Attachment seslic2004021000282

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20040210-00282 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                     Approved b OMB          FCC Use Only
FCC 312                                                                                                                    306&678
                                                                                                                                             File Number
Main Form                                                          Per Response 11 Hrs
                                                                                                                 Est Avg Burden Hours
                                                                                                                                             CallS1gn     E@+j\@$j
                                                                                                                                             Fee Number


               ai. ~ a r t hStation
                                          c]b2. Application for Registration of New        0b7. Notification of Minor Modification
                                                         Domestic Receive-Only Station
                                          c]b3. Amendment    to a Pending Application      0b8. Application for License of New Receive-Only Station Using Non-U.S. Licensed Satellite
          0a2. Space Station               0 b4. Modification of License or Registration   0b9. Letter of Intent to Use Non-U.S. Licensed Satellite to Provide Service in the United States
                                           0b5. Assignment of License or Registration      0b10. Other (Please Specify):
    18. If this filing is in reference to an existing station, enter:                          19. If this filing is an amendment to a pending application enter:
I         call sign of station:                                                            I       (a) Date pending application was filed:                (b) File number of pending application:          I

                                                                                                                                                                            FCC 3 12, Main Form - Page 1
                                                                                                                                                                                         February, 1998

                                                                                                 TYPE OF SERVICE
20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This filing is for an authorization to provide or use the following type(sj of service(s): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.
        (XI a. Fixed Satellite          c. Radiodetermination
                                       -~                        Satellite         0.e. Direct to Home Fixed Satellite
            b. Mobile Satellite           d. Earth Exploration Satellite                f. Digital Audio Radio Service                 g. Other (please specify) m&C

21. STATUS:           Place an " X in the box next to the applicable status. Mark only one box                       22. If earth station applicant, place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.

             a. Common Carrier                        b. Non-Common Carrier                                                    a. Using U S licensed satellites           b. Using Non-US. licensed satellites

23. If applicant IS providing INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, see instructions regarding Sec. 214 filings. Mark only one box. Are these facilities:
              a. Connected to the Public Switched Network                                             b. Not connected to the Public Switched Network

 24. FREQUENCY BAND(S): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all applicable frequency band(s).
         c]a. C-Band (416 GHz)
         m b . Ku-Band (12/14 GHzj          0c. Other (Please specify)
                                                                                                  TYPE OF STATION
    25. CLASS OF STATION: Place an "X" in the box next to the class of station that applies. Mark only one box.
              a. Fixed Earth Station   0b. Temporary-Fixed Earth Station 0c. 12/14 GHz VSAT Network                     [7 d. Mobile Earth Station       0e. Space Station 0f Other
-     If mace station aonlicant. EO to Ouestion 27.
    26. TYPE OF EARTH STATION FACILITY Mark only one box
               a. TransmitReceive                   b. Transmit-Only                   0c. Receive-Only

                                                                    a -- authorization to add new emission designator and related service
                                                                    b -- authorization to change emission designator and related service
                                                                    c -- authorization to increase EIRP and EIRP density
                                                                    d -- authorization to replace antenna
                                                                    e -- authorization to add antenna
                                                                    f -- authorization to relocate fixed station
                                                                    g -- authorization to change assigned fiequency(iesj
                                                                    h -- authorization to add Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                    i -- authorization to change Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                    j -- authorization for facilities for which environmental assessment and radiation hazard reporting is required
                                                                    k - Other (Please Specifv)
                                                                                            ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
                                                       application or amendment have a significant environmental impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.307?
                                                      1.1308 and 1.131 1 ofthe Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R 55 1.1308 and 1.1311, as an exhibit to this application.
     A Radiation Hazard Study must accompany all aDpllcations as an exhibit for new transmitting facilities, maior modifications, or maior amendments. Refer to OET Bulletin 65.             See Exhibit B
                                                                                                                                                                                                       FCC 312, Main Form - Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    February, 1998

