Attachment Order

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050621-00799 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                           bA 06757

                                              Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                        Washington, D.C. 20554
 In the Matter of
 SES Americom, Inc.
 Application for Modification ofthe AMC—16                  File No. SAT—MOD—20080621—00132
 Fixed—Satelite Service Space Station to                             SAT—AMD—20081115—00218
 Temporarly Vacate the 85° WL. Orbtal Location              Call Sign: S2i81
 and for Telemeny, Tracking and Control
 Operations during Drift ofthe AMC—16 to and
 from the 118.75° W.L. Orbital Location
 SES Americom, In.
Application for Modifcation ofEarth Station                 File Nos. SES—MFS—20050622—00803
Licenses to Provide Telemetry, Tracking and                           sies—AFS—20050713—00009
Control ofthe AMC—16 Space Station atthe                              SEs—AMD—20051115—01577
118.75° W.L. Orbital Location                                         sEs—MFS—20050622—00804
                                                            Call Signs: EO40368, EO40407
EchoStar Satellite L L.C.
Application for Modification of Blanket Authority           File No. SES—MFS—20050624—00813
to Operate 1,000,000 Receive—Only Earth Stations            Call Sign: Eososea
to provide Directto—HHome Fixed—Satelite Service
in the United Statesto add the AMC—16 Space
Station t the 118.75° WL. Orbial Location as a
Point of Communication
EchoStar Satelite LLC.
Application for Modification of Earth Station               File No. SES—L1C—20050621—00709
License to add the AMC—16 Space Station atthe                        SEs—AMD—20051118—01601
118.75° W.L. Orbital Location as a Point of                 Call Sign: EoSO181

                                     orper anp avriiortzaTIon
Adopted: April7, 2006                                    Released: April7, 2006
By the Chict, Iternational Bureau:
         1. Withthis Order, we modify lienses of SES Americom, Ic.(SES Americom) to authorize
the telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) operations necessary to relocate SES Americom‘s AMC—
16 satelite from 85° the 118.75° W.L. orbital location (and back),where it willbe operated
pursuant t a Canadian authorization to Telesat Canade, until the Anik F3 saellite commences operations

