Attachment dismissal letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20041130-01757 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                             Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, DC 20554

                                                                                           DA 05—67

                                           Jonuary 12, 2005

    Kathy L. Cooper
    Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
    3000 K Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20007—5116
                                                    Re: Newcom International
                                                        Call sign: EO4O446
                                                       File No. SES—L1C—20041130—01757

   Dear Ms. Cooper:
   On November 30, 2004, Newcom International ("Neweom ") filed the above—captioned
   application for authority to operate a Conventional C—Band" Earth Station in Miami,
   Florida. For the reasons discussed below, we dismiss the application as defective,
   without prejudiceto refiing."

   A review of the application has revealed several deficiencies within the application:

           (1) Item E38 in the Antenna section of Schedule B of FCC Form 312, Total Input
           Power at the antenna flange for the proposed 7.3 meter antenna, is left blank;

           (2) Item E43/44 in the Frequency section, the applicant listed the proposed
           frequency range to be 5925—5920 MHz, 5961— 5988 MHz, 6020— 6047 MHz,
           6079—6107 Mitz, 6272—6299 MHz, 6331—6359 MHz, 6391— 6425 MHz; however,
           the corresponding proposed bandwidth listed in the application is 45 MHz which
           is wider than the limited frequency range proposed;

   1 37001200 and 5925—6425 Mz bands.
   : Alhough not a ground fo disnissl, we note thtthe ostput EIRP valueo68 dBW in tem E10 oyour
   applition would ield aninput pover atthe antenna flange o 134.89 W. We cannot reconcil this with
   the proposed valucof 25W forth4. meter antenna. Should Newcom refle is application o show an
   input power of134.89W, we request Neweom to resubmita recaleulted RF radiation hazard report o
   reflectthe new valu.

                                Federal Communications Commission                       panser

        (3) the proposed EIRP density value of 44 dBWMkHz entered for the emissions
        128KG7D and 45M0G7W in Item E49 of Schedule B are inconsistent with the
        possible values of 52.99 dBW/ 4kHtz and 27.49 dBW/4 kHz, respectively, from
        the listed 68 dBW EIRP.

Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1)° of the Commission‘s Rules, for fallure to
provide complete answers and for providing inconsistent responses, the application is
                                                  AecGdA: KetGzcc
                                                  Scott A. Kotler
                                                  Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                                  Satellite Division

ce: Newcom International (Mr. Jaime Dickinson)

3. 47 CR§25.112@(D. See also Echostar Satelite LLC, Order on Reconsideration, DA—4056,
(released December27, 2006)
*. If Neweom refiles an application identiclto thone dsmissd, wit the exeeptin osupplying the
mising and correted nformation, it need not pay anapplication ee. See 47 C.FR.§ 1.1109(0)

Document Created: 2005-01-12 16:45:22
Document Modified: 2005-01-12 16:45:22

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