Attachment RadHaz Study

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050825-01183 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Globalstar, L.P.
Exhibit A
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                                    Radiation Hazard Analysis


The following radiation hazard analysis for the proposed antenna is based on the guidelines set
forth in OET Bulletin 65, edition 97-01. From Bulletin 65, the maximum permissible exposure
(MPE) limit for occupational/controlled exposure MPE has a power density limit of 5 mW/cm2
for the proposed transmit band of 1610 – 1618.725 MHz and when averaged over a 6 minute

The proposed 1.2 meter antenna will be operated in a controlled area not open to the public. The
proposed antenna is located on the Globalstar Gateway site near Clifton, TX. The entire site is
enclosed by an 8 foot high chain link security fence with 24 hour per day controlled access. The
proposed antenna is located well inside the secure area over 200 feet from the security fence
surrounding the site perimeter.


The extent of the Fresnel region or near-field, is defined by the equation Rnf = D2  ZKHUH'

       Rnf = (1.2m)2/(4*0.185m) = 1.95 meters.

The maximum power density in the near field is defined by the equation Snf       3 '2),
watts, and D is the antenna diameter of 1.2 meters.

       Snf   P:         FP 2) = 0.283 mW/cm2,

       which is below the maximum allowable exposure level of 5 mW/cm2.


The distance to the point where the far-field begins is defined by the equation Rff = 0.6*D2 
meters. Therefore,

       Rff = 0.6*(1.2m)2/0.185m = 4.67 meters.

Globalstar, L.P.
Exhibit A
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The far-field on axis power density is defined by the equation Sff 3 *       5ff2), where
P is the power at the antenna input flange of 2 watts, and G is the antenna transmit gain of 21
dBi, and Rff is the distance to the beginning of the far-field of 4.67 meters. Therefore,

       Sff = 2000mW*102.1        FP 2) = 0.0918 mW/cm2,

       which is below the maximum allowable exposure level of 5 mW/cm2.


The maximum power density in the transition zone is defined by the equation St = Snf*Rnf/Rd,
where Snf is the maximum near-field power density, Rnf is the near field extent of 1.95 meters.
And Rd is the distance to a point in the transition zone. Using a mean distance of 3.31 meters for
Rd ,
       St = 0.283mW/cm2*1.95m/3.31m = 0.167 mW/cm2,

       which is below the maximum allowable exposure level of 5 mW/cm2.


The maximum power density in front of the antenna reflector (e.g., at the antenna surface) can be
approximated by the equation Ssurface = 4P/A, where P is the power at the antenna input flange of
ZDWWV$LVWKHPDLQUHIOHFWRUDUHDRU ' 2, and D is the antenna diameter of 1.2 meters.

       Ssurface   3   '2   P:        FP 2) = 0.705 mW/cm2,

       which is below the maximum allowable exposure level of 5 mW/cm2.


The preceding analysis follows OET Bulletin 65 and demonstrates that harmful levels of
radiation do not exist above the maximum permissible exposure level of 5 mW/cm2 for a
controlled access area that may be occupied by operation and maintenance personnel.

Document Created: 2006-02-09 14:45:45
Document Modified: 2006-02-09 14:45:45

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