                                                                                 ALIEN OWNERSHIP
29. Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of any foreign government?                                                           a   YES             (x1NO
30. Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien?                                                                                          YES                 NO

3 I . Is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government?

32. Is the applicant a corporation of which more than one-fifth of the capital stock is owned of record or                                            u   YES                 NO
    voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any
    corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
33. Is the applicant a corporation directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation of which more than
    owfourth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign
                                                                                                                                                      a   YES                  NO
    government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
34. If any answer to questions 29, 30, 31, Jz andor 33 IS Yes, attach as an exhibit, the identification of the aliens or
    toreign entitles, their nationality, their relatlonship to the applicant, and the percentage ot stock they own or vote.          SEE EXHIBl'l' C

                                                                              BASIC QUALIFICATIONS
 35. Does the applicant request any waivers or exemptions from any of the Commission's Rules?                                                         2

 36. Has the applicant or any party to this application had any FCC station authorization or license revoked or had
     any application for an initial. modification or renewal of FCC station authorization, license, or construction
     nermit denied bv the Commission'! It Yes. attach an exhibit. an exnlanahon ot the circumstance%
 37. Has the applicant, or any party to this application, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the applicant ever been                     u   YES             (XI NO
 38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, guilty of unlawfully
      monopolizing or attempting unlawfully to monopolize radio communication, directly or indirectly, through control of
      manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement or any other means or unfair methods of competition?
      It Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the clrcumstances.
 39 1s the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, currently a party in any pending matter                         0      YES          E3 NO
      referred to in the nreceding two items? If Yes. Rttach a< an exhihit an exnlsnstinn o f the circumstances
 40. If the applicant is a corporation and is applying for a space station license, attach as an exhibit the names, addresses, and citizenship of those
     stockholders owning of record and/or voting 10 percent or more of the Filer's voting stock and the percentages so held. In the case of fiduciary
     control, indicate the beneticiary(ies) or class ot beneticiartes. Also list the names and addresses of the otticers and dlrectors oi the Filer.
 4 1. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies, that neither the applicant nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of
      -reaerai benefits fiat inciuaes FCC 'benefits pursuant to Secrion 53iri ofrhe Anti-Druq Act of i9S8,2i ij.3.Z. Seaion 862, oecause                     YES          0NO
     of a conviction for nossession or distribution o f a controlled substance. See 47 CFR I 2N21hl for the meanine of "nartv to the annlrmtion"for thew numow
 42a. Doas the applicant intend to use a non-U.!$ licensed satellite to provide service in the United States'!                                               YbS          D NO
         If yes, answer 42b and attach an exhibit providing the information specified in 47 C.F.R. 6 25.137, as appropriate.
        li no, proceed to question 43.
  42b. What administration has licensed or IS m the process of licensing the space station'! It no license will J Y A l N
                                                                                                                          . ---
         be issued, what administration has coordmated or is in the process of coordinating the space station?

                                                                                                                                                                   FCC 312. Main Form P e e 3
                                                                                                                                                                                hebruary. 1YY8

43. Description. (Summarize the nature of in                                           }. A,piication to consuruct and operate a neow
                                                                                                                                  iew Ku— band earth station to be Iocated
in Hawley., PA to communicate with rhspa   at—1C !0c4red at 30degrees‘.".L. The ea:‘:l station will be usedto provide a dats communmiecations service delivering
remote telemetry and control information from two locations in S¢ paim 10 nawicy.