                                  Federal Communi         ions Commission                        ba de—7s7

at thatlocation. We also modify authorizations held by EchoStar Satellite LC (EchoStar) so as to permit
the reception of Ku—band‘ drectto—home (DTH) Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)from AMC—16 at the
118.75° WL. orbita location,and TT&C and feeder link communications from U.S. earth stations to the
AMC—16 satellte. We also grant SES Americom‘s requestfor a waiver Section 25.161() ofhe
Commission‘s rules o allow it to retain it Ka—bandauthorization at the 85° W.L. orbital location. These
actions will allow early commencement of Ku—band DTH FSS service to U.S. customers from an orbital
location capable ofproviding service to the contiguous United States. Accordingly, our action here will
improve the choiceofservice to consumers in the U.. multichannel video programming distrbution
(MVPD) marker
        2.     In October 2001, Industry Canada awarded Telesat Canada an approval in principle to
operate a hybrid C/KuKa—band FSS satelt, Anik F3,atthe 118.7° W.L.orbital location" In 2004,
Telesat Canada‘s board ofdirectors approved the "Anik F3 Agreement" between Telesat Canada and
EchoStar." The ANIK F3 Agreement authorizes EchoStar,as a United Sttes icensee,to access Ku—band
eapacity on Anik F3, as soon as it is operational,to provide DTH FSS programming throughout the
United Sttes:" EchoStar statesthat itpurpose for entering the agreementis to augment the spectrum
currently used for MVPD services,including expanded local—into—local,® intemational, high definition
television and other programming." In 2005, we granted EchoStar authority for he United Sttes
facilites that would be used to effectuate the agreement." Telesat Canada plans t launch Anik F3
satellite in the second half of 2006."
       3.    In ordeto provide service from the 118.7° W.L nominal location at an earlir date than
the commencement of operations othe Anik F3 satllte, EchoStar has requested that SES Americom
move the AMC—16 satelteto the 118.75° Worbital location."" Echostar, SES Americom and Telesat
1 s used in this Order,theterm "Ku—Band"refersto the 11.7—122 GHtz (downlink) and 14.0—14.5 GHtz (upink)
frequency bands
* As used in this Order,thterm "Ka—Band" refers t the 18.6—18.8 GHtz, 19.7—20.2GHte,2428 6 Gite(Ranteto—
space, and 29.$30.0 GHic (Eathto—spacrequency bands
* See Information Bullein, Industry Canada Awards Satelte Licence <
* See EchoStar Stelite, LLC, Applieationfor Authorityto Operate U.S. Erth Stitions wit he Canadian—Lcensed
ANTK F3 Sateteto Offer         Directto—Home Fixed Satelite Service Throughoutthe US., IBFS File No. SES—LES—
20040831—01233 (August31, 2004)(EchoStar Blanket Erth Sution Applcation)
©The term localito—local," s usd in this Order, refesto provision visteliteretransmisson o locl brodcas
channelstosubscribers who resde in thelocal TV sation‘s market, which is dfinedas a Designated Market Are,
or"DMA" See 17 USC.§122@@)(A).
" See EchoStar Blanket Earh Suation Applcation, Narative at 1.
" choSar Satelfte LLC ApplicationforBlanket Authorization to aperate1,000,000 Receive—Only Rarth Statons,
Order and duthorization, DA 0% 3227 (I Bur, 2008) (EchaStar Rlanket Authoriation (ranting EchoStara
blanketauthorizationfor ne milion receive.ony eath sutionstoreceve Kurband DTH servie from Telesat
Canada‘s Anik F3 space staion, lcensed by Indusry Canadaatth1187° W.L.orbia location)
* Accortingto Teesat Canada‘s website: "Telesats 7t steite, Anik F3 is now under constrution and i lated
for servie in the secand halfo2006. ANIK F3 will provide a widerange oelecommunications,broadeasting,
business communications and ntemct—basedservices t user across North Americ."
<hipshn eleatasatelitesindexhim>.
"* The 118.75° W.L. orbital location requested by SES Americom forAMC—16is within the nominal 118.7) WL
orbital location assigned to Canada under the 1988 TrieteralArrengement. Triiteral Arangement Regarding Use

                                  Federal Communications Commission                               na 0e757

 Canada have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement conceming operations of AMC—16 at the 118.75°
 W.L. orbital location."" EchoStar has separatel entered into a satelite service agreement with SES
 Americom, under which EchoStar has leased the full caprcity ofthe AMC—16 satelite from SES
 Americom." Accordingly, EchoStar seeks to add SES Americom‘s AMC—16 as a point of
 communication at th118.75° W.L orbitallocation in itsreceive—only blanket earth station authorization,
 currently imited to the Anik F3 satllite, and to modify ts feeder link earth stations to permit
 communications with AMC—16 atthis location." Correnty, SES Americom is authorized to operate the
 hybrid Ka—/Ku—band AMC—16 satellit atthe 85° W.L. orbital location* Thus, in addition to Echostar‘s
 pending requests, SES filed an application seeking authority to relocate AMC—16 from the 85° WL.
 orbital lacation to the 118.75° W.L. orbital location on a temporary basis, whereit would provide Ku—
 band service under a icense issued by Industry Canada to Telesat Canada." SES Americom also filed
applications to modify its earthstation lcenses to provide TT&C o AMC—16 atthe 118.75° W.L. orbital
 location."* The various requests were accepted for filng and placed on public notice."" No comments
were filed. On March 1, 2006, Industry Canada authorized Telesat Canada to operate AMC—16, using
Ku—hand spectrum only,on an interim basis until Anik F3 is brought into use at the 118.7° W.L.orbital
         4.     In addition, SES Americom filed an application,using the streamlined authorization
procedures for fleet management," to move its Ku—band AMC—2 satellit to the 85° W.L. orbital
location."* The modification request became effective on June 27, 2005. SES Americom indicates that
AMC—2 will provide interim Ku—band service from the 85° WL. orbial ocation during the perio that
AMC—16 is atthe 118.75° W.L. orbital location.

