Attachment RFR_REPORTFresno.pdf

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050720-00942 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  T EL EC O M M U N I C A TI O N S E N G I N EER I N G

                          G R AY F R I E R S ON H A E R T I G & A S S OC .
FAC SIMILE                     820 N OR T H R I V E R S T R E E T , S U I T E 100         ELEC TRONIC M AIL
503- 282- 3181                      P O R T L A N D , OR E G O N 9 7 2 2 7               gfh@hae
                                                     503- 282- 2989
                                                     503- 654- 1142

          15 July 2005

                                       H UMAN E X P OSUR E TO
                         N ON - I ON I Z I N G E LEC TR OMAG N ETI C F I ELDS

          This office has been retained by Radio Bilingue, Inc.., to investigate the non-
          ionizing electromagnetic fields ("NIEF") in the vicinity of a Ku Band
          transmit/receive satellite earth terminal in order to determine whether these
          fields fall within the guidelines for human exposure spelled out in FCC Office of
          Engineering and Technology Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01 ("OET 65"); and to
          determine whether an Environmental Assessment needs to be prepared per
          47 CFR 1.1307 for reasons of NIEF.

          The standard set out in OET 65 is derived from standards promulgated by the
          IEEE/ANSI and the NCRP and was developed to limit the time-averaged
          absorption of radio frequency power by human beings. OET 65 recognizes two
          classes      of    exposure,    "Occupational/Controlled"     and      "General
          Population/Uncontrolled." In general the General Population standard is more
          restrictive than the Occupational Standard. At the frequencies of interest here,
          the General Population/Uncontrolled Standard for power density is 1,000
          µW/cm2 and the Occupational/Controlled Standard is 5,000 µW/cm2. Separate
          standards for the electric field strength and magnetic field strength are not
          specified. Occupational exposure may be time averaged over 6 minutes and
          General Population exposure may be averaged over a 30-minute period.

PAGE 2                                     RADIO BILINGUE                           15 JULY 2005

     The subject satellite earth terminal operates at Ku Band frequencies,
     approximately 14,250 MHz., with a maximum licensed Effective Isotropic
     Radiated Power of 54.0 dBW. The maximum antenna input power is 3 watts.
     The antenna is a Prodelin Series 1244. This is an aperture antenna consisting of a
     circular paraboloid reflector of 2.4 meters diameter and an offset scalar feed. The
     gain of the antenna is 49.2 dBi at 14,250 MHz. and the calculated aperture
     efficiency, η, equals 0.66.

     The antenna is mounted on the roof of a two-story building. The rooftop is not
     accessible to the general public. There are publicly accessible areas within the
     near field region of the antenna, as defined below.

     Section 2 of OET 65 divides the electromagnetic environment relative to aperture
     antennas into four regions; the antenna surface; the near field region; the
     transition region; and the far field (Fraunhofer) region. Section 2 also suggests a
     series of calculations of the power density in each of these regions based on an
     empirical model for determining compliance with the exposure guidelines.
     While more detailed methods of analysis exist, the FCC has determined that the
     calculations set out in this section are of sufficient accuracy and are sufficiently
     conservative to demonstrate compliance with the standards for typical satellite
     uplinks using circular aperture antennas of parabolic cross section.

     Near Field Region
     The equation for the power density in the near field predicts the maximum
     power density that might occur in the near field region without regard to actual
     location. The radius of the boundary of the near field is defined by:

     Rnf = 4 λ

                     – GR AY F R I E R S ON H A E R T I G & A S S OC . –
                             T EL EC O M M U N I C A TI O N S E N G I N EER I N G

PAGE 3                                     RADIO BILINGUE                           15 JULY 2005

     D is the diameter of the aperture antenna and
     λ is wavelength

     Therefore, the near field region of the antenna extends 68.4 meters from the

     The maximum likely power density in the near field is defined by:

             16 η P
     Snf =

     η is the aperture efficiency of the antenna and
     P is the input power to the antenna in watts

     Substituting, we find that the maximum power density that is likely to occur in
     the near field from the proposed operation is 1.75 W/m2.

     Correcting for units, this is 175 µW/cm2.

     This value is well below the 1,000 µW/cm2 General Population/Uncontrolled
     exposure standard.

     Given a maximum allowable 1,000 µW/cm2 exposure and solving for power in
     the above equation, we find that this facility can operate at up to 17.4 watts
     antenna input power without exceeding the exposure limit. This power
     corresponds to 61.7 dBW EIRP. Operation at power levels above this would
     require either a more detailed analysis of power density levels in the near field or
     field measurements        to    ascertain    compliance    with      the   General
     Population/Uncontrolled exposure standards in OET 65.

