Attachment E050018

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20050119-00080 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                   BINGHAM McCUTCHEN

                              Troy F. Tanner
                              Danielle C. Burt                                             MAR — 3 2006
                              Direct Phone: (202) 373—6039
                                                                                                        ions Commission
                              Direct Fax: (202) 424—7647                             Federal Commut cat     ary
                                                                                             Office of Secret
Bingham McCuichen LLP
                              March 3, 2006
     3000K Street NW

                              Via Courier

                              Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                              Federal Communications Commission
                              Office of Secretary
                              c/o Natek, Inc.
                  Boston      236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110
                 Hartford     Washington, DC 20002
            os Angeles        Re:   NewCom International
                New York            Notification of Construction of Satellite Earth Station
                        nty         Call Sign E050018; FCC File No. SES—LIC—20050119—00080

         Sili                 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Walnut Creek                NewCom International ("NewCom"), by undersigned counsel and
           Washinglon         pursuant to Section 25.133 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.133,
                              hereby submits this letter to notify the Commission that construction of the above—
                              referenced satellite earth station has been completed. The license for this earth
                              station was granted to NewCom on March 23, 2005.

                                      NewCom certifies that the station became operational in March 2005 and
                              will remain operational during the license period unless the license is submitted
                              for cancellation. NewCom also certifies that the station has been constructed as
                              authorized and each antenna facility has been tested and is within 2 dB of the
                              pattern specified in Section 25.209 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §

Document Created: 2006-03-08 11:21:18
Document Modified: 2006-03-08 11:21:18

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