(..contimied from previouspage)
othe Geostationary Orbit Reache by Canada, Mevico and the Unted Sttes, Public Norice(Sept.2, 1988)(*1988
" SES Americom Application, atpp.3—4
" Appliation for Modifcation ofSES Americom, Inc. SAT—MOD—20050621—00132(SES Americom Application)
atpp.3, 11.
" Echo Star made this requet to add AMC:16 as a point of communication for one milion receive.only carth
sutions located in the United States in an amendment it filed on June 24, 2008.. File No, SES—AFS—20050624—
00813. ‘The amendment related to EchoSiir‘s underlying application for blanket authoriy, which the Rureau
graated on December 20, 2005, while reserving action on communication with AMC—16.— EchoSiar Alonker
Authorization, DA 053227 se 9 7. For administative parposes, on March 28, 2006, he Satlite Division revised
the file numiber oftherequest t communicate with AMC—16 t designate a modification of the lanket authorization
and he filenumber has been changed to Fil No. SES—MFS—20080624—00813
"* Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken, Pubiic Noice, Report No. SAT—00239, DA O+—2884 (rel. Sept. 3,
©The SES Americom Applicaton,atpp.3,4
!* saelite Communications Services, Satelite Radio Aplcations Accepted for Fling, Public Notie, Report No:
Se9—00744 (rel. Aug.31, 2005
"" Paliey Branch Information, Satelite Space Applications Accepted for Filing, Pubiic Noice, Report No. SAT~
00316 e Aug. 26, 2008);Stelite Communications Services, Stelite Radio Applications Accepted for Filing,
Public Notie, Report No. SES—00744 (rl. Aug.31, 2009)
"arore s2s1180)
"* Flet Management Notic ofSES Americom,Inc.Fil No. SAT—MOD—20050527—00110.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                          pa oe—7s?

 i.      DiscusstON
          5.     In these applications, SES Americom and EchoStar request modifications to thir
 respective lienses to authorize the temporary relocation ofAMC—16 to the 118.75° W.L. orbiallocation,
 the reception of Ku—band DTH FSS ffom AMC—16 atthe 118.75° W L. orbiallocation by EchoStar‘s
 US. customers, and the operation ofTT&C and feeder ink communications from U.S. earth stations to
 the AMC—16 satellte. EchoStar plans to use AMC—16 to offe itemational programming, including
 existingservices and new intermationalservices as they are added to EchoSar‘s programming line—up.""
 By moving certain existingprogramming to AMC—16, EchoStar willfree capacity on its other stellites,
 allowing EchoStar to provide expanded loca—into—local and HDTV services t ts customers."

         6. ReviewofEchoStar‘s Applications. In the EchoSar Blanket Authorization, the Bureau
examined the public interesin allowing the Anik F3 space station to provide satelite servicin the
United States from the 118.7° W.L. orbital location, considering the effect on compettion in the United
States, ligiblity and operatingrequirements, spectrum availablity, and national securit, law
enforcement, foreign policy, and trade concerns." The Bureau found that grant of EchoSiar‘s appliation
was in the publicinterest despite the existence of dejure barriersto U.S—licensed space stations in the
Canadian market." The Bureau also found thatoperation of Anik F3 in the Ku—band frequenciesatthe
 18.7° W.L. orbital location to provide DTH FSS presented no spectrum availability issues that would
preclude authorization. We find thatthe analysis in the AchoStar Blanker Authorization likewise supports
grant of SS Americom‘s and Echostr‘s requests concering AMC—16. We find no materil difference
in the competitive and public interest considerations for Ku—band serviceto stations from a
Canadiandicensed satelite at the nomina118.7* W.L. orbital location, whether Anik F3 or AMG—16.
Consequentl, the conclusions we reached in the SchoStar Blanker Authorization remain valid for his
request. EchoStar and SES Americom indieate that moving AMC—16 to the 118.75° W.L. orbitalocation
will more quickly bring substantial new DTH FSS to U.S. customers in the near trm, and will permit
delivery ofhat eapacity to a single EchoStar dish for many customers, which would not be possible from
the 85° W.L. orbital location."" We therefore grant modification ofEchoStar‘s blanket carth station
authority to permit reception of Ku—band DTH FSS from AMC—16 at the 118.75° W L. orbiallocation.
        7.    We also grant authority for BchoStar to provide feedelinks to the AMC—16 space station
from EchoStar‘s two nine—meter Ku—band earth sttions located in Cheycane, Wyoming.®" In the
choStar Blanket Authorization, the Bureau found thatthese antennas comply with our technical rules,
including the two—degree spacing technical standards, and authorized EchoStar to use the antennas to
access "ALSATand Anik F3 as points of communication. We hereby modify that icense to authorize
aecess to AMC—16 as a point ofcommunication atthe 118.75° W.L. orbita location.
        8.     Review ofSES Americom‘s Applications. The Commission generally has allowed satelite
operatorsto rearrange satelitesin their fleett reflect business and customer considerations where no
publicinterest fators are adversely affected."" Grant ofthis requested temporary relocation will allow

