Attachment Comment

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030910-01236 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


w                   Wiley Rein & Fielding us

msunarm, ocms
                    April; 6, 2006                                                           Cart R. Frank
now. imnsioe                                                                                 ctankourtcon
m imniise
1igot ote           BY HAND DELIVERY
mssous seuor oc                                                apR — 6 2006
sire ns             Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                cumiget
noomw moe           Secretary                       redenicomnunt smy
now mssam
m msame             Federal Communications Commission       "**"
                    445 12th Street, SW

wount on
                    Washington, DC 20554
                    Re:     Call Sign BO30205, File Nos, SES—L1C—20030910—01261, SES—AMD—
                            20031223—01860, and SES—MOD—20050829—01 185

                    Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    In accordance with paragraph 58(1 of the Order issued in connection with the
                    above—referenced earth station license," ARINC Incorporated ("ARINC) hereby
                    submits the attached ARINC AMSS System Compliance Report. This Report
                    demonstrates compliance with the aggregate earth station off—axis restrction
                    specified in paragraph S8(k) ofthe Order
                    Very truly yours,

                    CutAal £
                  | Carl R. Frank


                    * ARINC Incorporated, Applicationfor Blanet Authortyfor Gperationof Upto One Thousond
                   Techically Idential KueBand TransmitReceive Arborne Moble Statons AbordAireraft
                   Operating in the UnitedState andAdjacent Wauers,Order and Authorization, 20 FCC Red 7583
                   (InctBur/OET 2008) (Order®)

                           ARINC AMSS System Compliance Report

This report is submitted pursuant to Special Provisions 130 and 131 ofradio station authorization
Call Sign EO30205, and confirms that the aggregate earth—station off—axis e.p. spectral density
is within the levels specified in ARINC‘s SKYLink®"" Aeronautical Mobile—Satellte Service
(AMSS) system licensing order and the design parameters in paragraph 24 of that order.! The
data provided in this report showthat SKYLink"" operation complies, with a significant margin,
to the conditions of the licensing order.

Aggregate Off—axis E.L.R.P. Spectral Density
In order to protect Fixed Satellte Service operations from harmfulinterference in the 14.0—14.5
GHz band, ARINC asserted in ts AMSS application that the aggregate of—axis e.. of
simultancously transmitting SKYLink"" AES terminals would be kept one—dB below the VSAT
emission envelope atleast 99.999 percent ofthe time. The FCC subsequently authorized mobile
satellite communications operation beginaing April 6, 2005 stipulating that:
©130 — ARINC shall manage uplink operation of the SKYLink*" System so that the probability
that aggregate earth—station off—axis e.ip. spectral density will exceed a one—dB margin below
the levels specified in the table belowis never more than 0.001 percent. To ensure continuing
compliance with this requirement, ARINC shall monitor usage pattems and traffic flow so that it
can detect and adjust for anymaterial discrepancies from the predictive assumptions identified in
[ARINC‘s Engineering Exhibit of June 3, 2004]." See Order and Authorization, DA 05—1016,
released April 6, 2005, for formula."
"131 — Twelve months after release ofthis order, ARINC shall submit evidence demonstrating
compliance with the ageregate earth—station off—axis restriction specified in the preceding
sub—paragraph, The showing shall reflect the most—recent available data and shall disclose any
discrepancies between previous predictive assumptions and conditions actually encountered in
commercial operation and explain what compensating adjustments have been made."
Analysis of substantial data collected during the frst year of operation shows SKYLink®"" to be
in compliance with these terms.

