Attachment E050081

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050324-00346 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                            Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                             pa os.1027
                                             May 18, 2005
    Joseph A. Godles, Esg.
    Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright
    1220 19° Street NW
    Washington, D.C. 200362413
                                                    Re: Call Sign E080081
                                                        File No. SES—L1C—20080324—00346
                                                        File No. SES—AMD—20050416—00404

    Dear Mr. Godles:
    On March 24, 2005, PanAmSst Licensee Corp. (‘PanAmSar") fled the above—captioned
    application for authorityto operat a new conventional Ku—Band‘ VSAT network earth station in
    Ellenwood. Georgia and on April 16, 2005 filed an amendment to the pending application. For
    the reasons discussed below, we dismiss the application and the amendment as defective, without
A review ofthe application and the amendment revealed the application is incomplete,
           (1) PanAmSatfaled to completethe FCC Form 312, Schedule B section regarding the
           hub station. As stated in the Location for Barth Station Site section othe Instructions for
           Completion of FCC Form 312 Application for Satellite Space and Earth Stations
           Authorization ...[Sichedule B and the Main Form must be completed when filing fo all
           new earthstations including VSAT networks...Each hub station of a VSAT network
           must have ts own completed Schedule B";
           (2) PanAmSatfaled to provide technical and operationalinformation in hems E3/E34
           for the proposed antenna 75Q8; and Items E36—E40 and Ttems ES6—B6O for all proposed
           antennas in the Schedule B of FCC Form 312; and
           (3) PanAmSat failed to completely provide aseries o antenna gain plots as required
           under 47 CFR. § 25.132(b)for the proposed antennas: 75m,.96m,
           1.0 m, and 1.2 m.

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Accordingly, parsuantto Sections 25.112(a)(1), and 0.261, we dismiss your application, as
amended, as defective, without prejudiceto refiling."

                                                    deeOA e W

                                                   Scot A. Kotler
                                                   Chiet, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                   Satelite Division
                                                   Interational Bureau

* 47 CIBR. §§25.1 12000and 0.261.. Seealso Echostar Stelte LLC, Order on Reconsideration;
DA 04—1056 (released December272004)
3: If Panamsatrefiles an aplicationfo a new licnse identeat theon dismissed, wththeexception of
supplying the missing information, it need not pay an applcationfee. See 47 C.FR. Secion1.1109(0)

Document Created: 2005-05-19 10:11:20
Document Modified: 2005-05-19 10:11:20

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