
                            stationkeeping" activities. In particular, Globalstar plans to transmit a signal with a
                            maximum e.i.r.p. of 24 dBW/4 kHz in the 1610—1618.725 MHz band, of which
                            1618.25—1618.725 MHz is shared with Iridium. As Globalstar acknowledges, this
                            signal is significantly greater than that typically transmitted from a Globalstar
                            handset transceiver and would be 39 dB in excess of the —15 dB(W/4kHz) applied
                            to mobile earth stations under the Commission‘s rules and ITU Radio Regulations.2
                            The test signal would result in an interference—to—noise ratio of over 34 dB to

                            1        Section 25.154(b) permits the Commission to classify as "informal objections" any
                            pleadings that are not filed in accordance to the filing deadlines that govern Part 25 satellite
                            applications. 47 C.F.R. §25.154(b) (classifying as informal objections "any pleading not filed in
                            accordance with" the filing deadlines in Section 25.154(a)). Although Globalstar‘s initial application
                            was filed in August 2005, Iridium became aware of the full scope of Globalstar‘s proposed
                            operations only after Globalstar submitted additional information regarding the Application on
                            January 27, 2006. See Letter from Josh L. Roland, Counsel to Globalstar, to Marlene H. Dortch,
                            Secretary, FCC, Re: IB File No. SES—LIC—20050825—01183 — Globalstar USA, LLC Clifton Earth
                            Station/ IOT Antenna Application (filed Jan. 27, 2006) ("January 27 Letter").

                            2       Application, Exhibit B (Request for Waiver and Additional Technical Details) at 2. See 47
                            C.F.R. § 2.106 note 5.364; ITU Radio Regulations, Edition of 2004 at Article 5, No. 5.364.

 Wiley Rein & Fielding ur

 Marlene H. Dortch
 February 10, 2006
 Page 2

 Iridium‘s operations, which would be sufficient to eliminate an Iridium call that was
 on the same frequency.3

Globalstar concedes that it must "operate the [proposed] earth station on a non—
interference basis," and that it may not harm "operations in the 1610—1618.725 MHz
band and adjacent bands."* However, the Application provides no detail on the
timing and frequency of Globalstar‘s proposed transmissions. Furthermore, the
Application fails to propose any mechanism by which Iridium could monitor and
notify Globalstar of any interference. Globalstar has not sought to coordinate the
proposed operations with Iridium, even though standard industry practice is to
initiate coordination of IOT operations prior to requesting FCC authority. It also
appears that Globalstar has not submitted the frequency coordination report required
by the FCC‘s rules."
In order to ensure that Globalstar‘s proposed operations do not cause harmful
interference, Iridium respectfully requests that the Commission permit Globalstar to
operate only on an as—needed, special temporary authority basis, consistent with
recent grants of authority for IOT. ° Iridium further requests that the Commission
condition any grant of authority to Globalstar upon completion of a coordination
agreement with Iridium. In the alternative, Iridium requests that the Commission
restrict Globalstar‘s operations to frequencies not shared with Iridium, and require
Globalistar to provide prior notice (at least 48 hours) of operations adjacent to
Iridium frequencies, with access to real—time contact with Globalstar personnel
during the testing period.

3        In addition, the link budget provided to the Commission in the January 27 letter shows that
the downlink is at 6.98 GHz, even though the Application clearly states that the downlink is to be at
24 GHz.

*         Application, Exhibit B at 3. Globalstar further concedes that it must "accept any
 interference that Iridium may cause with regard to the use of the 1618.25—1618.725 MHz band." Id.
at 1.

5        Application, Form 312 Schedule B, Response to Q. E18.

°6      Given the "occasional" nature of the service, it is not clear why Globalstar needs a
permanent authorization rather than an STA. The Commission typically issues temporary authority
for a limited number of days for such testing. See, e.g. Columbia Communications Corporation, 20
FCC Red 1863, 1869 (2005) (([ 17) (granting STA to conduct in—orbit testing for a 60—day period,
subject to conditions that the licensee coordinate its test operations with all potentially affected
operating satellite networks, cause no harmful interference to any lawfully operating
radiocommunications systems, and cease operations immediately upon notification of such harmful

Wiley Rein &Fielding ur

Marlene H. Dortch
February 10, 2006
Page 3

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.


/s/ R. Michael Senkowski

R. Michael Senkowski
Counsel to Iridium Satellite LLC

ce:      Scott Kotler
         William Adler
         Josh L. Roland

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Chin Kyung Yoo, hereby certify that on the 10" day of February, 2006, the foregoing
Informal Objection of Iridium Satellite LLC was served on all parties listed below.

                                                      Chin Kyung Yoo

Scott Kotler
Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
(via hand delivery and e—mail)

William Adler
Globalstar USA, LLC
461 S. Milpitas Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
(via e—mail and first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

Josh L. Roland
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
2445 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Counsel to Globalstar USA, LLC
{via e—mail and first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

Best Copy & Printing
(via e—mail)

Document Created: 2006-02-13 10:54:30
Document Modified: 2006-02-13 10:54:30

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