Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050503-00526 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                               EXHIBIT 1 : JCSAT—1B (150° EL) LINK BUDGETS (CONTINUED)

  Uplink Bearn Name                                      ASIA               ASIA               ASIA             ASIA             ASIA            ASIA
  Uplink Frequency (MHz)                             14000 — 14500      14000 — 14500      14000 — 14500    14000 — 14500    14000 — 14500   14000 — 14500
  Uplink Beam Polarization                           HORIZONTAL         HORIZONTAL         HORIZONTAL       HORIZONTAL       HORIZONTAL      HORIZONTAL
  Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)                      24                 24                 24               1.3              1.3             1.3
  Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                               2.0                2.0                2.0              8.1              3.1             8.1
  Uplink SFD (dBW/nt‘)                                   —91.6              —91.6              91.6             —87.7            —87.7           —87.7
  Rain Rate (mm/hr)                                      45.7               45.7               45.7             40.4             40.4            40.4

  Downlink Beam Name                                    HAWAI              HAWAII             HAWAII           HAWAH            HAWAI            HAWAI
  Downlink Frequency (MHz)                           12000 — 12200      12000 — 12200      12000 — 12200    12000 — 12200    12000 — 12200    12000 — 12200
  Downlink Beam Polarization                          VERTICAL           VERTICAL           VERTICAL         VERTICAL         VERTICAL         VERTICAL
  Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)                    0.5                0.5                0.5              0.5              0.5              0.5
  Downlink Contour EIRP (dBW)                            57.4               57.4               57.4             57.4             57.4             57.4
  Rain Rate (mm/hr)                                      40.4               40.4               40.4             40.4             40.4             404

                                                        148 EL             148 EL             148 EL           148 EL           148 EL           148 EL
  Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                          ~45.0              ~45.0              ~45.0            ~45.0            ~45.0            ~45.0
  Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                       0                  0                  0                0                0                0
  Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                        ~16.90             ~16.90             16.90            16.90            ~16.90           ~16.90
  Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)                                        0                  0                0                0                0

  Satellite 2 Orbital Location                                             152 EL             152 EL           152 EL           152 EL           152 EL
  Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                                             ~45.0              ~45.0            ~45.0            ~45.0            ~45.0
  Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)
  Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                                           +16.90             ~16.90           ~16.90           16.90            ~16.90
  Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)

  Carrier ID                                          520KGZW           520KGTZW           520KGW            520KG7W          520KG7W          520KG7W
  Information Rate (kbps)                               512                 512                512              512             512                512
  Carrier Modulation                                    QPSK               QPSK               QPSK             QPSK             QPSK              QPSK
  Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)                      na               ra                 nva              n/a               na               na
  Code Rate                                         %/4 x RS201/219   34 x RS201/219     %4 x RS201/219    34x RS201/219    ¥4 x RS201/219   %4 x RS201/219
  Occupied Bandwidth (kHz)                                 372              372                372              372               372              872
  Allocated Bandwidth (kHz)                              520                520                520              520              520               520
  Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                            7.0                7.0                7.0              7.0              7.0               7.0
  Minimum C/N, Bain (dB)                                 7.0                7.0                7.0              7.0              7.0               7.0

  Earth Station Diameter (meters)                         2.4                24                 24               24               2.4              24
  Earth Station Gain (dBi)                               49.1               49.1               49.1             49.1             49.1             49.1
  Earth Station Elevation Angle                           20                 20                 20               20               20               20

  Earth    Station   Diameter (meters)                    2.4                2.4                2.4              2.4              2.4              2.4
  Earth    Station   Gain (dBi)                          47.8               47.8               47.8             47.8             47.8             47.8
. |Earth   Station   G/T, Clear Sky (dB/K)               26.3               26.3               26.3             26.3             26.3             26.3
  Earth    Station   Elevation Angle                      20                 20                 20               20               20               20

                                                      Clear Sky         Uplink Fade       Downlink Fade      Clear Sky       Uplink Fade     Downlink Fade

