Attachment Acceptance Test Plan

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20041207-01792 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


1.2.22. Test Case for Routing Test Results Matrix
Verified By:

Date Verified:
Test #   Req ID            Description                        Expected Results                   Actual     Change
                                                                                                 Results   Request #
  1.              Verify the My Drafts tab:        The MyDrafts tab shall have
                  The correct data is displayed.   applications that the user has created,
                                                   applications that the user is the Initiator
                                                   of, and applications that have been
                                                   newly routed to him/her.
  2.              Verify the My Drafts tab:        The system shall display the following
                  The following columns shall      columns:
                  appear.                          1) A Select box to take action on an
                                                   2) Filing ID/ (Filing Type)
                                                   3) Date Created
                                                   4) Next Step
                                                   5) Route To/From (the FRN Number or
                                                   the recipient/router)
                                                   6) Route Date
                                                   7) Routing Comment
                                                   8) Application Description
                  Verify the My Drafts tab:        The user may click on this to sort the
                  The ‘Routed To/From’             data in the column.
                  column header is a hyperlink.
  3.              Verify the My Drafts tab:        Clicking the ‘Routed To/From’ column
                  The ‘Routed To/From’             individual row hyperlinks shall create a
                  column hyperlinks.               popup window and display the FRN
                                                   holder’s full address.

                  Verify the My Drafts tab:        The user may click on this to sort the
                  The ‘Routing Comments’           data in the column.
                  column header is a hyperlink.
  4.              Verify the My Drafts tab:        Clicking the ‘Routing Comments’
                  The ‘Routing Comments’           column individual row hyperlinks shall
                  column hyperlinks.               create a popup window and display the
                                                   full routing comment.

  5.              Verify the My Drafts tab:        The following fields shall not be
                  Some fields shall not display    displayed if the application has not
                  for applications that have not   been created: Routed To/From, Routing
                  yet been routed.                 Date, and Routing Comments.
  6.              Verify the My Drafts tab:        The ‘Routing History’ and ‘Route’
                  Routing-related options          options shall appear in the list of
                  appear in the Application        Application Tools options.
                  Tools drop down list box.
  7.              Verify the My Drafts tab:        The application should be updateable
                  The person who is currently      by the person who is currently assigned
                  assigned the application can     the application.
                  update the application.

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  8.             Verify the My Drafts tab: No      The application shall appear in Read
                 party other than the person       Only mode with all columns locked
                 who has the application can       down if the user is not the party who is
                 update the application.           currently assigned to application.
  9.             Verify the My Drafts tab:         The application shall be fileable by the
                 The Initiator can file the        Initiator.
 10.             Verify the MyIBFS user            The screen entitled ‘Route a Filing’
                 account page: The user shall      shall appear.
                 route an application to
                 another user by selecting the
                 ‘Route’ menu choice from
                 the Application Tools drop
                 down list box and clicking
 11.             Verify the Route Page.            The Route Page shall contain the
                                                   following text: Select the file(s) you
                                                   wish to route by checking the Select
                                                   box. Enter the recipient's FRN in the
                                                   'FRN:' entry field. (If you do not know
                                                   or are uncertain about the recipient's
                                                   FRN, you can search for it by clicking
                                                   on the following link:
                                                   Home.html.) Next, choose the
                                                   recipient's level of access by clicking
                                                   on the drop down arrow to the right of
                                                   the 'Privilege:' entry field, and highlight
                                                   the appropriate level. Enter a message
                                                   for the recipient in the 'Comments:'
                                                   entry field, if needed. (optional) Click
                                                   the 'Route' button. (If you wish to
                                                   verify the recipient's name and address
                                                   first, click the 'Confirm FRN' button. If
                                                   correct, then click the 'Route' button. If
                                                   not, enter the correct FRN, then click
                                                   the 'Route' button.)
 12.             Verify the Route Page.            The Route Page shall contain the
                                                   following header information: Filing
                                                   ID, FRN, Applicant Name, and Date
                                                   Created as well as the Select checkbox.
 13.             Verify the Route Page.            The Route Page shall contain the
                                                   following fields/drop down list boxes:
                                                   FRN, Privilege, and Comment.
 14.             Verify the Route Page.            The Route Page shall contain the
                                                   following buttons: <Confirm FRN>,
                                                   <Route>, and <Cancel>.
 15.             Verify the Route Page: Click      The system shall return the user to the
                 on the <Cancel> button.           My Drafts tab.
 16.             Verify the Route Page:            The FRN field and Privilege drop down
                 Return to the Route screen.       list box are populated.
                 Enter the FRN/Account
                 number that you would like
                 to route the application to and
                 select the the Privilege.
 17.             Verify the Route Page: The        The user shall populate the text box.
                 user shall enter a routing

