Attachment Dismissal ltr

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20040528-00746 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

                                                                                        DA 04-2689

                                         August 26,2004

Robert G. Allen, P.C.
9300 Forest Point Circle
P.O. Box 2126
Manassas, VA 20 108

                                                  Re:      Telco214, Inc. (“Telco214”)
                                                           File No: SES-LIC-20040528-00746

Dear Mr. Allen:

For reasons discussed below, we dismiss the above-captioned application to request authority to
operate a fixed earth station located in Melbourne, Florida as defective, without prejudice to

A review of the application discloses the following defects:

        1. Intelsat 5 11,603, and 605, requested as Points of Communication by Telco2 14, are
           not at the locations specified in the application. Specifically, Intelsat 5 11 is no longer
           operational, Intelsat 603 is currently located at 340 E.L. not at 335.5 E.L., and
           Intelsat 605 is at 33 E.L not at 332.5 E.L. Consequently, we are not able to
           determine the satellites with which Telco2 14 seeks to communicate. If Telco2 14
           refiles, it must accurately identi6 the satellites with which it seeks to communicate,
           the orbit locations at which they are operating or are authorized if not yet launched,
           and the frequency bands in which operations to and from each satellite will occur.

        2. The eastern satellite arc limit of 30 degrees W.L. in the frequency coordination report
           is inconsistent with the eastern satellite arc limit of 10 degrees W.L. entered in E54 of
           Schedule B. If Telco214 refiles, the coordination report must be consistent with the
           range of arc proposed for operation, and it must be current within six months.

        3. Values of EIRP density of - 15 and -4.1 dBW/4KHz entered for the emissions
           2M46G7W and 205KG7W in Items E49 of Schedule B are substantially lower than
           and inconsistent with the mathematically minimum possible values of 30.9 and 4 1.7
           calculated by subtracting the bandwidth of the emission divided by 4 KHz, after
           conversion to dB, from the EIRP of 59 dBW. If Telco214 refiles, it must supply
           values for eirp density consistent with eirp and bandwidth.

        4. The value entered for elevation angle east of 26.3 degrees is substantially different
           from and inconsistent with the value of 8.4 degrees that corresponds to the eastern
           limit of satellite arc of 10 degrees W.L. and the earth station location of 28 2 29
           North Latitude and 80 35 43 West Longitude. If Telco214 refiles, it must supply a
           value for elevation angle consistent with the limits of the satellite arc and the location

             of the earth station.'

         5. The value entered for angle of azimuth east of 111.1 degrees is substantially different
            from and inconsistent with the value of 99.4 degrees that corresponds to the eastern
            limit of satellite arc of 10 W and the earth station location of 28 2 29 North Latitude
            and 80 35 43 West Longitude. If Telco214 refiles, it must supply a value for azimuth
            consistent with the limits of the satellite arc and the location of the earth station.*

Therefore, pursuant to the Commission's rules on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. $5 0.5 1 and
0.26 1(a)(4), we find that the above-captioned application is defective. We dismiss this
application, without prejudice to refilling3 If Telco2 14 refiles, the application is to be complete
and consistent, and to contain all required technical parameters and reports applicable to the
frequency bands proposed for operation.

In addition, we note that the antenna listed in application SES-LIC-20040528-00746 is 3.7 meters
in diameter, that the frequency bands listed were 3700 to 4200 MHz for the downlink, and 5925
to 6425 MHz for the uplink, and that the transmit emissions were digital with bandwidths greater
than 200 KHz. While not, in itself, a ground for dismissal, the minimum diameter acceptable for
routine processing with the frequency bands and emissions listed is 4.5 meters. If Telco214
refiles, the application must include a showing that off-axis eirp is no greater than that obtained
from an antenna conforming to the standards of Part 25, section 25.209(a), operating within the
limits for routine processing of Part 25, section 25.212(d), or is to include affidavits from
operators of adjacent satellites that they acknowledge and do not object to the proposed operation.

We also note that for the frequency bands listed, 3700 to 4200 MHz for the downlink and 5925 to
6425 MHz for the uplink, ALSAT would include Satmex 5, Solaridad 2, and all Intelsat satellites.


                                                      William Howden
                                                      System Analysis Branch
                                                      Satellite Division
                                                      International Bureau

cc: Telco2 14, Inc.

' There are a number of web sites that support calculation of elevation angle, given an orbital location and
latitude and longitude of an earth station
  There are a number of web sites that support calculation of azimuth, given an orbital location and latitude
and longitude of an earth station.
    If Telco214 refiles an application identical to the one dismissed, with the exception of supplying the
defective information, it need not pay a further application fee. See 47 C.F.R. 5 I . 1 109(d).

Document Created: 2004-08-31 12:16:19
Document Modified: 2004-08-31 12:16:19

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