® sBS Amercom Applicationatp.$.
" 14
" EchoStar Blanker Authorizarion, DA 05322stt
210 ag 4
"* ES Americom Applicationatp. 9
* Echostr 9 MeterHub Earth Station Application, ile No. SES—L1C—20050621—00709
* Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Sution LicensingRulesand Polices, Second Report and Order, 18 FCC
Red 12507, 1250937 (2003).

                                   Federal Communications Commission                              pao6757
 SES Americom to provideinterim services to ts customer, EchoStar, and will provide EchoStar
 Rexibility in providing improved service to U.S. consumers
         9.     Section 25.161(c) fthe Commission‘s rulesprovides that a space station liense will
 automatically terminate ifremoval offaclitiesrendersthe authorized sttion not operational for over 90
 days, unless specific authoritis requested."" SES Americom requests waiverof this rule in orderto
 retain ts authorization to operate in the Ka—band at the 85° W.L. orbital location. SES Americom
 indicates that it will resume Ka—band operations by AMG—16 atthe 85° W.L. orbitel location nolater than
 December 31, 2006."" SES Americom asserts that waiver ofthe rule i justified by the public intersts to
 be achieved, without any adverse impact on users. The Bureau has indicated that Section 25.161)is
 intended to avoid unaceeptable lapses in service to customers and to prevent warchousing ofsearce orbit
 and spectrum resources" SBS statesthatthe move ofAMC—16 is atthe request of EchoStar, essee of the
 full capacity ofthe AMC—16 communications payloads, so it has no other customer whose interest are at
 stake. We conclude that a waiveris warranted. We note that here will be no interruption in Ku—band
 servicefrom the 85° W.L. orbitllocation because the AMC—2 satelite is at the 85° W.L. orbital location.
 With espectto Ka—band operations, because the relocation is for a short duration wth a defined end date,
 and because the temporary use of the stelite ata different orbital location willfacilitate improved
 service tothe satllit‘s currentcustomer, without any lapse in servic," we grant the requested waiver of
 Section 25.161(c). The grant othe waiver, however,is conditioned upon AMC—16 returning to the 85°
 WLL. orbital location no later than December31, 2006
         10, We have exchanged leters with Industry Canada in order to ensure that there is a mutual
                     ing the operation ofthe AMC—16 satelite. The understandings, and the factual
backeround for these understandings, re provided as Annex: A and are materalconsiderations forthe
authorization contained in this Order.
iv.      orpERING CLAUsES
             11.     TTIS ORDERED that EchoStar Satelite, LLC‘s request,File No. SES—MFS—20050624—
   00813, to modify its authorization, Call Sign EO4O344, S GRANTED® and EchoStar Statellte, LLC
   is authorized to receive Ku—band Dizect—To—Home Fixed Satellite Service from the Canadian—licensed
   AMC—16 at the 118.75® W.L. orbitallocation, consistent with the technical parameters specified in its
   application, and subjectt the fllowing conditions:
         i         EchoSar is not authorized to provide programming to U.S. customers that it
                   obtains through exclusive agreements entered into with Canadian icensed space
                   station operators, program suppliers, and/or program distrbutors.
"a7cr® gas i6(
" SES Americom Applicationatp. 10.
* See VisionStar Incorported, Memorandm Opinion and Order, 19 ECC Red 14820, 14825 9 12 (InI Bur, 2004
‘Tempo Satelite,In., Memorandian Opirion and Order, 13 ECC Red 11063, 11072 9 10 (InI Bur. 1998)
* sES Americom Applicationatp. 10.
" Consistent wth Satelite Division practic, contermporaneously with th eleaseofthis orderthe Systems
Analysis Branch willisue documents with respectt thearth sttion faciltie addressed by this order. Those
documents willncorporate conditions adapted bythis order, specify more detaled technical parametesfor such
aperations,and is a number ofstandard conditions that apply o such opertions

