Attachment Response

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050825-01183 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



        JAN 3 9 2006
                                                                                           Jok LRelind
       Satelie Divsion
      InternationalBureau                                                              mmesesss
                                          Jimay27206              pecoEiye E;h onstvaneniocon

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                              JAN 2 7 2006

frokeCommunications Commission                               redendCommunatons Conmissio
Federal                                                              es eavay
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
          Res     1B File No. SES—L1C—20050825—01183— Globalstar USA, LLC Clifton Earth
                  Station/IOT Antenna Application

Dear Ms. Dortch:

          In response to an inguity from staff in the Commission‘s International Bureau, Globalstar
USA, LLC is submitting the attached information for association with the above—referenced
application. Should there be any questions concerning this submission, please contact the
                                               Sincerely yours,

                                             &p@ LFlera
                                               Josh L. Roland
                                               Counsel to Globalstar USA, LLC

ce:       Scott Kotler
          William F. Adler
         David Weinreich

            Wilmer Cutlr Pickering ie and Dore us, 2445 M Suee, NW, Wshingron, DC20037
Satmr: Seing Gein: Boren Gnawis lonion Marah No Nertentigna. Ond faowie Watan: Visiegon

         Justification of EIRP for Globalstar Cliften, TX
                       In—Orbit—Test Antenna
        Globalstar wishes to perform In—Orbit Test (IOT) on
existing and future spacecraft using an antenna operating
 in the 1.6/2.4 CHz bands at its Clifton Texas Rarth Station
        One of the primazy tests to be perforned is the
determination and verification of spacecraft antenna
patterms. Downlink, or spacecraft 2.4 Gife tranomit, antenna
verification requires the use of a high gain antenna which
is accommedated by the receive function of the subject
          Uplink, o spaceczaft 1.6 Gife receive, antenna
verification requires the use of an unmodulated carrier
 (CH)   at an EIRP greater than that transmitted from a
@lobalstar handset transceiver. This increased BIRP is
required in order to create sufficient dynamic range to
provide the ability to measure peak—to—null antenna pattern
vaxiations of 20 dB.
        The attached link budget indicates the Carrier—to—
Noise ratio (C/N) expected when using an uplink EIRP of 24
dBW. Using this BIRP provides the nominal 30 dB C/N. The
performance of these In—Orbit—Tests will be crucial to the
successful deployment of the eight spare Globalstar
spacecraft that is planned for the near future.
        Tn the downlink analysis, it is expected that there
will be no Adjacent Channel Interference and, thus, the
Adjacent Channel Interference Density is an extremely low
        It is anticipated that any interference to other
operators in the uplink band can be avoided through
Pize wo. see—zrc—zcoscsas—01203
Jenuazy 26, 2006

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Document Created: 2006-01-30 16:22:12
Document Modified: 2006-01-30 16:22:12

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