Attachment E040194A

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20040426-00589 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


From: Bill Howden
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 10:03 AM
To: Towanda Bryant
Cc: Frank Peace
Subject: FW: NG Earth Station Application

Importance: High

Towanda - I think the numbers provided herein will enable us to accept the
application for filing.
What is our procedure for accepting email input from the applicant, and does the
application need to go back on PN?
As a separate matter, NG notes significant felony convictions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Siddall, David R. []
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 11:03 AM
To: Bill Howden
Subject: RE: NG Earth Station Application
Importance: High


With regard to question E49, we have determined that an error was made in not
adding in the gain of the antenna. Since that gain is 49.54, the answer is
(+) 29.54.

Thanks again.

Dave Siddall
Counsel to Northrop Grumman


David R. Siddall, Attorney| Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP | 1299
Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Tenth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004 | direct: 202 508
9519 | main: 202 508 9500 | direct fax: 202 508 8519 ||

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Howden []
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 9:45 AM
To: Siddall, David R.; Frank Peace
Subject: RE: NG Earth Station Application

David, I'm wondering if what is asked for in E49 is clear?
A value of -20 dBW/4kHz is entirely inconsistent (in the sense of

25.112(a)(1)) with 55.76 dBW for E48, and -20 dBW/4kHz is a value so small that
operability is doubtful. Consequently, these numbers, in my opinion, raise
substantial and material questions of fact, in the sense of Section 309(d)(2) of
the Communications Act. Our instructions for E49(B7g) are "For transmit mode,
provide the maximum EIRP Density, in dBW/4KHz, for each r.f. carrier of the
emission." The term "EIRP" makes clear that the variable is an output from, not
an input to, the antenna. I'd like to get this matter resolved by COB today, and
I'm available this morning to assist you to that end.

-----Original Message-----
From: Siddall, David R. []
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:01 AM
To: Frank Peace; Bill Howden
Subject: NG Earth Station Application


I have attached a link budget that was generated by Robert Bernard of NG.   It
was calculated for a worst case (greatest power to be used) operational

Accordingly, we request the following changes to the FCC application:

E38 to read 16.6 watts

E40 to read 55.76 dBW

E48 to read 55.76 dBW

E49 to read -20 dBW/4kHz

(Note: The E49 number is obtained by adding +36dB (10Log4000) to the spectral
power density of -56.02 dBW/Hz in the link budget. This results in the power
density reading in a 4kHz bandwidth.)

I hope that this information provides the required data.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if additional information is needed.

Thank you Very much.

David Siddall

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Document Created: 2004-06-23 11:25:37
Document Modified: 2004-06-23 11:25:37

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