Attachment Exhibit D

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20040210-00282 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



          hispas.;i    i

  acercando culturas

        HISPASAT-I C


                                    hispa at
                            acercando culturas

(1)   Name, address, and telephone number of the owner;

      HISPASAT, S.A.
      C/ Gobelas, 41
      'TEL: +34 91 710 25 40

(2)   General description of overall system facilities, operations and services;

      HISPASAT operates a fleet of geostationary communication satellites at 30'
      W.L. used to provide a wide range of telecommunications services, including
      routing and DTH delivery of video and audio programs, satellite news gathering,
      VSAT applications, Internet backbone services, etc. Both within Europe and
      between Europe and another parts of the worth. HISPASAT was established in
      1989. Its first operational satellite was launched in 1992.

(3)   a) Radio frequencies and polarization plan (including beacon, telemetry
      and telecommand functions);

      The frequency and polarization plan of the HISPASAT-1C satellite is shown in
      Figure 1 and recapped in Table 1.

      Polarization V and H are orthogonal linear polarizations and are defined as

      -    Horizontal polarization (H) is defined as being parallel to the equatorial
      -    Vertical polarization (V) is orthogonal to that of polarization H

      The total number of operating transponders in the HISPASAT-IC satellite is 24,
      which can be selected by ground command.

      The following frequencies and polarizations will be used for the telecommand
      and telemetry and beacon functions:

      -Ku band:

              TC frequency: 14000.0 MHz , horizontal polarization
              TMIRanging frequency (IBERINEUROPE): 12748.25 MHz, horizontal
              Beacon frequency (IBERINEUROPE): 11702 MHz, vertical polarization
              Beacon frequency (AMERICA): 11702 MHz, horizontal polarization

      -S band (emergency):

              TC frequency: 2052.0 MHz, Dual RHCPILHCP polarization
              TM frequency: 2228.4163 MHz, Dual RHCP/LHCP polarization

                             hispas ;it
                     acercando culturas
b) Center frequency and polarization of transponders (both receiving and
transmitting frequencies); transponder bandwidth;

The receive and transmit center frequencies and polarizations of the 24
transponders are shown in Figure 1 and recapped in Table 1.

The bandwidth of each transponder is 36 MHz

c) Emission designators and allocated bandwidth of emission;

Emission designators: 76K8G1X-- to 36MOG7X--

Allocated bandwidth: 76.8 KHz to 36 MHz

d) Identification of which antenna beams are connected or switchable to
each transponder and TT&C function,

The HISPASAT-IC satellite uses fixed receive and transmit beams over Europe
(IBERINEUROPE beam) and over the Americas (AMERICA beam).

The HISPASAT-1C satellite is able to simultaneously operate within the
different coverage zones, which are defined here in.

These coverage zones are:

       -   IBERINEUROPE Coverage, that covers Iberian Peninsula,
           Balearics, Canaries, AzoredMadeira Islands and most part of
           Europe and North of Africa

       -   AMERICA Coverage, that includes a large part of America, from
           South of Argentina to Canada.

Figure 1 and Table 1 show which receive beam and transmit beam can be
connected to each transponder.

Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the coverage of the AMERICA receive beam and
the AMERICA transmit beam respectively, as seen from 30° W.L. orbital

It is possible by ground command to establish any transponder configuration
presented in table 2.

e) Final amplifier output power (identify any net losses between output of
final amplifier and input of antenna and specify the maximum ElRP for
each antenna beam),

Final amplifier output power:    18,5 dBW (net losses between output of final
amplifier and input od antenna: 1,5 dB)

Maximum ElRP at saturation in each transmit beam:

      -    IBERINEUROPE transmit beam:                 56 dBW
      -    AMERICA transmit beam:                      50 dBW

                            acercando culturas

      Figures 3 and 5 give ElRP contours for IBERINEUROPE transmit beam and
      AM ERICA trasn mit beam respectively.

      9 Receiving system noise temperature,
       446O K (with each receive antenna)

      g) Relationship between satellite receive antenna gain patter and gain-to-
      temperature ratio and saturation flux density for each antenna beam (may
      be indicated o n antenna gain plot),

      Figures 2 and 4 give G/T contours for the IBERINEUROPE receive beam and
      the AMERICA receive beam respectively.

      Saturation flux density for IBERINEUROPE receive beam is:

             -(82.0 - X) dBW/m2at minimum gain setting (see 5 h below)
             -(97.0- X) dBW/m2at maximum gain setting (see 5 h below)

             where X is the difference between the G/T peak value and the G/T value
             in the direction considered

      Saturation flux density for AMERICA receive beam is:

             -(81.O - X) dBW/m2at minimum gain setting (see 5 h below)
             -(96.0 - X) dBW/m2at maximum gain setting (see 5 h below)

             where X is the difference between the GTT peak value and the G/T value
             in the direction considered

      h) Gain of each transponder channel (between output of receiving antenna
      and input of transmitting antenna) including any adjustable gain step
      capa biIities,

      The gain of each transponder channel, between output of receiving antenna
      and input of transmitting antenna, will be adjustable by steps lower than 1 dB
      between a minimum gain of 112 dB and a maximum gain 130 of dB.

      i) Predicted receiver         and    transmitted   channel    filter   response

      See Tables 3 and 4.

