Attachment Certification

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20040913-01429 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                      <CARL T. JONES==
                                   CORPORATION —————=

                              March 31, 2005

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
The Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12"" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

                      RE:     Required Notice of Completion of Construction
                              Ku Band Temporary—Fixed Satellite Earth Station
                              Licensee: Flint License Subsidiary Corporation
                              Earth Station Call Sign: E040379
                              File Number: SES—LIC—20040913—01429
                              License Grant Date: 11/03/2004
Dear Ms. Dortch:

      Attached in triplicate for filing with the Commission on behalf of Flint
License Subsidiary Corporation, licensee of the above captioned Earth Station,
please find the Required Notice of Completion of Construction for Earth Station
License EO40379, as required by Section 25.133 of the Commission‘s Rules and
Special and General Provisions 2938 of the above captioned Earth Station
License. Also included is a copy of this letter to be stamped as received and
returned in the postage paid, self—addressed envelope provided.

      The certification that the facility has been completed as authorized was
prepared by this office under the authorization of the Flint License Subsidiary
Corporation.    The certification includes a statement that the manufacturer has
tested the antenna and that it is within 2 dB of the pattern specified in Section
25.209, and that the station will remain operational during the license period
unless the license is submitted for cancellation. This certification states that the
earth station was placed into service on March 11, 2005.

        If any questions arise, please communicate with the undersigned.

                                   .,        4   /y

                              Alfred E. Resnick, P. E.
Writer‘s telephone: 703 569—7704
Writer‘s electronic mail:
Attachment: Notice of Completion of Construction for E040379

                                  Carl T. Jones Corporation
7901 Yarnwood Court, Springfield, Virginia 22153—2899 (703) 569—7704   Fax: (703) 569—6417

Document Created: 2005-05-25 11:32:47
Document Modified: 2005-05-25 11:32:47

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