                                                         48.2               48.2               48.2             48.8             48.8             48.8
  Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)                      «207.4             2074               207. 4           207 .4           207.4            2074
  Uplink Rain Attenutation (dB)                           0.0               ~2.5                0.0              0.0             2.3               0.0
 Satellite G/T (dB/K)                                     2.0                2.0                2.0              3.1              31               81
  Boltzman Constant (dBW/K—Hz)                          228.6              228.6              228.6            228.6            228.6            228.6
 Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB—Hz)                        —55.7              +55.7              —55.7            —55.7            —55.7            —55.7
 Uplink C/N (dB)                                         15.7               13.2               15.7             17.5             15.2             17.5

  29                                         ECE
 Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                         36.8               34.3               36.8             $3.5             31.2              33.5
 Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                              —0.5              —0.5               —0.5             —0.5              —0.5             —0.5
  Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)                    +206.0             206.0              206.0            206.0            —206.0           +206.0
 Downlink Rain Attenuation (dB)                           0.0                0.0              134                0.0              0.0             ~10.1
 Earth Station G/T, Clear Sky (dB/K)                     26.3               26.3               21.6             26.3             26.3             21.8
 Boltzman Constant (dBW/K—Hz)                           228.6              228.6              228.6            228.6            228.6            228.6
 Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB—Hz)                         —55.7             —55.7              —55.7            —55.7             —55.7            —55.7
 Downlink C/N (dB)                                       29.5               27.0               11.5             26.2             23.9              11.7

       P                                                15.7               132                15.7              17.5             15.2             17.5
 C/N Downlink (dB)                                      29.5               27.0               11.5              26.2             23.9             11.7
 C/l Intermodulation (dB)                               19.5               171                19.5              16.3             14.0             16.3
 C/ Uplink Co—Channel (dB)*                             28.3               25.8               28.3              25.0             22.7             25.0
 C/l Downlink Co—Channel (dB)*                          28.3               25.8               28.3              25.0             22.7             25.0
 C/l Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)                   17.1               14.6               171               18.8             16.5             18.8
 C/l Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)                 23.3               20.8               23.3              20.0             17.7             20.0
 C/l Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)                   17.1               14.6               171               18.8             16.5             18.8
 C/l Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)                 24.8               22.3               24.8              21.6             19.3             21.6

 C/(N+!1) Composite (dB)                                10.5                8.0                8.0              10.3             8.0              8.0
 Required System Margin (dB)                            1.0                ~1.0                ~1.0             1.0              ~1.0             ~1.0
 Net C/(N+!) Composite (dB)                             9.5                7.0                 7.0               9.3              7.0             7.0
 Minimum Required C/N (dB)                              —7.0               7.0                 7.0              —7.0              7.0             7.0
 Excess Link Margin (dB)                                2.5                0.0                 0.0              2.3               0.0             0.0

 Uplink Power Density       (dBw/Hz)                    —56.6              —56.6              —56.6            —56.0            —56.0             —56.0
 Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)            ~18.4              —20.9              184              21.7             24.0              —21.7

 * Note: The C/l level is adjusted depending on the signal level and transponder mode of operation.

                  EXHIBIT 1 : JCSAT—1B (150° EL) LINK BUDGETS (CONTINUED)

    Uplink Beam Name                                         HAWAIE           HAWAIL           HAWAII
    Uplink Frequency (MHz)                                14000 — 14500    14000 — 14500    14000 — 14500
    Upiink Beam Polarization                              HORIZONTAL       HORIZONTAL       HORIZONTAL
 Uplink Relative Contour Level (dB)                            1.2              1.2              1.2
 Uplink Contour G/T (dB/K)                                     2.5              2.5              2.5
 Uplink SFD (dBW/nt‘)                                         —88.8            —88.8            —88.8
 Rain Rate (mm/hr)                                            40.4             40.A             40.4

 Downlink Beam Name                                          HAWAII           HAWAII           HAwait
 Downlink Frequency (MHz)                                 12000 — 12200    12000 — 12200    12000 — 12200
 Downlink Beam Polarization                                VERTICAL         VERTICAL         VERTICAL
 Downlink Relative Contour Level (dB)                          0.5              as               0.5
 Downlink Contour EIRP (dBw)                                  57.4             57.4             57.4
 Rain Rate ({mm/hr)                                           40.4             404              40.4