    Exhibit No.          Identify all exhibits that are attached to this application.             _               .        __ ;4         _
       B               Radiation Hazard Study                                                    z2L
       C               Alien Ownershin                                                        leznn
       D               Technical Satellite Intormation for Hispasat 1—C

  The Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequencyor of the electromagnetic spectrum as acainst the :couldwrv power ofthe United States because of the
  previous use ofthe same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an suthoozaton in sccordance with this application
                                                                                                                        I          "he applicant certifies that grant of this
  application would not cause the applicant to be in violation of the specirumaggregation limi in 47 CFR Par 20, All staements made in exhibits are a imaterial part hereof
  and are incorporated herein as ifset out in full in this application. The undersigned, inaividualiyand for the apphcant, hereby certifies that all statements made in this
  application and in ali attached exhibits are true. complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belie?, and are made in good faith

44. Applicant is a {any:       (Place an "X" in the box next todpphmue response.}
  «—                     —                                     —,                                      m                                 [ o To¢
 [_] a. Individual    {}%b. Unincorporated Association        {__1c. Partnership   [Xd. Corporation    t 1e. Governmental Entity L_i               Other
                                                                                                                                     *         (Please specify)
45. Typed Name of Person Signing                                                                        4b Title of Person Signing

       Sranley Edinocr                                O_L                                     ___      [Manger Government Relations
47. Signature                                                                                                                                      i 48. Date

                tdod               4ree
                                                                                          L  __—_
         U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR RFVOCATION OF ANY STaATION AUTHORJZATION (U.S. Code, Title 47,
        Section 312{a)(l)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S, Code, Title 47. Section 503).

                                                                                                                                                                  FCC 312, Main Form — Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                               February, 1998

            FCC 312                                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                 Page 1: Location
             Schedule B                                                             SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                                                        (Technical and Operational Description)
                                                                                                (Place an "X" in one of the blocks below)

B la. Station Call Sign IC. e ep one urn er Blj. Geographic Coordinates NIS, Blk. Lat./Lon.
                                          HAWLEY24KU-HISP-C                                          570-226-6620                                   Deg. -     Min Sec.         -EM     Coordinates are:

    B Id. Street Address of Station or Area of Operation                       Ble. Name of Contact Person   Station Manager
                                                                                                                                                Lat.    41     27 51.0 N                  c]NAD-27
                                                                                                                                                .       75     07 46.8 W
    RR #1 Box 672 Satellite Road                                                                                                                Lon.                                            NAD-83

        B I C city   Hawley                                          B 1g. County                            Blh. State           Bli. Zip Code        18428      B11. Site Elevation (AMSL)   354
                                                                          Pike                                      PA                                                                               meters

            Satellite Name and Orbit Location                             Satellite Name and Orbit Location                                         Satellite Name and Orbit Location
        " ALSAT"

    I                                                                                                                                                                                                         I
                              ~~      ~

                                                                      I                                                                     I
        63. Destination points for communications using non-US. licensed satellites. For each non-U.S. licensed satellite facility identified in section B2 above, specify the
                                                        destination point(s) (countries) where the services will be provided by this earth station via each non-U.S. licensed
                                                                 satellite system. Use additional sheets as needed.

            Satellite Name                           List of Destination Points
        HISPASAT - 1C                             SPAIN

                                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                    Page 2: Antennas
                                                     SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                              FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)
    B4. Earth Station Antenna Facilities: Use additional pages as needed.
I                  I                  I              I                                  I                 I                                            I
                                                                                                                    (f)   .      (g) Antenna Gain
                           (b)             (c) ,               (d) Manufacturer               (e) Model       Antenna Size    Transmit andor Receive
    (a) Site ID*       Antenna ID**       Quantity                                                             (meters)

    KU-HISP-C          1                  1                  Channel Master                 243               2.4



                                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                          Page 3: Coordination
                                                        SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                 FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)
B6. Frequency Coordination Limits: Use additional pages as needed.

Notes:   * Provide the ANTENNA-ID from table B4 to identify the antenna to which each frequency band and orbital arc range is associated.
     ** If operating with geostationary satellites. give the orbital arc limits and the associated elevation and azimuth angles. I f operating with non-geostationary satellites,
           give the notation "NON-GEO" for the satellite arc and give the minimum operational elevation angle and the maximum azimuth angle range.