                                 Federal Communications Commission                               pa 06757

         it.     EchoStar must comply with all rulesapplicable to other Commission licenses
                 (eg., the public interest obligations of DTH FSS providers in the Ku—band, 47
            12. TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that EchoStar Satelite, LLC‘ request, File No. SES—LIC—
   20050621—00799, as amended by SES—AMD—20051118—01601, 18 GRANTED, and Echostr‘s carth
   station authorization, Call Sign EOSO11, 18 MODIFIED to specify the AMC—16 space station at
   118.75° W.L. orbital location as an authorized point of communication in te 11.7—12.2 GHz14.0—14.5
   GHfrequency band subjectto the following condition:
                 Communications between the Cheyenne, Wyoming earth station(s)and the AMC—16 and
                 Anik F3 satelitesshall b in compliance withthe satelite coordination agreements
                 reached between Canada and other adminisrations.
        13. TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom, Inc.‘s request, File No. SAT—MOD—
20050621—00132, as amended by SAT—AMD—20051 115—00218,to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and
Contralfunctions during relocation ofthe AMC—16 satellte from the 85° WL. orbial location to the
118.75° W.L. orbitallocation and during the stelite‘s subsequent returm to the 85® W.L. orbital location
18 GRANTED, and SES Americom, Inc.‘s authorization for AMC—16, Call Signs $2181, 18 MODIEIED,
subject t the fllowing conditions:
        t       During the drifto the 118.75° W.L.orbital location, and during the return drift
                back tothe 85° W.L. orbitallocation, SES Americom, Inc.shall not operate the
                main communications payload on AMC—16.
        it.     SES Americom, Inc.shall coordinate alldrif orbit Telemetry, Tracking,and
                Control aperations with other potentilly affected in—orbit operators.
        i1      During relocation of the AMC—16 satelite, operations shall be on a nor—harmful
                interference basis, meaning that SES Americom, Inc. shail not cause interference
                to, and shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other
                Jnwfully operating satellites.
        iv.     In the event that any harmful interferenceis caused as aresult ofoperations
                during therelocation ofthe AMC—16 satelite, SES Americom, Inc. shall cease
                operations immedistely upon notifeation of such interference and shall nform
                the Commission immediately, in writig, ofsuch an event.
        14. TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom, Inc.‘s requests, File Nos. SES—MFS—
20050622:00803, as amended by SES—AFS—20050713—0009 and SES—AMD—20051 1 15—0157; and SE—
MFS—20050622—00804, as amended by SES—AFS—20050713—00910, and SES—AMD—2008115—0156, for
authorty for earth station operations for Telemetry, Tracking and Control functions with AMC—16 atthe
118.75° W.L. orbiallocation, ARE GRANTED, and SE Americom, Inc.‘s authorizations, Call Signs
Eo4036, EO40407, ARE MODIFIED to authorize such operations.

        15. TTIS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom,Inc.‘s request to waive Section
25.161(c)ofhe Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR. § 25.161(), is GRANTED. SES Americom, Inc. shall
continue t be authorized to operate the AMC—16 satelite in Ka—band frequenciesat the 85® W.L. orbial
Tocationand shall resume those operations upon the relocation to that location, no ater than December
31, 2006. IfSES Americom, Ic. does not resume operating in Ka—band frequenciesat the 85° WL.
orbita location by that dat, or if Ku—band operations at the at the $5° WL. orbial location are not
operationa for 90 days or more, the authorization willbe automatically terminated.