! See ARINC Incorporated Applicationfor Blanket duthoripfor Operation ofUp to One Thousand Techically
HeicalKi—Band TransnitReceive Arborne Moble Staions AbourdAireraf Operating in the UnitedStatesand
«Adjacent Weter, Ordeand Authorzation, 20 FCC Red 7553 (Aprl 6 2008) (SKYLink" Order")
* See Extibit 1, Reply to Supplemental Comment ofThe Bocing Company, ARINC IncorporatedSKYLink®"
Application,File Nos. SES—L1€—20030910—01261 & SES—AMD—20031223—01860, Engineering Response to Bocing
YJn 3, 2004 Engineering Exhibit‘)

   Variables and Assumptions Affecting Aggregate Off—axis E.L.R.P. Spectral Density
On June 3, 2004, ARINC filed its Engineering Exhibit with the FCC wherein a Monte Carlo
simulation was used to demonstrate that the SKYL ink®" system would meet the interference
criteria ultimately incorporated in the SKYLink*" Order. In the absence of operational data, a
number of assumptions were used in this simulation. Tables 1 and 2 identify assumptions for
which data now exists and describe what that data now consists of
                          Table 1. Factors Affecting AES ELR.P.

  Parameter       Original Estimates and Assumprions                     Current
Antenna Patiorn   *   Varitions between AES antennas have   No change
                    independent, uniform ampltude
                    varition ove arange of041 0B
                  * Greater ofpline or Heplane values       No change
                      used at each point on the mask.
     Poner      *~ Nominal espectrl densiyfor               ETRF was memsured on all ighs
                   CONUS coverage area assumed to be        (Oct 2005 through Fob,2006)
                   «53 dowa kite
                * Abrerat assumed t be unformly             ‘The actual ierat distibation oAight
                   disribaed within AMC—1 suelite           paths and fight durations within the
                   transpondefootprint (Nort American       AMC—6footprint wa recorded.
                   beam coverngo)
                * Variations n transponder GT assumed       The measired ABS einp.includesall
                   to have indepedent,uniform +2 dB         variations in ransponder GT
                   ampltude variaton
                * Enor in system power contrl assumed       No change. Longterm measured
                   to have independentuniform +0.5          stablit ofthe power control system is
                   4Bampltude varition.                     +/—04 db.
                * The contribution ofthfxed Ground          No change.
                   Earh Sution toofFaxiscirp.
                   assumed small in compared to asingle
                   AES and does t change over time.
Fointing Ervers * Fach SKYLink®" AESassumed io              No change.
                   have ms poiting eror of0.1 degrec
                   (ARINC License Applcation Extibit
                   3)This is modeled as an independent
                   zero—mean normal disibution with a
                   standard deviation of0.1 deree.
                * Aifame flxureforirert types               No change
                      served by SEYLink®" assumed toless
                    than a degres, per thairfame
                    manifacture. Thi is modeled as an
                        ependent, zero—mean normal
                    distibaionwithstandard deviation o
                    0. degree
   Data Rare      + ABS einp requred o "close e Ink"        «Th measired ABS en includes any
                    is drecly proportinalt the dta rate     non—linear response.
                    ——Normal data trnsmisionrate
                    128000 bits persecond (128 kbps)
                    ~Logridata rae: 32 kbps

                    Table 2. Independent Variables Used to Derive Peak Demand

 Parameter |_Original Estimates and Assumpiions                     Curem
 Demand per + Business demand per user was patemned + Aciual demand was measured
    User      atter 30—day monthlysend and receive
              volume for ARINC corporae Itemet
            + A 60/40splt between business use and +. Measured demand includes theactual
              Intemetrereationaluse was assumed       businesecreationalmix
            * Recreational use assumes a 27 atlo of + Measured demand includes theactual
              Retun LinktoForvard Link taff           rato of Return to Forward Link raffc
                * Monthly demand was compressed in.         + Actal weekday demand was measured.
                   20 daysto estimate daily usedemand.
                + Peak busy—hour demand wasestimated        + Actul busy—hour demand was measired
                   bycompressing tol daily raffeino 4
                + Distribation ofmessage sizes assumed to   + Measired demand includes actual mixof
                   be Gausianto account foinfequent           message sizeand types (VPN, FAX, e—
                   butoccasionl very long messages:           mall Inernet,cte)
                +. Link overhead (TCPTP acknowledge=        + Conservativeprotocol overhend 0f40%
                   mens)included in estimate                  adided t demand
  ‘sers per     + For businesststhis number vas             * Measureddemand includes wafi from
    Ars            assumed t be on                            all wers on allarcrt
  Data Rate     + Nominaldta transmission mie is            + Nochange.
                   128,000 bits ersecond (128 kbps)
  Error Rate|   +    Maximum aceeptable biteror rte: 1 in   +   No change
                     100.000 1 x 105.