 Satellite 1 Orbital Location                                148 EL           148 EL           148 EL
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                                ~45.0            ~45.0            ~45.0
 Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)                                              0                0
 Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                                               —16.90           ~16.90
 Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)                                            0                0

                                                                              152 EL           152 EL
 Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                                                 ~A5.0            45.0
 Uplink Polarization Advantage (dB)
 Downlink EIRP Density (dBW/Hz)                                               ~16.90           ~16.90
Downlink Polarization Advantage (dB)

Carrier ID                                                 520KG7W          520KGZW          520KGZW
Information Rate (kbps)                                      512              512              512
Carrier Modulation                                           QPSK             QPSK             QPSK
Peak to Peak Bandwidth of EDS (MHz)                            n/a             na                na
Code Rate                                                ¥4 x RS201/219   34x RS20V/219    34 x RS201/219
Occupied Bandwidth (kHz)                                       372             372               372
Allocated Bandwidth (kHz)                                     520              520              520
Minimum C/N, Clear Sky (dB)                                   7.0              7.0              7.0
Minimum C/N, Rain (dB)                                        7.0              7.0              7.0

Earth Station Diameter (meters)                                2.4              2.4              2.4
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                                      49.1             49.1             49.1
Earth Station Elevation Angle                                  20               20               20

                oo gey
Earth Station Diameter {meters)    .                           24               2.4              2.4
Earth Station Gain (dBi)                                      47.8             47.8             47.8
Earth Station G/T, Clear Sky (dB/K)                           26.3             26.3             26.3
Earth Station Elevation Angle                                  20               20               20

BBE                                                        Clear Sky       Uplink Fade     Downlink Fade

Uplink Earth Station EIRP (dBW)                               48.4             48.4             48.4
Uplink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)                             207. 4           2074             207.4
Uplink Rain Attenutation (dB)                                  0.0             2.3               0.0
Satellite G/T (dB/K)                                           2.5              2.5              2.5
Bolizman Constant (dBW/K—Hz)                                 228.6            228.6            228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB—Hz)                              —55.7            —55.7            —55.7
Uplink C/N (dB)                                               16.4             14.1             16.4

&                                 Las          2s
2                               ME       AEALDIEDIIIEE
Downlink EIRP per Carrier (dBW)                               34.2             31.9             34.2
Antenna Pointing Error (dB)                                    —0.5             —0.5             —0.5
Downlink Path Loss, Clear Sky (dB)                           —206.0           —206.0           —206.0
Downlink Rain Attenuation (dB)                                 0.0              0.0             10.6
Earth Station G/T, Clear Sky (dB/K)                           26.3             26.3             21.8
Boltzman Constant (dBW/K—Hz)                                 228.6            228.6            228.6
Carrier Noise Bandwidth (dB—Hz)                               —55.7            —55.7            —55.7
Downlink C/N (dB)                                             26.9             24.6             11.7
3        ANALNLGLL
C/N Uplink (dB)                                              16.4             14.1              16.4
C/N Downlink (dB)                                            26.9             24.6              11.7
C/i Intermodulation (dB)                                     16.9             14.7              16.9
C/ Uplink Co—Channel (dB)*                                   25.7             28.4              25.7
C/ Downlink Co—Channel (dB)*                                 25.7             28.4              25.7
C/l Uplink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)                         18.5             16.2              18.5
C/i Downlink Adjacent Satellite 1 (dB)                       20.7             18.4              20.7
C/ Uplink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)                          18.5             16.2              18.5
C/l Downlink Adjacent Satellite 2 (dB)                       22.2             19.9              22.2

C/(N+!) Composite (dB)                                       10.3              8.0              8.0
Required System Margin (dB)                                  ~1.0              ~1.0             41.0
Net C/(N+1) Composite (dB)                                   9.3               7.0               7.0
Minimum Required C/N (dB)                                    —7.0              7.0              7.0
Excess Link Margin (dB)                                      2.3               0.0              0.0

Uplink Power Density (dBW/Hz)                                —56.4            —56.4            —56.4
Downlink EIRP Density At Beam Peak (dBW/Hz)                  —21.0            23.3             21.0

* Note: The C/l level is adjusted depending on the signal level and transponder mode of operation.

Document Created: 2019-04-13 06:15:21
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 06:15:21

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