(4)   For satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit, orbital location or locations,

      The HISPASAT-1C satellite is operated at the 3OOW.L. orbital location.
      Operation of the HISPASAT-IC satellite has been coordinated with United

                             acercando culturas
(5)    Predicted space station antenna gain contours for each transmit and each
       receive antenna beam, plotted on an area map at 2dB intervals down t o I O
       dB below the peak value of the parameter and at 5 dB intervals between
       10 dB and 20 dB below the peak value, with the peak value and sense of
       polarization clearly specified on each plotted contour;

       See figures 2, 3,4 and 5

1.4;   Description of types of services to be provided, and the areas to be

       The HISPASAT-1C satellite is used for digital communications services,
       including video and internet applications, with bit rates ranging from 64 KbiUs,
       possibly less, to 45 Mbitls

       The HISPASAT-1C satellite serves Iberian Peninsula, Balearics, Canaries,
       Azores/Madeira Islands and most part of Europe and North of America as well
       as a large part of America, from South of Argentina to Canada.

   ,   For satellite in geostationarysatellite orbit, accuracy with which the
       orbital inclination, the antenna axis attitude, and longitudinal drift will be

       The HISPASAT-IC satellite will be maintained at 3OOW.L. with an accuracy of
       +/- 0.07 degree. Its orbital inclination will be maintained within +/- 0.1 degree.

       Antenna axis stability: 0.1 degree.

(8)    Calculation of power flux density levels within each coverage area and of
       the energy dispersal, if any, needed for compliance with Sec.25.208;

       Power flux density levels will not exceed -152,64 dBW/m2 per 4 KHz over the
       U.S. territory.

(9)    Arrangement for tracking, telemetry and control;

       TTC functions are performed at Arganda (Madrid), Spain (Longitude 3O 22’ 40”
       (E)), Latitude 40“ 16’ 20” (N))

(IO)   Physical characteristics of the space station including weight and
       dimensions of spacecraft, detailed mass (on ground and in-orbit) and
       power (beginning and end of life) budgets, and estimated operational
       lifetime and reliability of the space station and the basis for that estimate;

       Physical characteristics of the HISPASAT-1C satellite:
       Dimensions stowed:                                                 3.27X2.5X5.1
                      deployed:                                          6.95X28.9X5.1
       Mass on ground                                                           1304 kg
                at launch                                                     3112.5 kg
       Power beginning of life                                                   6.7 kW
                end of life                                                      5.6 kW
       Estimated operational lifetime                                                15Y
       Reliability                                                                  0.78

                            acercando culturas

(11)   Clear and detailed statement of whether the space station is to be
       operated on a common carrier basis, or whether non-common carrier
       transactions are proposed. If non-common carrier transactions are
       proposed, describe the nature of the transactions and specify the number
       of transponders to be offered on a non-common carrier basis;

       The HISPASAT-IC satellite is operated on a non-common carrier basis and all
       the transponders will be available for use on a non-common carrier basis.
       HISPASAT leases capacity pursuant to commercial contracts.

       It is not HISPASAT's customary practice to hold itself out as a common carrier
       for hire, and HISPASAT does not intend to make capacity available on a
       common carrier basis.

(12)   Dates by which construction will be commenced and completed, launch
       date, and estimated date of placement into service;

       The HISPASAT-IC satellite was launched on 16'h february, 2000 and nowadays
       is into service.

                       his pa5a i
               acercando culturas

                     AME   AME
  62   13972       IBElEUR
                    12172  AME      V            H
                     AME   AME
63 13932 12132 H V IBElEUR AME
                     AME   AME
64 13972 12172 H v IBUEUR  AME
_                  I AME

           Table 1.- Frequency Plan Definition

                                           hispa       3   a
                                  acercando culturas

                                             TRANSPONDER SELECTABILlTY
       NUMBER                   UPLINK COVERAGE                      DOWNLINK COVERAGE
       41-52 (12)                 IBERINEUROPE                             IBERINEUROPE
       53-60 (8)                  IBERINEUROPE                             IBERINEUROPE
                                  IBERINEUROPE                                AMERICA
                                        AM ERICA                              AMERICA
                                        AMERICA                            IBERINEUROPE
       61-64 (4)                  IBERINEUROPA                                AMERICA
                                        AM ERICA                              AMERICA

                PART OF BAND, fc f MHz                 I       10    15
      INPUT SECTION GAIN FLATNESS            dBpp                    0.7
      TOTAL GAIN FLATNESS                                            1.3
      INPUT SECTION GAIN SLOPE               dBIMHz                  0.2       0.5
      TOTAL GAIN SLOPE                       dBIMHz                  0.4       1.o

                             Table 3.- Amplitude in band response

  Frequency Spacing             22           22.75              30           35         45
   from Fc (k MHz)
Input Demultiplexer             18            NIA               35           NIA        40
Output Multiplexer (dB)        11 (5)        18 (9)        25 (20)         NIA (23)   30 (27)

                          Table 4.- Minimum out of band rejection (dB)

Figure 1.- HISPASAT-1C Frequency Plan

                      acercando culturas

Figure 2.- Illustration of the HISPASAT-IC AMERICA transmit coverage (3OOW).
ElRP characteristics (dBW)

                   acercando culturas

 Figure 3.— Hustration of the HISPASAT—1C AMERICA transmit beam. Gain
peak 30.7 dBi

                                        .       .       .   -                       ....   . . -

                                                                .. .   .   ,.   .

                                    . .             .

                                    .       .       . .

Figure 4.- Illustration of the HISPASAT-IC AMERICA receive coverage (3OOW).
                             G/T characteristics (dB/K)

                    acercando culturas


Figure 5.- illustration of the HISPASAT I C AMERICA receive beam. Gain peak
                                    38.3 dBi

Document Created: 2004-03-01 12:12:17
Document Modified: 2004-03-01 12:12:17

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