                                Federal Communications Commission                               pa oetst

        16.    TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom,Inc. shallinform the Commission,
through a letr to the Chief, Satelite Division, FCC, withinfive business days fllowing the date on
which the AMC—16 satellite departs the 85° W.L. orbita location,and again within five business days
following the return of the AMC—16 to the 85° W.L. orbital location.

        17     SES Americom, In. is affarded thirty days t decline these authorizations as conditioned.
Failure to respond within this peiod willconstiute formal acceptance of the authorizations as

         18. This Order is issued pursuant o authority delegated in Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s
rules, 47 CER. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONs coMMsston

                                %RI’lfib:elséun ze*Tig
                                        ChieL, International Bureau

Federal Communications Comm   DA 06—757

      ANNEX A

                     Federal Communications Commission                               w oe—7s7

                      Federal Communications Commesion
                             Washington, DC 20554
                                   Mireh 21,2006

 Ms. Chirval Besumicr
 Directo,Spoce and Intemaional Repulstary Activiies
 Radiocemmenizations and Brosdcasing Regulaoy Branch
 18" Floo, 300 Slae Strest
 Otaa, Ontaio, Canada
 kia 0Cs
        Re:——   Operiions ofihe AMC—16 Spoce Stain
 Dear MBesurmiec
       ‘Thislte is o confirm thnformal undetandings ofthe Caradian Depariment
ofIndusry Cdisty Canads)and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
cancering cetiin eshnica isrns ivolved i the opertion of enoniationiry ctellze
known s AMC:16 by SES Americom, Inc (SES Amercon) and Telout Coruia
(Telet, purmiantt agreements berween and among SS Americon, Telos, and
EchoStar Satelite, LLC. (EchoStar
The Transaction byand among SES Americom, Telesat, and EchoStar
        5B3 Americom curently operaes the AMC:16 satelie atthe 85° W.1.obial
Jocation, subjecto FCC euthoriy.
        Pacsuantto s Memorandian ofAgreement (Agreementby and amang Telout,
 EchStar and SES Americors, dated as ofJe 20, 2005, it is contemplate tat SES
Americom will move ts AMG—16suelite from te 85° WL orbil location o the
 118 75W1. otitalocaion. The Agreement contempltes that, at tha ocation, the
setlite will operate under Telsats diection and conrol pursuant toan authorization
issued byIndustyConada to Teesat, and that AMG—16 wl be used to provide erviee t
EchSte customersuntilTless aunches and ringsito peraion he Anik F3 sutlfic
atthe 1187 W.L ccbital ocation. Telesit and EchoStar heve coterd into o sepurate
service ngreement under which Telsat agreed to provide Kochand capacit to EchoSter
atthe 118.W.Lorbital location.
       ‘The Agroomen specifes thtthe AMC—16 space srion willberemoved from the
118 235 W.L ortl lecation no aer than 30 days followingthe date EchaStaand SES
Amesicon receive notice Gom Teloat that i hascomplete inxbittesting ofAni F3
and has tranfared cutomer ratle from AMC: 16 to AnicF—3. The Agrecment wll

