Attachment Supplement

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030910-01236 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       Before the
                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                       RECElVED
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                    JAN 2 9 2004
In the Matter of

INC.                               ) File No. SES-LIC-2003W~W3~2-3&-
Application for Earth Station Authority                 )                        e t j   d 2 2004
in the Fixed-Satellite Service                          )                                  , - 3,

                                                                                I    d     I   !J   -
                                  SUPPLEMENT TO RECORD

        SWE-DISH Satellite Communications, Inc. (“SWE-DISH”) hereby supplements the

record in connection with its application, as amended, for earth station authority in the fixed

satellite service.

        On January 13, 2004, Intelsat Global Services Corporation (“Intelsat”) submitted a letter

to the Commission regarding certain technical coordination matters related to the SWE-DISH

application, as amended. In order to ensure that the Intelsat letter properly becomes part of the

official record of this proceeding, a copy of that letter is attached hereto.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       SWE-DISH SATELLITE COMl”ICATIONS,                       INC.

                                       By:    W@2%5JW+&
                                               Maury J. M a a n i c k
                                               Its Attorney

Maury J. Mechanick
601 13thStreet, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
Tel: (202) 626-3635
Fax: (202) 639-9355

Dated: January 29,2004

                                                                                                                inspiring connections

                       January 13,2004

         Ms. Shahnaz Ghavami
         Engineer, Systems Analysis Branch
         Satellite Division
         International Bureau
         Federal Communications Commission
         445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
         Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:           Application of SWE-DISH Satellite Communications, Inc.,
                       File No. SES-LIC-20030910-01236

        Dear Ms. Ghavami:

               This letter is submitted in connection with the application of SWE-DISH Satellite
        Communications, Inc. for authority to operate a fixed temporary earth station (File No.
        SES-LIC-20030910-01236) filed with the Commission on September 10, 2003. While
        the original SW E-DISH application had requested ALSAT status, we have been
        subsequently advised by SWE-DISH of their intent to amend their application to identify
        eight (8) specific satellites with which the proposed earth station would be licensed to

              With regard to the specific satellites so identified by SWE-DISH, lntelsat is the
        operator of the following two satellites:

                             0      lntelsat 706 satellite, located at 53"W
                                    lntelsat 903 satellite. located at 34.5"W

               lntelsat is also the operator of the following four satellites that are adjacent to five
       of the satellites with which SWE-DISH is seeking authority to operate:

                                   lntelsat 705 (which is located at 50"W and is adjacent to the PAS 1R
                                   satellite located at 45" W and to the lntelsat 706 satellite located at 53" W)
                                   lntelsat 801 (which is located at 31.5"W and is adjacent to the lntelsat 903
                                   satellite located at 34.5"W)
                            0      lntelsat 805 (which is located at 55.5"W and is adjacent to the lntelsat 706
                                   satellite located at 53"W)

lntelsat Global Sevice Corporation
3400 InYm-me2WW              Washin ton DC 20008-3006 USA www.intelsatcom 1 +1 202-944-6800 F +1 202-944-7898
      [SWE-DisH hiid I n r ~ I c x t . d o e j

                               lntelsat 903 (which is located at 34.5"W and is adjacent to the Telstar 11
                               satellite located at 37.5"W)

         lntelsat has been advised by SWE-DISH that the following technical parameters
  apply to the operation of the temporary fixed earth station that is the subject of the
  above-referenced application:

                Antenna Size:                      0.9M x 0.66M Linearly Polarized Ku-band

                 Main Beam Gain:                   38.4dBi @ 14.25 GHz

                 Input Power Density:              -14.0 dBW/4kHz

         We have examined these technical specifications and can confirm that the
 operation of this antenna with the parameters specified above would generally be
 acceptable on the lntelsat 706 and lntelsat 903 satellites and that such operation: (1 ) is
 fully consistent with intersystem coordination agreements that lntelsat has entered into
 with affected adjacent satellite operators, and (2) would be taken into account in any
 future intersystem coordination agreements between lntelsat and affected adjacent
 satellite operators. Further, based on existing intersystem coordination agreements
 with adjacent satellite operators, we can confirm that, with respect to the lntelsat 705,
 801, 805, and 903 satellites, each of which is adjacent to one of the satellites for which
 SWE-DISH has requested authority to operate, we do not believe that the proposed
 operation by SW E-DISH would result in unacceptable interference into those four

        However, because of (1) possible future modifications in such agreements, (2) in
 order to ensure that the any proposed transmission on available lntelsat capacity is
 compatible with other transmissions carried on the same satellite, and (3) in order to
 ensure that the proposed transmission will not be harmed by interference caused by
 adjacent satellites, lntelsat will only authorize access to its capacity after analysis and
 approval of the proposed transmission plans.

       Please do not hesitate to call the undersigned at 202-944-7084 should you have
 any questions.

                                                                        Sincerely yours,

                                                                        'Calvin Harriot

cc: M. Mechanick

lllu100( 2.16 I'M   (2K)
(SWE.DISH R c r i v d ImclsaI lcrl.doc]

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Supplement to Record was sent by

first-class mail, postage prepaid, this 29thday of January, 2004, to the following:

William Coulter
Coudert Brothers, LLP
1627 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

Joseph A. Godles
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Marvin Shoemake
Executive Vice President
Tripoint Global, Inc.
4825 River Green Parkway
Duluth, GA 30096

Robert Mansbach
Intelsat Global Service Corporation
3400 International Drive, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036

                                                     Maury J. Mechuick

Document Created: 2004-02-04 10:12:35
Document Modified: 2004-02-04 10:12:35

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