Attachment RF Analysis Exhibit

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050412-00429 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


 Analysis of Non—lonizimg Radiation associated with a 2.4 Meter Ku—
                  band Earth Station Uplink System

  — Enginecring statement concerning the application of the Aircraft
 Owners and Pilots Asscciation (AOPA) for a transmit—receive Earth
                          Uplink Antenna designation:

                         RADIA;ITION HAZARD STUDY
This study has; been performed by United Media on behalf of the AOPA to estimate the potential
radiation hazz rd that could exist is the vicinity of it‘s fixed satellite service Earth station in the 14
CGHz band which emaploys a Prodedin model 1251 2.4 meter antenna. The power values employed
in this study ire the maximum that the station can generate. Typical operating values would be

This study has been prepared in arcord with the Commission‘s "OST Bulletin #655 Edition 97—01",
this bulletin gives methods for prelicting (and measuring) the expected power—dengity levels in the
vicinity of an antenna, and has ber:n used throughout this study. The safety limits employed in this
study are in conformance with FCX R&O 96—326. Bulletin #65 and the R&O define two classes of
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE). The first and most restrictive applies to persons in an
uncontrolled , public environment This MPE is an average of 1 mW/cem? in any 30 minute period.
The second and less restrictive ME applies to persons in a controlled / Occupational environment
where the MEE is an average of 5 mW/cm2 over any 6 minute period.

This study will report the maximtim power flux densities in the far field, near field, and transition
region of the Earthstation‘s beara. The study will also report the maximum power flux densities
between the fzed and the main retlector, at the main reflector surface, and between the edge of the
antenna and tie ground.

Mar 18 0S O0#:4€p                                                                                § UU J

     Antenna Characteristic:s

     The antenna employed by the Earh station in this study has the following Characteristics:

            Anteniia Diameter              C)             2.4 meters

            Antem a surface area           (Sa)           1 (D/2)2                 4.52 m2

            Feed ciameter                  (Df            6.63 cm

            Feed srea                      (Fa)           x (Df/2)2                34.5 cm2

            Waveength at 14.25 GHz.        (1)            0.021 m

            Transinit power at feed        (P)            15.38 Watts

            Antenna Gain (As P ratio)      (G)            83176     at 14.25 GHz
                                                          (49.2 dBi)

            Antenna aperture efficienc."   (e)            0.65
                                                          (65 %)

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\Calculations and Resutts

  The field in front of an antenna in this portion of the spectrum can be characterized by referring to
  two separate regions, the near—fiel l or Fresnel region and the far—field or Fraunhofer region.

  1. The Far Field region

             The boginniang of the far—fir:ld (RF) can be calculated by:

                             Rf=0.6 D: /1
             Where:          D = antenns. diameter
                             J = wavelength

             In this case the antenna is a Prodelin mode] 1251 2.4 meter antenna operating at a
             wavelsngth of 0.021 mete:s so the beginning of the far—field (Rf) is:

                             = 0.6(2.421/1 or 3.456 / .021

                             or 164.6 m

             The maximum power der.:sity (Sf) on the main beam axis in the far—field region may be
             deterrvined by calculating the power density at the beginning of the far field:

                             Sf = PG, 4R

             Wher:           P = Power fed to the antenna in Watts
                             G = anterpa gain as a ratio relative to isotropic (83176 or 49.2 dB)
                             R = distarice to the point of interest

             Since this stndy concentr:tes on maximum potential exposure to humans (R) will be set to
             the b:ginning of the far—field (RFf) or 164.6 meters from above. So in this case the
             maxiinum intensity in the far field (Sf) will be:

                             = 15.88 (;3176) / 4 (3.1416) 164.62

                              or 1.32 x.106 / 3.4 x 105 or 3.87Watts / m2

                              Convertin:; units, Sf = 0.387 mW / cem2

  2. The near field region
             The extent of the near—fie:d region (Rn) can be found by:

             (1)              Rn=D2/ 1(1)
             Where:           D = antenia diameter
                              1 = waveength

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                 In this case the antenna is a 2.4 Meter operating at a wavelength of .021 Meters so the
                 cxtent of the near field (Rn: is:

                                 = 242/4(021) or 5.76 / .084

                                 or 68.57 c

                 The vi Jue of the maximumnear field power density (Sn) is given by:

                                 S        16eP ; D2

                 Where:          P = Powerfed to the antenna in Watts
                                   = Apertite efficiency (In this case 0.65)
                                 D Anterna dameter

                 In thr case the naximum. power reaching the antenna is 15.88 Watts, so the maximum
                 near—f:eld intensity (Sn) will be:

                                 = 16(,65)15.88 / 3.1416(2.42) or 165.15 / 18.09 or 4.56 W/im2

                                 Converting.units, S = 0456 mW/om2

          3. The transition region

                 The mgion between the rear field and the far field is the transition region. It is in the
                 transiion region where whe power density starts to decrease with distance, thus the
                 maximum power density:in the transition region will be equal to the maximum power
                 densit ; calculated above f¢‘rthe near field or

                                 S = 0.456 +aW/cm2.