                       Federal Communications Commission                                 wA os—757

 Chontal Hesurmicr
 March 20, 2006

 continue un Anik F—3 or another iterim setelite is operaional, ukess the AMC—16
 apace station uffersan opertonal falire an is moved ou ofhe 118.75" W.L. positon
 or unless EchoSiar wishet relocte the AMC—16 space station for another us.
         "The Agrscment provides tht SES Amercom will operte AMC—16,pecforming
 telemety, acking, and command fictions fom eart stations in the Unied State,
 wnder Telesat‘sdirection and contral. The Agrecment also rquires SES Americom to
 1akeany necessory step tocomply with US. exportcontro egutations.
         "The 1988 Trilmerl Arringement devignated the 118.7° W.L. orttal Jocation for
 Ku—band Fixed—Satelite Sevic (FSS) use byCanade.* On October 1. 201, Industy
 ‘Canada aarded Telsat an approval in principlefo a new C, Ku— and Ka—band
 communicationssae lt t the 118.7" W.L. obial locatlon. On March 1, 2006, Industy
 Canad authorizd Telesat Cenidato operaie AMC—16, using Ku—band spectrum only, on
 an intrim basisuntl Telosas new satelit, Andc F5is brought nto se at t 118 7°
 WL orbial locaion.
Informal Understandings between Industry Canada and the PC on certain
techniea Issues concerning operation ofAMC—16
        1t is my undersanding that ourro agencis have concurred on the folowing
technieal issuer concerning th opention ofAMG—16:
   1.   Atthe L875 W.L orbital ocation, the AMC—16 spacecrut will operte on K«
        bard frequencies oal, subjes to Catian suthority. The Cmatian
        administrition wllhavereeponsibilityforcompliance with the ITU Radio
        Repulaions (inctuding the requirement fo censing as specified in Aricle 18.1
        ofthe Ratio Repulations, and nyepplicabl agreementsecking mocodurein
        conmection with eperaton ofKi—hand frequencies on the AMC—16 selteatthe
        118.75° W.L. orbia ocation.
  2.    Operation ofthe AMC—16 satelite at any location other than at the 1875" W.L.
        ritl location willhe subjeet o heensing by the FCC, including any operalons
        as aresul oequipment fulors i the ntllte that eault in th iablltyto
        maintin h satelite within 005 degrees ots assigned postonatth 118.75°
        W.L ocbial lcation
 3.     Induriy Cenada, through the Dircte, Space and Invermational Regulatory
        Actvites, once the Canadian lcense has been informed, will ovid t PCC
        withfour(4) dys* atvance weitennatice(c—mail with confirmed reciptfom
        the FCC‘s Chiet, Satelite Divinio, International Bureas, wllbecorsidered

 Triteat Ammagenent Repiing s Jn ofe Gensacimiy Gtitiy Ciada Me, d t Unb
Sue, Pb Natce, Mimeo No dat n Sepe2, 1990 (Trimnt Arangenenr)


                  Federal Communications Commission                                 ba 06757

 Chatal Benie:
 M 20, 2006

        suffien) o any laaned teomiation o expraion ofhs Canadian Lieose for
        the AMC—16 antelie.
   4.   ndsty Canode willcondiion the AMC—16Liensetorequie Teloutto
        maintain bringoxtanroplc filire of aelie components th capabiltytodo—
        it the AMC:16spasecat to an art coniten wih U Recommendatin
        $100%1, Envicemental Protecon of he GeostrionnySuellte Orhi.
          "The informal undentandiogs etforth n this ener conceming openiionofKa—
  band frequencies on the AMC—16stele do notconsittea concurrence by the FCC or
  the United Sates Adininistaion wth any Conadan Ailngs wit the TV
  Radlocommanicaion Dureas a the 187 W.L. ochtal ecnlo. t is my undcrstanding
  thatthe FCC and Industy Conada wil, sepurtey,andaspar ofthe agreementsecking
  procesapplcasle unde he IU Radio Regulaions, work in good fith to complete tm
 proceimofirasnecessuy, in comection wit the apoation ofhe AMC—16 seitat
 the nominal 118.7 W.L ocbal location.
         "The PCC has not bsued y of heautherieations that would be necomaryto
 provid direto—home seviesto cutomers in he Unitd Sates in the AMC—16
 sallte ath L182 W.Locbial lcatin. The CC ha ecaived an applcain for
 modifcaton oh hense fo the AMC16suelie, o tempornily elocte t io the
 118289 WLodbial lecation. The FCC hasalo received an appleaion fr a blankst
 aubhoriation ofouthstatonsseckingtorecoivediecthome ransmisions i hn
 ‘Untod Sttes rom the AMC—16seline athe113.75" W.L. orital ecaon. These
 aplicaion wil equireseparie acion by the RCC. This exchange of leters doe not
 eonstiii approval ofanyofts applcaions
         in the event tat threare y proviions in Telosi‘sHeme fom Inuty
Canada,cr any proviion in the Condian lows and repulaions povering the
ielccommunicatonsoperition ofTlesat Canada that would prolude orotherwise innt
‘he exercse ofEchorur‘s or SES Amercons conmenalrghs witin hetinefomes
apeife in th Agrecment, the PCC would apprecine th opportaity toconsalt wih
Indinery Canada, eioto any xercie ofuc licensing authory., o aplictions ofsuch
lav o rerationsby Industy Caneda. would approcite actnowiodament ofhese
views and expresionof anyviews which Incustry Canada may haveconcerning the
matediscussed in ths parigaph. Lt me also expres the FCC‘s wllingness o iscns
this matterfurber, in theven, aa late date. it becomes necessatodo so.
       Lanty,allnoies,inguiresand corespondence from Industy Connde
concemning these matiesshould b diected t th Chief.Suelte Divsion, ntemaioonl
Burees (ohone mumber 202418—2541) (email: Nelson@fs.zou wita copyto
Andre and Younefs.aou, n e par ofthe FCC. The FCC
Sillforwad all naices,incuiris.mnd contsponderce concerning these maters t he
DirecorSpaceand Interntional Repulatary Actviies (Phone numtber 613 998—3819) (