2. Most Recent Data

As requested by the FCC, the most recent available data was used to prepare this report. The
oldest satisties relate to geographical coverage stating October 17, 2005 when SKYLink®"
service was transferred from SES—Americom satellite AMC—1 (transponder 16) to AMC—6
(transponder 12). The move to AMC—6 improved CONUS coverage and resulted in an overall
reduction in return—link power because ofimproved G/TT contours, Figure 1 depicts the AMC—6
coverage area using actual fights during the period October 17, 2005 to February 28, 2006. The
circular area over New Mexico delimits the "no transmit zone" boundary at 50,000 feetrequired
to protect TDRSS facilities near White Sands." This exclusion zone is both range and altitude
dependent, which means that aireraft below certain altitudes may communicate during final
descent or takeo? atairports within the boundaryshown. The actual distribution ofmeasured
i. for all flights was determined from data collected in January and February 2006 in order
to reflect the latest hardware and software improvements to the AES transceiver.

* Coortination Agreement Between NASA and ARINC for Operationof the ARINC SKYLink AMSS in the 14.0—
14. Oz Band, sgned by NASA on September3,2004


                    «use      Hag)       —me
                                          ce       —so     cno       «10                  —co
               Figure 1. SKYLink»" CONUS Coverage Area and Flight Paths

Traffic data collected from February 15, 2006 through March 15, 2006 were used to validate
peak demand assumptions in the simulation. These data included all facsimile, VPN traffc and
Internet traffic over SKYLink®". The ARINC traffic monitoring system routinely records byte
counters in the ABS router onee a minute for all active aireraft. This count is conservative since
it includes all data appearing on the router LAN, whether or notit passes through the satellte
Hink. A forty—percent burden was added to the traffic count as a conservative estimate of the
TCP/P protoco! overhead. Figure 2 llustrates the variation in weekday traffiduring the busiest
hours ofthe day and corresponds very closely with our earlier assumptions. Even the observed
3:8 ratio of Return—link to Forward—link traffic in Figure 2 compares favorably with the original
estimates. The rather broad peak from 3PM to GPM EST is attributed to active aireraft being in
multiple time zones.
Data at one—second resolution is routinely collected by the Network Operating Center (NOC) on
all active aireraf, This data was examined from January 1, 2006 through February 28, 2006 (the
latest period available) for all possible occurrences of simultancously transmitting AES. The
greatest number of AES appearing within any two—second window was four and this occurred 34
times, or 0.00007% ofthe time. A two—second stiding window was used to allow for any
transmissions that spill into the next second. The actual probability of simultancous
transmissions may be considerably less than this because the NOC pollsall active unitsat
randomized intervals when they are not transmitting.The 0.00007% figure is also conservative

because many transmissions are completed within a fraction of a second and do not overlap any
another transmission

                     an ue no e he un un uo me un ue an no ns no

             Figure 2. Hourly Variation in SKYLink®~" Send and Receive Traffic

On March 7, 2006, for example, when the greatest hourly demand was observed, four aircraft
were logged on to the network, Only two of those aircraft, however, could have possibly
transmitted simultancousty and this could only have happened during a single 20 minute interval.
The greatest traffic offered by either user during any ofthose 20 minutes required less than 8
seconds to ransmit and, on average, amounted to less than 2 seconds of use per minute.