                                                                                                                                                                                        FCC 312 Schedule B - Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                    February, 1998

                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMTSON                                                                                           Page 4: Particulars
                                                         SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                  FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)
B7. Particulars of Operation (Full particulars are required for each r.f. carrier): Use additional pages as needed.
       (a)                           (b)                       T/R
                                                                (')    (d)Antenna          (e)            Maximum
                                                                                                        (f)              EIRF' Density
     Antenna                   Frequency Bands                 mode    Polarization     Emission         EIRP per         per Carrier                (h) Description of Modulation and Services
      1D*                           (MW                         -*     (H,V,L,R)        Designator      Carrier (dBW)    (dBW/4&)

 1                 14000-14500 MHz                             T       HN             667KG7W           57.0             34.8             5 12 KbDs OPSK w €US

 1                 11700-12200 MHz                             R         W            667KG7W           -                                 5 12 KbDs OPSK w FUS

Notes: * Provide the ANTENNA-ID from table 8 4 to identify the antenna to which each frequency band and emission is associated. For VSAT networks. include frequencies and emissions for all HUB and REMOTE units
     ** Indicate whether the earth station transmits or receives in each frequency band.

                                                                                                                                                                                   FCC 312. Schedule B - Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                    April, 1997

                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                  Page 5: Questions
                                   SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                              FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)

 BlOa Street Address

  Blob. Citv                                         1Oc. County                                  10d. State Country   1Oe Zip Code

 BlOf. Telephone Number                                            log. Call Sign of Control Station

813. FAA Notification (See 47 CFR Part 17 and 47 CFR Part 25.113(c))
    Where FAA notification is required, have you attached a copy of a completed FCC Form 854
    And for the FAA's study regarding the potential hazard of the structure to aviation?
                                                                                                            N/A        0YES             UNO


                                                                                                                         FCC 312 Schedule B - Page 5
                                                                                                                                      February, 1998


                                                                           EXHIBIT B
                                                                           Radiation Hazard Study
                                                                           2.4 meter Ku-Band


The FCC adopted new guidelines and procedures in 1996 for evaluating environmental effects of
radio frequency (W) emissions. In order to provide assistance in determining whether proposed
or existing transmitting facilities comply with the new guidelines, the FCC Office of Engineering
and Technology revised OET Bulletin 65. The revised version updates limits for Maximum
Permissible Exposure (MPE) in terms of electric and magnetic field strength and power density
for transmitters operating at frequencies between 300 kHz and 100 GHz. This bulletin was
adopted by the FCC in their General Docket No. 97-303 on August 25,1997. In order to comply
with the requirements of the Report and Order, calculations to determine the power flux densities
in the far field, near field, and reflector regions of the earth station antenna have been made and
are contained in this study.

The FCC guidelines incorporate two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependent on the
situation in which the exposure takes place and the status of the individuals who are subject to
exposure. The earth station transmitting equipment and antenna are located within a fenced area
and not accessible to the general public. Entry is restricted to employees who have been made
fully aware of the potential for human exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.
Therefore occupational / controlled exposure maximum power density limits are used in this

The FCC Office of Engineering and Technology suggests a method for calculating the maximum
values of the power densities emanating from an aperture antenna in OET bulletin 65. This
method is used to determine the power densities associated with the satellite antenna.

The Loral SKYNETB Hawley PA Ku-Band satellite earth station will be equipped with
amplifiers having a maximum output of 8 watts. The transmitter will feed a 2.4 meter antenna via
a transmission link having 3 dB loss. The following calculations will be based on a maximum
output power at the antenna flange of 4 watts:

Antenna Surface. The maximum power density directly in front of the antenna may be
expressed as:

                  where:      S,,,,     = maximum power density at the antenna surface
                                      P = power fed to the antenna
                                      A = physical area of the aperture antenna


                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                                                                       Radiation Hazard Study
                                                                       2.4 meter Ku-Band

   Using the parameters for this antenna:

             S,,,,,      = 4 ( 4 Watts) /   n ( 2.4 meters / 2)2
             S,,         = 16 Watts 1 4.52 m 2

              s,,,,,,    = 3.54     Watts / m 2
             S,,,,,      = 0.4    mW 1 cm2

Near- Field Region. In the near field of the main beam the power density can reach a maximum
before it begins to decrease with distance. The extent of the near field can be described by the
following equation:

                   where: R,     = extent
                                        of near field
                          D      = maximumdiameter
                             A   =wavelength

   Using the parameters for this antenna:

                   A    =   0.02 meters @ 14500 MHz
                R,      =   ( 2.4 meters) * / 4( 0.02 meters)
                R,      =     5.76 / .08 meters
                R nf.   =     72 meters

The magnitude of the on axis power density varies according to location in the near field.
However, the maximum value of the near field, on axis, power density can be expressed by the
following equation:

       where: S ,       = maximum    near field power density
               q        = aperture efficiency
              P         = power fed to the antenna
              D         = antenna diameter


                                                                          EXHIBIT B
                                                                          Radiation Hazard Study
                                                                          2.4 meter Ku-Band

        Using the parameters for this antenna:

                q = .65
               P = 4 Watts
               S , = 16 (.65) (4 Watts) / n (2.4 meters) *
               S,=    41.6 Watts I 18.1 meter2
               S,=     2.3 Watts I meter2
               s,=     0.2 mW I cm2

Far Field Region. For purposes of evaluating RF exposure, the distance to the beginning of the
far field region can be approximated by the following equation:

                                              R,   =-

              where: R,     =   distance to the beginning of far field
                     D      =   diameter of antenna
                       A    =   wavelength

              Using the parameters for this antenna:
                     R , = 0.6 (2.4 meters) 2 / .02 meters
                      R,    =   173 meters

The power density in the far field region of the antenna pattern decreases inversely as the square
of the distance. The power density in the far field region of the radiation pattern can be estimated
by the equation:

                                             S, =PG/4zR2

               where: S ,   = powerdensity (on axis)
                        P = power fedtoantenna
                        G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest
                        R = distance to the point of interest


                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                                                                       Radiation Hazard Study
                                                                       2.4 meter Ku-Band

        Using the parameters for this antenna:

               S,    =   4 Watts (49.1dBi) / 4 (n) (173)
               S,    =   325132 I376099
               S,f = .86 Watts / meter2
               S,=       .09 mW / cm2

                                  Main Reflector - Feed Horn Region

The RF energy radiated from the feed system is confined to a conical shape whose vertex is
located at the feed and extends outward to the main reflector surface. The power density at any
point in this region is expressed by the equation:

               S,,i,d = P/A
 Where :
        A = Cross section area of the conical region in meterZ
         P = Radiated transmitted power in watts

At the sub-reflector surface the power density is:

         Srerd= P/A = 4 / n (0.20/ 2 )*= 127 Wattdmeter’
         Sfeed= 13 mW/cmz


                                                                           EXHIBIT B
                                                                           Radiation Hazard Study
                                                                           2.4 meter Ku-Band


The results of the above calculations are summarized in the following table and in Figure 1.

              Region                                   Power Density               Remarks

        Antenna Surface                                0.4 mW/cmz                 Safe Level

        Main Reflector Feed Horn Region                13 mW/cmz                  Hazardous

        Near Field < 72        meters                 0.2 mW/cmz                  Safe Level

        Far Field      > 173 meters                   0.9 mW/cm2                  Safe Level

Results of this hazard study indicate that the 5 mW/cmz MPE limit for OccupationalIControlled
Exposure in the 1500 - 100,000 MHz range is not exceeded in areas directly in front of the
antenna in the far field. The regions where this limit may be exceeded will be at the antenna the
region between the reflector and the feed horn. This area is not readily accessible to personnel
and whenever personnel are required to work on the radiating or reflecting parts of the antenna
structure, the transmitter will be turned off. Signs to this effect will be posted at the transmitter
site. The antenna is surrounded by a fence and unauthorized personnel are prevented access by a
locked gate.