          4. The region between the feed an the reflector

                 AnottFer region to be investigated is between the feed and the main teflector. This is an
                 area vith the shape of a cone extending from the feed horn to the main reflector. The power
                 density will be highest at thie feed end of this cone and can be calculated by:

                                 Sp, = 2P / 5a

                 Where:          P = Powefed to the antenna in Watts
                                 Fa = Ars::of the feed aperture in cm
                 In thi: case the maximumi.power reaching the feed is 15.88 Watts, so the maximum power
                 density at the feed aperturi: (Sp,) will be:

                                          = 2P}ffia = 2(15.88)W /34.5 cm2          or    0.92 W/iem2

          5. The main ieflector region

Mar 18 0S 03:47p                                                                                        1090

            Anothcr region to be investigated is at the main reflector. The power density (Sr) can be
            deterpuned in the same ‘nanner as at the feed except that the area is now that area
            represi:nted by the main reflector. This value can be found by:
                           Sr = 2P / S:.
            Where:         P = Powerfed to thc antenna in Watts
                           Sa = Arez of the main reflector in meters?

            In this case the maximum sower reaching the feed is 15.88 Watts, so the maximum power
            densit= at the main reflecto: (Sr) will be:

                            Sr =, 2P/S., = 2(15.88)W /5.76 m2 = 31.76/8.76 or 5.51 W /m2

                            Converting:units = 0.551 mW /cm

     6. The region between the reflecto> edgeand the ground

            Another region to be inveg‘igated is between the edge of the main reflector and the ground.
            If the sowey were evenly cistributed over the surface of the reflector, that is if the aperture
            illumi iation was uniform, he power density at the cdge of the reflector (Sg) would be:

                            Sg = P/Sz = 15.88W /5.76m              or      0.275 mW/icm2,

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                              Summary Table 1

  For 5 mW / cm2 MP3 for Controlied / Occupational environments

Regio:i                                Power Density              Hazard Assessment

 1. Far field, Rf = 164.6m              0.387 mW / cm2                No Hazard

2. Near—field, Rn = 68.57in             0.456 mW / cm2                No Hazard

 3. Transition region, Rt              0.456—0.387 mW / cm2           No Hazard
     Rn <Rt<Rf

4. IBet ween main reflector
    aml Feed                            0.92 W / cm?2                 Potential Hazard

 5. Reflector surface                  0.551 mW / em2                 No Hazard

 6. Beiween antenna and g.:ound        0.275 mW / cm2                 No Hazard

 Note to #G —above:     Ass the case with all earth station antennas, the i!fumination is
 actua ly tapered to achiev s lower sidelobe leve)s. Specifically, those required by the FCC
 Rule: to achieve two—degree spacing. Tapers on the order of 10 dB or more are typical.
 With such an illuminaticn taper, the power density at the edge of the antenna will be
 consijerably below this vilue.

 United Media has consicerable experience in building, testing and maintaining satellite
 communication facilities of this type, and our experience testing high efficiency antennas of
 this tpe suggest an edge aper of at least 10dB will exist on this antenna.

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                              Summary Table 2

      For 1 mW / cm2 NPE for Uncontrolled / Public environmeunts

Region                             Deasity            Hazard Assessment

l; Far field, Rf = 164.6m          0.387 mW / cm2     |     No Hazard

2. Ne:r—field, Rn = 68.5711        0456 mW / cm2            No Hazard

3. Traasition region, Rt           0.456—0.387 mW / cm2     No Hazard
   Rn <Rt<Rf

4. Between main reflector:
    ani| Feed.                     0.92 W / cm2             Potential Hazard

5. Reflector surface               0.551 mW / cm2           No Hazard

6. Between antenna and ground      0.275 mW / cm2           No Hazard

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This re latively low power cigital uplink does not represent a radiation hazard since the only
potent al hazard is inside the antenna structure near the feedhorn. This is an easy area to
control access to, and the "ransmitter will not be operational during any required antenna

This station will be locatzd on the secured roof of the AOPA building located at the
Frederick, MD airport. The: antenna will be mounted to an existing steel structure above the
roof that would preclude 15cess to radiation with out the use of a ladder or lift of some
Based on the above analysis and operating practices it is concluded that hnmans cannot
come slose enough to the. Earth station antenna itself to be a hazard to members of the
public or station personnel
The Earth station antenns will be marked with standard radiation hazard warning signs
including one placed on the surface of the antenna, thus warning individuals to avoid the
area in front of the antenne.

Unite1 Media

MupmrdQ Covoven
Raymiond A. Conover
Director of Engineetring

Document Created: 2005-03-21 10:34:17
Document Modified: 2005-03-21 10:34:17

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