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                 comment that will give the
                 recipient instructions on what
                 to do with the application
                 once he/she has received it.
 18.             Verify the Route Page: Click     The FRN holder’s address and
                 the <Confirm FRN> button         identifying information should appear
                 to confirm that the correct      on the bottom of the page.
                 FRN has been entered.
 19.             Verify the Route Page: Click     The application should be sent to
                 on the <Route> button.           another user, and that user’s InBox link
                                                  should appear highlighted in the header
                                                  of his/her MyIBFS user account page.
 20.             Verify the Route Page:           The application should now appear on
                 Verify that the other user       the recipient user’s My Drafts tab.
                 received the application.
 21.             Verify the My Drafts tab: No     An error message shall display if a user
                 party other than the Initiator   other than the Initiator attempts to file
                 can file the application.        the application.
 22.             Verify the My Drafts tab:        If an application is routed more than
                 The application may only be      two hops away from the Initiator and
                 routed 2 hops away from the      error message shall display.
 23.             Verify the My Drafts tab:        The Initiator next steps shall include:
                 The ‘Next Step’ column shall     Qualify, Finalize, File or Pay.
                 display three different
                 choices if the user is the
 24.             Verify the My Drafts tab:        The Initiator’s next step should only be
                 The ‘Next Step’ column           ‘Review and Route’ at any time that the
                 always displays ‘Review and      application is not assigned to the
                 Route’ when the Initiator is     Initiator.
                 not assigned the application.
 25.             Verify the MyIBFS user           The ‘InBox’ link should not appear in
                 account page: The ‘InBox’        the header of the MyIBFS Homepage.
                 link shall not appear unless
                 the user has unacknowledged
 26.             Verify the MyIBFS user           The ‘InBox’ link shall appear in red
                 account page: The ‘InBox’        when a user has received a newly
                 link shall appear in the         routed application.
                 MyIBFS Header when a new
                 application has been routed to
                 the user on the MyIBFS user
                 account page.
 27.             Verify the My IBFS User          The system should mark the application
                 Account page: Verify that an     as Acknowledged after the user updates
                 application is acknowledged      the application.
                 when a user enters the
                 application through the My
                 Drafts tab.
 28.             Verify the Inbox.                The Inbox shall contain the following
                                                  header information: Filing ID, Name,
                                                  FRN, Accept, Last Assigned, To User,
                                                  Routed By, Routed On, and Routing
 29.             Verify the Inbox.                The Inbox shall contain the following
                                                  buttons: <Acknowledge>, <Cancel>.