Based on this study of predicted radio frequency levels, it is concluded that operation of this
satellite earth station meets OET Bulletin 65 maximum permissible exposure limits and that no
harmful effects will occur to station personnel or anyone within proximity of the station.

Therefore, in accordance with 47 CFR 5 1.1307 (b) of the Commission's Rules, preparation and
submission of an Environmental Assessment (EA) is not required.


                                                             EXHIBIT B
                                                             Radiation Hazard Study
                                                             2.4 meter Ku—Band

            Antenna Surface       504   Near Field   Far Field

FIGURE 1.              Satellite Antenna




 Loral SpaceCom Corporation (Debtor-in-Possession), a U.S. corporation, is a wholly owned
 subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications Corporation (Debtor-in-Possession),also a U.S.
 corporation, Loral Space & CommunicationsCorporation (Debtor-in-Possession)is wholly owned
 and controlled by Loral Space & Communications Ltd. (Debtor-in-Possyssion)(“Loral Ltd. DIP”), a
 Bermuda company. Loral Ltd. DIP’S home market is the United States.


       See In re Application of AT&T Corp. and Loral SpaceCom Corporation,
 Order and Aufhorizafion,12 FCC Rcd. 925 at 9 (1997).


          hispasa h
  acercando culturas



                                     hispa ~t     ks
                             acercando culturas

(1)   Name, address, and telephone number of the owner;

      HISPASAT, S.A.
      C/ Gobelas, 41
      'TEL: +34 91 710 25 40

(2)   General description of overall system facilities, operations and services;

      HISPASAT operates a fleet of geostationary communication satellites at 30'
      W.L. used to provide a wide range of telecommunications services, including
      routing and DTH delivery of video and audio programs, satellite news gathering,
      VSAT applications, Internet backbone services, etc. Both within Europe and
      between Europe and another parts of the worth. HISPASAT was established in
      1989. Its first operational satellite was launched in 1992.

(3)   a) Radio frequencies and polarization plan (including beacon, telemetry
      and telecommand functions);

      The frequency and polarization plan of the HISPASAT-1C satellite is shown in
      Figure 1 and recapped in Table 1.

      Polarization V and H are orthogonal linear polarizations and are defined as

      -    Horizontal polarization (H) is defined as being parallel to the equatorial
      -    Vertical polarization (V) is orthogonal to that of polarization H

      The total number of operating transponders in the HISPASAT-IC satellite is 24,
      which can be selected by ground command.

      The following frequencies and polarizations will be used for the telecommand
      and telemetry and beacon functions:

      -Ku band:

              TC frequency: 14000.0 MHz , horizontal polarization
              TM/Ranging frequency (IBERIAIEUROPE): 12748.25 MHz, horizontal
              Beacon frequency (IBERINEUROPE): 11702 MHz, vertical polarization
              Beacon frequency (AMERICA): 11702 MHz, horizontal polarization

      -S band (emergency):

              TC frequency: 2052.0 MHz, Dual RHCP/LHCP polarization
              TM frequency: 2228.4163 MHz, Dual RHCP/LHCP polarization

                     acercando culturas
b) Center frequency and polarization of transponders (both receiving and
transmitting frequencies); transponder bandwidth;

The receive and transmit center frequencies and polarizations of the 24
transponders are shown in Figure 1 and recapped in Table 1.

The bandwidth of each transponder is 36 MHz

c) Emission designators and allocated bandwidth of emission;

Emission designators: 76K8GlX-- to 36MOG7X--

Allocated bandwidth: 76.8 KHz to 36 MHz

d) Identification of which antenna beams are connected or switchable to
each transponder and TT&C function,

The HISPASAT-1C satellite uses fixed receive and transmit beams over Europe
\IBERINEUROPE beam) and over the Americas (AMERICA beam).

