Attachment Petition to Deny

Petition to Deny

PETITION TO DENY submitted by PanAmSat Corporation

Petition to Deny


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030910-01236 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                       \nfl Bureau              OCT 2 4 2003
In the Matter of                                        O t T 2 7 2003    W)fiW COMMUNICATIONS COW-
SWE-DISH SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,~Otlt                          mm            OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

INC.                             )
Application for Earth Station Authority                   ) File No. SES-LIC-20030910-01236
In the Fixed-Satellite Service                            )               E030197


         PanAmSat Corporation ("PanAmSat"), by its attorneys, hereby petitions to
deny the above-referenced application ("Application") of Swe-Dish Satellite
Communications, Inc. ("Swe-Dish).' Swe-Dish seeks authority to use a non-standard
antenna, and its Application is therefore not eligible for routine processing. PanAmSat
is concerned that Swe-Dish's proposed operations could interfere with operations on
adjacent satellites, including adjacent satellites operated by PanAmSat,2 and Swe-Dish
has not satisfied its obligation to demonstrate that its non-standard antenna will not
cause "unacceptable levels of interference."3 At a minimum, therefore, Swe-Dish
should be required to demonstrate, prior to the grant of any license, that all satellite
operators that will communicate with its proposed earth station have coordinated with

  See Public Notice, Report No. SES 00535, Sept. 24,2003.
  Swe-Dish has requested authority on an "ALSAT" basis, as a result of which it would be possible to use
Swe-Dish's proposed earth station to communicate with numerous satektes that are adjacent to satellites
in PanAmSat's fleet.
  See 47 C.F.R. 5 25.209(f).



        Swe-Dish seeks ALSAT authority to operate a 0.66-meter transportable Ku-band
transmit/receive fixed-satellite service (”FSS) antenna.4 Swe-Dish proposes to use its
antenna to provide an IP gateway for applications such as digital video newsgathering,
Internet connections, or other broadband applications.5
        Section 25.209(f)of the Commission’s rules6 establishes special procedures for
earth stations not conforming to the performance standards set forth in Sections
25.209(a) and (b).7 The Commission will not routinely authorize such nonconforming
earth stations absent “a finding ... that unacceptable levels of interference will not be
caused under conditions of uniform 2” orbital spacings.”8
        Swe-Dish acknowledges that, between 1.25 degrees and 1.7 degrees, its proposed
0.66 meter antenna does not comply with the antenna gain patterns required in Sections
25.209(a) and (b) of the Commission’s rules, and requests a waiver of those rules.9 In
support of its waiver request, Swe-Dish states that it ”will conform to all necessary
coordination. . . to ensure no interference is caused from or into” other satellite
networks, including PanAmSat networks.10
        Although in connection with t h s statement Swe-Dish attached a letter from
PanAmSat, that letter in no way establishes that there has been ”all necessary
coordination.” To the contrary, the letter addresses whether Swe-Dish‘s earth station

  See Application FCC Form 312 at Item 43 and Schedule B (”Points of Communication”).
  Id. at Exhibit B (“System Description”).
  47 C.F.R. Q 25.209(f).
  47 C.F.R. Q 25.209(a) and (b) (defining the required antenna performance standards for gain and off-axis
cross polarization gain of any antenna employed in transmission from an earth station to a space station
in the FSS).
  See Application at Item 35, Item E15, and Exhibit C (“Waiver Request”).
lo Id. at Exhibit C. Swe-Dish also acknowledges that, as a result of having a non-compliant antenna, its
network will receive ”limited protection” ”as specified in FCC rules 25.209.” Id. See also 47 C.F.R.
Q 25.209.


may be used to communicate with PanAmSat’s satellites, not whether it may be used to
communicate with satellites that are adjacent to PanAmSat’s satellites, and even as to
the former the letter makes clear that “final access to PanAmSat satellites may require
. . . adjacent satellite coordination.”ll No adjacent satellite operator has approached
PanAmSat, much less coordinated with it, concerning communications via Swe-Dish‘s
proposed earth station.
       It is essential that coordination be completed prior to licensing especially where,
as is the case here, the potential for harmful interference is high. PanAmSat knows
from past experience that eliminating a source of interference can be costly and time-
consuming for customers, services providers, and satellite operators.
       Accordingly, Swe-Dish’s Application should not be granted unless adjacent
satellite operators serving as points of communication for Swe-Dish have coordinated
with PanAmSat, thereby ensuring that unacceptable levels of interference will not be
caused to PanAmSat’s satellites under conditions of uniform 2” orbital spacing.
Consistent with Commission policy, moreover, Swe-Dish should be required to
demonstrate that coordination has been successfully completed by filing appropriate
affidavit(s). PanAmSat has no objection to a grant following completion of frequency
coordination and the submission of the proper documentation.

   Letter, dated September 9,2003, from Mohammad Marashi, PanAmSat, to Shahnaz Ghavami, FCC,
attached to Waiver Request.


       For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should deny Swe-Dish’s
Application unless coordination with PanAmSat has been successfully complete(

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      PAN AMSAT CORPORATION

                                      By: /s/Toseph A. Godles
                                             Joseph A. Godles
                                             Michael A. McCoin

                                      GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT
                                      1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
                                      Washington, D.C. 20036
                                      (202) 429-4900
                                      Its Attorneys

October 24,2003

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was sent by first-
class mail, postage prepaid, this 24th day of October 2003 to the following:

                SWE-DISH Satellite Communications, Inc.
                Attention: Mr. Pal Ekberg,
                1634 Eye Street, N.W.
                Suite 605
                Washington, DC 20006

                Coudert Brothers
                Attention: William Coulter
                1627 Eye Street, N.W.
                Suite 1200
                Washington, DC 20006

                Attention: Ken Ryan, Director, Satellite Engineering
                19700 Janelia Farm Blvd
                Ashburn, VA 20147

                                                  / s / Julie Read
                                                  Julie Read

Document Created: 2003-10-28 14:36:57
Document Modified: 2003-10-28 14:36:57

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