Attachment EIRPINFO

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050825-01183 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



                                                                                                                                 Josh L. Roland

                                                                                                                                +1 202 663 6266 (t)
                                                                                                                                +1 202 663 6363 (f)
                                                             January 27, 2006
 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                                      UAN _2 72006
 Federal Communications Commission                                                 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12th Street, S.W.                                                                      Office of Secretary
 Washington, D.C. 20554

            Re:           IB File No. SES—LIC—20050825—01183 — Globalstar USA, LLC Clifton Earth
                          Station/IOT Antenna Application

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         In response to an inquiry from staff in the Commission‘s International Bureau, Globalstar
 USA, LLC is submitting the attached information for association with the above—referenced
 application. Should there be any questions concerning this submission, please contact the

                                                                      Sincerely yours,

                                                                 @@« (2__
                                                                      Josh L. Roland
                                                                      Counsel to Globalstar USA, LLC

ce:         Scott Kotler
            William F. Adler
            David Weinreich

                      Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr ur, 2445 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037
Baitimore   Beijing    Bertin   Boston   Brussels   London   Munich     New York   Northern Virginia   Oxford   Palo Alto   Waltham   Washington

         Justification of EIRP for Globalstar Clifton,     TX
                       In—Orbit—Test Antenna

         Globalstar wishes to perform In—Orbit Test (IOT) on
 existing and future spacecraft using an antenna operating
 in the 1.6/2.4 GHz bands at its Clifton Texas EHarth Station

         One of the primary tests to be performed is the
 determination and verification of spacecraft antenna
 patterns.   Downlink,   or spacecraft 2.4 GHz transmit,   antenna
 verification requires the use of a high gain antenna which
 is accommodated by the receive function of the subject

         Uplink, or spacecraft 1.6 GHz receive, antenna
verification requires the use of an unmodulated carrier
 (CW) at an EIRP greater than that transmitted from a
Globalstar handset transceiver. This increased EIRP is
required in order to create sufficient dynamic range to
provide the ability to measure peak—to—null antenna pattern
variations of 30 dB.

        The attached link budget indicates the Carrier—to—
Noise ratio (C/N) expected when using an uplink EIRP of 24
dBwW. Using this EIRP provides the nominal 30 dB C/N. The
performance of these In—Orbit—Tests will be crucial to the
successful deployment of the eight spare Globalstar
spacecraft that is planned for the near future.

        In the downlink analysis, it is expected that there
will be no Adjacent Channel Interference and, thus, the
Adjacent Channel Interference Density is an extremely low

         It is anticipated that any interference to other
operators in the uplink band can be avoided through

File No. SES—LIC—20050825—01183
January 26, 2006

   IOT Link Analysis: 1.6 GHz Up/7 GHz Down

   Uplink Analysis
   Frequency (GHz)                                           1.61
  EIRP (dBW)                                                     24

  Satellite Altitude (km)                                   1414
  10T Antenna Elevation Angle (degrees)                        5
  Slant Range (km)                                       3959.44

  Free Space Loss (dB)                                   —168.53
  Polarization and Tracking Loss (dB)                         —1
  S/C Rx Signal Strength (dBW)                           —145.53

  Satellite Antenna Gain (dBi)                              12.6
  Line Loss (dB)                                             111
  Signal at Transponder (dBW)                            —134.03

  System Noise Temperature (K)                               500
  Thermal Noise Density {dBW/Hz)                         —201.81
  Adjacent Channel Interference Density (dBW/Hz)          —214.2
  IOT Measurement Bandwidth (dB—Hz)                        34.77
  Uplink C/N (dB)                                          32.58

  Nominal Transponder Gain (dB)                            125.9

 Downlink Analysis

  Frequency (GHz)                                           6.98
 Tx Power ({dBW)                                          —~11.33
 Transmit Line Loss {dB)                                    —2.1
 Satellite Antenna Gain (dBi)                                  6
 EIRP {dBW)                                                —7.43

 Gateway Antenna Elevation Angle (degrees)                    5
 Range (km)         .                                   3959.44
 Free Space Loss (dB)                                   —181.27
_|Polarization and Tracking Loss (dB)                       —0.1
 Pointing Loss (dB)                                          1
 Rx Signal Level (dBW)                                  —189.80
 Gateway Antenna Gain (incl. Line Loss) (dBi)              49.5
 Rx Signal at Antenna Output (dBW)                      —140.30

 System Noise Temperature (K)                             127.7
 Thermal Noise Density (dBW/Hz)                          —207.5
 Adjacent Channel Interference Density (dBW/Hz)            —999
 Downlink C/N (dB)                                        32.46

Overall C/N (dB)                                         29.51
Required Measurement Dynamic Range (dB)                     30
Worst Case Measurement C/N (dB)                          —0.49

Earth Radius (km)                                         6398
c (m/S)                                               3.00E+08
degrees—to—radians                                 57.29577951

Document Created: 2006-01-31 11:25:56
Document Modified: 2006-01-31 11:25:56

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