The HISPASAT-1C satellite is able to simultaneously operate within the
different coverage zones, which are defined here in.

These coverage zones are:

       -   IBERINEUROPE Coverage, that covers Iberian Peninsula,
           Balearics, Canaries, AzoredMadeira Islands and most part of
           Europe and North of Africa

      -    AMERICA Coverage, that includes a large part of America, from
           South of Argentina to Canada.

Figure 1 and Table 1 show which receive beam and transmit beam can be
connected to each transponder.

Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the coverage of the AMERICA receive beam and
the AMERICA transmit beam respectively, as seen from 30' W.L. orbital

It is possible by ground command to establish any transponder configuration
presented in table 2.

e) Final amplifier output power (identify any net losses between output of
final amplifier and input of antenna and specify the maximum ElRP for
each antenna beam),

Final amplifier output power:    18,5 dBW (net losses between output of final
amplifier and input od antenna: 1 3 dB)

Maximum ElRP at saturation in each transmit beam:

      -    IBERINEUROPE transmit beam:                 56 dBW
      -    AMERICA transmit beam:                      50 dBW

                            acercando culturas

      Figures 3 and 5 give ElRP contours for IBERINEUROPE transmit beam and
      AM ERICA trasnmit beam respectively.

      9 Receiving system noise temperature,
       446'   K (with each receive antenna)

      g) Relationship between satellite receive antenna gain patter and gain-to-
      temperature ratio and saturation flux density for each antenna beam (may
      be indicated on antenna gain plot),

      F igures 2 and 4 give G/T contours for the IBERINEUROPE receive beam and
      the AMERICA receive beam respectively.

      Saturation flux density for IBERINEUROPE receive beam is:

              -(82.0 - X) dBW/m2at minimum gain setting (see 5 h below)
              -(97.0 - X) dBW/rn2at maximum gain setting (see 5 h below)

              where X is the difference between the G/T peak value and the G/T value
              in the direction considered

      Saturation flux density for AMERICA receive beam is:

              -(81 .O - X) dBW/m2at minimum gain setting (see 5 h below)
              -(96.0 - X) dBW/m2at maximum gain setting (see 5 h below)

              where X is the difference between the G/T peak value and the G/T value
              in the direction considered

      h) Gain of each transponder channel (between output of receiving antenna
      and input of transmitting antenna) including any adjustable gain step

      The gain of each transponder channel, between output of receiving antenna
      and input of transmitting antenna, will be adjustable by steps lower than 1 dB
      between a minimum gain of 112 dB and a maximum gain 130 of dB.

      i) Predicted receiver        and     transmitted   channel    filter   response

      See Tables 3 and 4.

(4)   For satellites in geostationary-satellite orbit, orbital location or locations,

      The HISPASAT-IC satellite is operated at the 3OOW.L. orbital location.
      Operation of the HISPASAT-IC satellite has been coordinated with United

                                      hispas       *-di

                              acercando culturas
(5)    Predicted space station antenna gain contours for each transmit and each
       receive antenna beam, plotted on an area map at 2dB intervals down to 10
       dB below the peak value of the parameter and at 5 dB intervals between
       10 dB and 20 dB below the peak value, with the peak value and sense of
       polarization clearly specified on each plotted contour;

       See figures 2, 3 , 4 and 5

       Gescription of types of services to be provided, and the areas to be

       The HISPASAT-1C satellite is used for digital communications services,
       including video and internet applications, with bit rates ranging from 64 Kbit/s,
       possibly less, to 45 Mbit/s

       The HISPASAT-1C satellite serves Iberian Peninsula, Balearics, Canaries,
       AzoredMadeira Islands and most part of Europe and North of America as well
       as a large part of America, from South of Argentina to Canada.