                  Federal Communications Commission                          pa 06757

Mwen20, 2000

mallbesumerstonilitisosca) on th part of ndusty Conada. Peas et us know if
this addess sibsupenty canges.
        1ftheforeg corespontsto your undesancing ofh inorma armngements
berseen au two agencis concening th vriow technica ues involved in the
teriporary opertion ofKushand fuencies on AMC—16a h 118.75° W.L. ocital
Joeation, piaseconfm by retur letr. Thankyou.
                                        Robert G. Nelim

     Pasl Doh
     Viee Prsident,Droudouting & Corporce Developmen
     Naney J Eskena
     Viee Prosiden and Amaciate General Commeat
     SES Americon, nc


                          Federal Communications Commission                         pao6—7s7

BWR ism cuese
      dunin tw

                                                    ourFie:osd4s—1 1873 RED

                                                          Mak 23 2006
     Mr. Robert Nelson
     Chict,Sarlite Divison
     International Duresu
     Rederal Communications Commision
     Washingion, D.C. 20554
     Dear MNelson
               ‘Thank you for your eter ofMarch 22, 200 seting out our informal
     common undersiandings coneeming cersin toctica ssuesinvolved in the
     operation oabroadcasting—steitservice stelite known by Telesat Canada and
     SES Amercom, AMC—16
               1 am pleasedto provide my confimmation ofour informal
     understandings and acknowledgement ofhe other views expressad n yourleter
                 1 sls notefrom your lete that in the event ther ae ny provisions
     "Telesit‘s iccase from Industy Canada, o any provisions in the Canadian us
     and reulations governingthe telocommunications operations oTelesat Canado
     that would precludeor otherviselimit the exereise ofEchostar‘ and SES
     Americom‘s comractalights within the tme fumes specifid n the Agrcement,
     the FCC would apprecate he opportunty to consult withIndustry Canada, mioe
     to any exerrise ofuch lcensing authriy, or appleations ofsuch law or
     reaultions by IndusryCanada. To the extent posible under thecirmstances
     and te aw, Industy Canada willinform the FCC of he exersis ofHecusing
     suthort,ar application of w or reglationby lndusry Canada, that would
     procludeorothervise limi the exercis ofES Americoms contactal righs
     withithtime ames specifid it Agreement



                  Federal Communications Commission                   DA 06757

        Once agin, I want t express my appresitionfo th suppon your
adinistation is givingto hi ind ofcommercialarngementtofcibe he
dlivey ofimportnt and vluabl satelfe sevices


                                     [        [rtéeszmna~
                                         Chanial Besumicr
                                         Direto, Spaceand eternonal
                                         Repulaory Activites
ce. Robe Power,Telost Carada


Document Created: 2006-04-10 11:36:24
Document Modified: 2006-04-10 11:36:24

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