                      – GR AY F R I E R S ON H A E R T I G & A S S OC . –
                             T EL EC O M M U N I C A TI O N S E N G I N EER I N G

PAGE 4                                    RADIO BILINGUE                           15 JULY 2005

     Transition Region
     Power density in the transition region is expressed as a percentage of the
     maximum near field power density proportional to the ratio of the distance to
     the boundary of the near field to the distance of interest from the antenna. This
     ratio is always less than one, therefore the power density in the transition region
     is always less than the maximum power in the near field region.

     Therefore fields in the transition region are well below the General
     Public/Uncontrolled exposure standard.

     Far Field Region
     The power density at the boundary between the transition region and far field
     region is the same whether calculated by the transition region formula or the far
     field region formula and the power density decreases with the distance squared
     in the far field region. Therefore, the power density in the far field region is
     always less than in the transition region and therefore less than in the near field

     Therefore fields in the far field region are well below the General
     Public/Uncontrolled exposure standard.

                     – GR AY F R I E R S ON H A E R T I G & A S S OC . –
                            T EL EC O M M U N I C A TI O N S E N G I N EER I N G

PAGE 5                                      RADIO BILINGUE                            15 JULY 2005

     Antenna Surface
     The maximum power density at the surface of the antenna is defined by:

     Ssurface =

     Asurface is the surface area of the reflector (as a conservative approximation this is
              taken as equal to the aperture area of the reflector).

     With an antenna input power of 5 watts, the maximum power density at the
     surface of the dish is 2.65 W/m2. Correcting for units, this is 265 µW/cm2.

     This value is well below the 1000 µW/cm2 general public/uncontrolled MPE

     Region Between Reflector and Feed
     The point of highest power density in this region will occur at the face of the feed

     The power density at the face of the feed assembly is defined by

     Sfeed = A

     Afeed is the aperture area of the feed horn

     The prodelin feed assembly has an aperture area of .0283 m2

                       – GR AY F R I E R S ON H A E R T I G & A S S OC . –
                              T EL EC O M M U N I C A TI O N S E N G I N EER I N G

PAGE 6                                    RADIO BILINGUE                                       15 JULY 2005

     Therefore the power density at the face of the feed horn is equal to 424.0 W/m2.
     Correcting for units this is 42,400 µW/cm2.

     This value     exceeds     both    the   general    public/uncontrolled                     and
     occupational/controlled exposure standards by a considerable amount.

     The applicant will erect signage in the vicinity of the antenna warning workers
     that the maximum permissible exposure standard is exceeded in areas between
     the feed assembly and the reflector . The applicant will institute a lock-out/tag-
     out procedure to be followed during maintenance of the antenna.

     At no place accessible to the general public                                  is   the   General
     Population/Uncontrolled exposure standard exceeded;

     The Occupational/Controlled standard is exceeded only in a very limited area
     near the face of the feed assembly;

     Access to this area can be controlled and safety procedures instituted to prevent
     exposure to NIEF which exceeds the Occupational/Controlled exposure

     This facility does not significantly affect the environment as defined in
     47 CFR §1.1307(b);

     And the preparation of an Environmental Assessment is, therefore, not required.

                    – GR AY F R I E R S ON H A E R T I G & A S S OC . –
                            T EL EC O M M U N I C A TI O N S E N G I N EER I N G

PAGE 7                                     RADIO BILINGUE                           15 JULY 2005

     I, Gray Frierson Haertig, hereby affirm that:

     I am principal of Gray Frierson Haertig and Assoc.;

     This firm has been retained by Radio Bilingue, Inc., to investigate the NIEF levels

     in the vicinity of a transmit only satellite earth terminal and to prepare this

     report for submission to the Commission;

     All materials contained herein, unless otherwise attributed, have been prepared

     by myself;

     All statements made herein, unless otherwise attributed, are true to the best of

     my knowledge and reflect the actual facts of the matter;

     I am a Broadcast Engineer of 39 years experience, and my qualifications are a

     matter of record with the Commission.

     Respectfully submitted this 15st day of July 2005,

              Gray Frierson Haertig

                     – GR AY F R I E R S ON H A E R T I G & A S S OC . –
                             T EL EC O M M U N I C A TI O N S E N G I N EER I N G

Document Created: 2005-07-12 13:08:37
Document Modified: 2005-07-12 13:08:37

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