       For satel lite in geostationary-satel lite orbit, accuracy with which the
       orbital inclination, the antenna axis attitude, and longitudinal drift will be

       The HISPASAT-1C satellite will be maintained at 30° W.L. with an accuracy of
       +/- 0.07 degree. Its orbital inclination will be maintained within +/- 0.1 degree.

       Antenna axis stability: 0.1 degree.

(8)    Calculation of power flux density levels within each coverage area and of
       the energy dispersal, if any, needed for compliance with Sec.25.208;

       Power flux density levels will not exceed -152,64 dBW/rn2per 4 KHz over the
       U.S. territory.

(9)    Arrangement for tracking, telemetry and control;

       TTC functions are performed at Arganda (Madrid), Spain (Longitude 3’ 22’ 40”
       (E)), Latitude 40’ 16’ 20” (N))

(IO)   Physical characteristics of the space station including weight and
       dimensions of spacecraft, detailed mass (on ground and in-orbit) and
       power (beginning and end of life) budgets, and estimated operational
       lifetime and reliability of the space station and the basis for that estimate;

       Physical characteristics of the HISPASAT-1C satellite:
       Dimensions stowed:                                                 3.27X2.5X5.1
                      deployed:                                          6.95X28.9X5.1
       Mass on ground                                                           1304 kg
                at launch                                                     3112.5 kg
       Power beginning of life                                                   6.7 kW
                end of life                                                      5.6 kW
       Estimated operational lifetime                                               15Y
       Reliability                                                                  0.78

   sernllns opuecuase


   acercando culturas

Table 1_-Frequency Plan Definition

                                  acercando culturas

                                             TRANSPONDER SELECTABILITY
       NUMBER                  UPLINK COVERAGE                    DOWNLINK COVERAGE
      41-52(12)                   IBERINEUROPE                          IBERINEUROPE
       53-60 (8)                  IBERINEUROPE                          IBERINEUROPE
                                  IBERINEUROPE                             AMERICA
                                        AM ERlCA                           AMERICA
                                        AMERICA                         IBERINEUROPE
       61-64 (4)                  I BERINEUROPA                            AMERICA
                                        AMERICA                            AMERICA

                            Table 2.-Transponder interconnectivity

                PART OF BAND, fc f MHz                   10       15       16.5    18
      INPUT SECTION GAIN FLATNESS             dBpp      0.65      0.7       1.2    2.3

      TOTAL GAIN FLATNESS                     dBPP      0.85      I.3       2.4    4.6
      INPUT SECTION GAIN SLOPE                dB/MHz    0.15      0.2       0.5    1.3
      TOTAL GAIN SLOPE                        dBlMHz    0.25      0.4       1.o    2.9

                             Table 3.- Amplitude in band response

  Frequency Spacing             22            22.75        30             35             45
    from Fc (+ MHz)
Input Demultiplexer             18             NIA         35             N/A            40
Output Multiplexer (dB)        11 (5)         18 (9)    25 (20)         NIA (23)     30 (27)

                          Table 4.- Minimum out of band rejection (dB)

         DOWNLINK         P::    F

                                            13060   &

                         1811                       P

                         11851                      e

                g        11891

                fl 11931


                a        12092


12172               L
                -.  N





                                         13 802

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                                     A   13932

                                 < =

                             hispas r: i
                     acercando culturas

Figure 2.- Illustration of the HISPASAT-IC AMERICA transmit coverage (3OOW).
ElRP characteristics (dBW)

                            hispasat W
                    acercando culturas

 Figure 3.— lllustration of the HISPASAT—1C AMERICA transmit beam. Gain
peak 30.7 dBi

                            hispasat M
                    acercando culturas

Figure 4.— Illustration of the HISPASAT—1C AMERICA receive coverage (30°W).
                        GIT characteristics (dB/K)

Figure 5.- Illustration of the HISPASAT I C AMERICA receive beam. Gain peak
                                    38.3 dBi

Document Created: 2004-03-01 12:02:35
Document Modified: 2004-03-01 12:02:35

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