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 30.             Verify the Inbox: The            All newly routed applications should be
                 ‘InBox’ displays a row for       included in the ‘InBox’.
                 each application that has been
                 newly routed to the user.
 31.             Verify the Inbox: The user       The system shall return back to the My
                 shall select the application     Drafts tab.
                 and click <Cancel>.
 32.             Verify the Inbox: The user       The system shall remove the
                 shall select the application     application from the Inbox list and shall
                 and click <Acknowledge >.        return back to the My Drafts tab.
 33.             Verify the Inbox: The            The recipient user shall be able to
                 application awaiting             access his/her Inbox by clicking on the
                 acknowledgement is in the        ‘Inbox’ link in the header.
                 recipient user’s Inbox.
 34.             Verify the Inbox:                The user shall be able to acknowledge
                 Acknowledge multiple             multiple applications by selecting the
                 applications.                    appropriate checkboxes and clicking on
                                                  the <Acknowledge> button. The
                                                  applications shall be removed from the
 35.             Verify the My IBFS User          The Outbox link shall appear on the
                 Account page: The ‘OutBox’       MyIBFS user account page.
                 link appears in the header of
                 the MyIBFS Homepage
 36.             Verify the My IBFS User          The OutBox page shall display.
                 Account page: The ‘OutBox’
                 link is a hyperlink and
                 displays the OutBox page.
 37.             Verify the Outbox.               The Outbox shall contain the following
                                                  header information: Select checkbox,
                                                  Filing Id (Filing Type), Routed To,
                                                  Routing Date, Recipient Level, Status,
                                                  Routing Comment.
 38.             Verify the Outbox.               The Outbox shall contain the following
                                                  screen functionality: Filter and Sort By
                                                  drop-down list boxes and fields: Show
                                                  Me, For the Lat:, and For FRN. These
                                                  shall give the user the ability to
                                                  customize their search.
 39.             Verify the Outbox:               The Application Tools options that
                                                  shall be available on the Outbox are as
                                                  follow: Outbox Detail, Retract.
 40.             Verify the OutBox: The list      The OutBox screen shall allow a user
                 can be filtered.                 to filter the results by:
                                                  1) Filing Type
                                                  2) Number of days
                                                  3) FRN Account Number
 41.             Verify the Outbox: Only one      The Outbox shall display one unique
                 row exists for each              row for each application that a user has
                 application that the user has    routed.
                 routed. The Initiator may
                 route the application more
                 than once but see only one
                 row in the OutBox screen.
 42.             Verify the Outbox: The detail    The screen displays a transaction
                 screen only displays             record for each time that the user has
                 transactions that the user       routed the particular application.

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                 actually performed the
                 routing in.
 43.             Verify the Outbox:              The ‘OutBox’ application tool bar
                 Application retraction.         should be the only place that a user can
                                                 retract an application.

 44.             Verify the Outbox: The user     The Retract A Filing screen shall
                 selects the “Retract” option    appear.
                 from the Application Tools
                 Menu screen.
 45.             Verify the Retract a Filing     After Retracting an application, the
                 Screen.                         Routing Comments should display as
                                                 “Retracted” + the Comment that the
                                                 user has entered.
 46.             Verify the Retract a Filing     If a user other than the Initiator tries to
                 Screen: If is the user is NOT   Retract an application after the
                 the Initiator, he/she cannot    application has been retracted, an error
                 retract back from the user      message shall inform the user that this
                 who retracted from him/her.     application CANNOT be retracted.
 47.             Verify the Routing History      The system shall display the Routing
                 Page: View the Routing          History screen.
                 History of a routed
                 application by selecting the
                 ‘Routing History’ option
                 from the Application Tools
                 drop-down menu and
                 clicking <GO>.
 48.             Verify the Routing History      The Routing History page should show
                 Page: If the user is the        a record for each time that the
                 Initiator of the application,   application has been routed. The user
                 the ‘Routing History’ page      should be able to view the Initial Entry
                 should be available.            that was made when the application
                                                 was created and the transaction that
                                                 he/she had just created when he/she
                                                 routed the application to another user.
 49.             Verify the Routing History      The Routing History page shall contain
                 Page.                           the following information: Route Date,
                                                 Routed To, Routed From,
                                                 Acknowledged Date, Recipient Level,
                                                 and Routing Comments.
 50.             Verify the Routing History      Click on the <Cancel> button. The
                 Page: Verify the <Cancel>       system should return to the MyIBFS
                 button.                         user account page.
 51.             Verify that the Routing         An error message shall appear if an
                 History: Shall only be          applications Routing History is
                 available to the Initiator.     accessed by a user other than the

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Document Created: 2004-12-07 12:34:22
Document Modified: 2004-12-07 12:34:22

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