3. Analysis of Most Recent Data

Measured values of AES power for actual geographical locations and dwell times were found to
be substantially lower than the estimates used in the original simulation and exhibited a broader
range of values. While a lower average er.p. reduces the probability ofexceeding the aggregate
off—axis limits, any increase in the percentage of AES toward the upper end of the distribution
has an adverse effect. Such an increase could arise, for example, if satellte uplink G/TT contours
and downlink e.ip.     contours are not congruent. In Paragraph 43 of the SKYLink*®" Order, the
FCC asked that we "disclose the extent, if any, to which the downlink footprint extends beyond
the minimum G/T control and explicitly account for the consequent impact on ageregate e.ip.
The impact of any such mismatch was determined by rerunning the Monte Carlo simulation
using the actual distribution and measured peak demand. After 100 million trals, a
sufficient number of low—probability events were observed to determine that the SKYLink®""

system is operating below a 0,0001% chance of exceeding the aggregate offaxis e.r. This
result is consistent with the observation in the previous section that two or fewer actual
simultancous transmissions occurzed during the most recent period for which data was available.

In Paragraph 46 ofthe SKYLink*"" Order, the FCC asked that we address error factors in the
system used to calibrate and monitor ABS e.rp.     This system consists of 1) a test signal
generator and reference transmitter co—located with the hub earth station, which generates a
reference waveform for the hub uplink transmission, 2) a precision uplink power contral unit,
which maintains a constant signal level atthe satellite, 3) a 4.5—meter antenna conforming to the
requirements of Section 25.209, and 4) a receive signal processor to determine if an adjustment
is regquired on the uplink power control or the AES. Based on measurements after the move to
AMC—6, this system has a demonstrated long term stability of +/~ 0.4 dB. This is slightly better
than the original estimate used in the Monte Carlo simulation.

4. Conclusion

The Monte Carlo simulation used previously to account for the many factors affecting aggregate
off—axis e.rp. was run using actual trafic demand plus observed power levels over the entire
satellte footprint." Even with the addition of 40 percent protocol overhead during peak demand
periods, the chance that agaregate earth—station off—axis e.i.p. spectral density wll exceed a
one—dB margin belowthe levels specified in the SKYLink®®" icense are at least two orders of
magnitude less than the allowed 0.001 percent. ARINC will continue to monitor SKYLink*""
performance and make any adjustments necessary to maintain compliance with it license.

"Fora description ofthis Monte Carlo model, see ARINC‘s Je 3, 2004 Engineering Exhbit

€158E Carino Rea
cesca arooe 1om
Tw omarezam
Fa: oo on

         March 16, 2006

         Mr. William M. Kolb
         Project Manager, SKYLink Program
         ARINC, Inc.
         251 Riva Road
         Annapolis, Maryland 21401
         SKYLink Interference Report

         Dear Mr. Kolb:
         1 have had our Network Operations Center (NOC) search through our customer service ticket
         data base from the period April 6,2005 to present for any record ofinterference reports from the
         SKYLink network operating under carth station license E030205.
         There were no reports ofinerference from the SKYLink network made by other users on AMC—
         6, nor were there any from users ofor operators ofthe adjacent satelites.
         Regards,                          _

          @amaf J b’i«‘[i
         Dary! T. Hiter, PE.
         Senior Systems Engineer

                                                                         An SES GLOBAL Compary
                                                            Frederck D. Cain
                                                              Director, Transponder Capacity

                                                             March 20, 2006
Mr, William M. Kolb
Project Manager, SKYLink Program
2551 Riva Road
Annapolis, MD 21401—7468

Re: SKYLink Interference Report
Dear Bill
SES Americom has searched ts records for any interference issues pertaining to ARINC. The
search covered the period oftime from April 6, 2005 through today. The search was conducted
on AMCI transponder 16 and AMCG transponder 12. To the best of our knowledge there were
no known instances of interference caused by the ARINC operation of traffic on the above
SES Americom is pleased to have ARINC as a client with a clean operational record. If there are
any questions on this matter please feelfree to contact me directly.
Sincerely;          /J
     casebty lekkat

            nenmricne 1ms1 on | S one ts |wivinmem mt | omm msonen

Document Created: 2003-10-28 14:29:48
Document Modified: 2003-10-28 14:29:48

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