Attachment Comment



Sola Comments


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030515-00670 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                         )
SOLA COMMUNICATIONS INC.                                 )
Application for Earth Station Authority                  ) File No. SES-LIC-20030515-00670
In the Domestic Fixed-Satellite Service                  )               E030114


         PanAmSat Corporation (“PanAmSat”), by its attorneys, hereby comments on

the above-referenced application (“Application”) of Sola Communications Inc. (”Sola”).

PanAmSat is filing these comments out of an abundance of caution based on a possible

conflict between the points of communication requested in Sola’s Application and the

points of communication shown in the public notice accepting the Application for filing.

Assuming that the authorized points of communication for Sola’s proposed earth

station are limited to AMC-2, however, PanAmSat has no objection to the Application.

        Sola seeks a license to operate, inter alia, a 2.4-meter “Remote 1” C-band

transmit/receive fixed-satellite service (“FSS”) earth station.1 Sola proposes to use this

1 Sola proposes to use a Channel Master 2.4 meter antenna for its “Remote 1” station. Application at FCC
Form 312, Schedule B ("Remote 1") (Items E30-E32). Although not the subject of these comments, Sola
also seeks authority to operate an Andrew Corporation, LNR ESA24 4.5-meter “Hub Site” C-band
transmit/receive FSS antenna. Application at Schedule B ("Hub Site") (Items E30-E32). The above-
referenced Application includes two FCC Form 312 Schedule B forms, one pertaining to the “Hub Site”
antenna and the other the “Remote 1” site antenna.


earth station as part of a “C-SAT Network” facility in order to provide digital voice,

data and fax services to oil platforms located throughout the Gulf of Mexico.2

        Sola’s Application appears to indicate that the proposed earth station will

communicate only with AMC-2 at 85° W.L. The public notice accepting the Application

for filing, however, makes no mention of AMC-2.3 Rather, it lists “Other” as the

proposed point(s) of communication, and does not specify an orbital location(s).

        If Sola’s proposed earth station were to be licensed on an ALSAT basis or were

authorized to communicate with satellites adjacent to any of PanAmSat’s C-band

satellites, then PanAmSat would have an objection to the Application. PanAmSat’s

analysis indicates that, in these circumstances, its adjacent satellites would face a

significant risk of harmful interference unless Sola could demonstrate an ability to align

the “Remote 1” antenna to within 0.5 degrees of the intended satellite and otherwise to

comply with the Commission’s two-degree spacing requirements.4 Accordingly, if Sola

is seeking authority to communicate with satellites other than AMC-2, PanAmSat

should be given an opportunity to supplement these comments with a technical


2 Application at FCC Form 312, Schedule A (Items 43).
3 Public Notice, Report No. SES- 00499, May 21, 2003 (“Public Notice).
4 See 47 C.F.R. § 25.209 and 47 C.F.R. § 25.212.


        For the foregoing reasons, PanAmSat has no objection to Sola’s Application, so
long as the authorized points of communication are limited to AMC-2 at 85° W.L.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        PANAMSAT CORPORATION

                                        By:     /s/ Joseph A. Godles
                                               Joseph A. Godles
                                               Michael A. McCoin

                                        GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT
                                        1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
                                        Washington, D.C. 20036
                                        (202) 429-4900
                                        Its Attorneys

June 20, 2003

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was sent by first-
class mail, postage prepaid, this 20th day of June 2003 to the following:

                Sola Communications Inc.
                Attention: Pat Meche
                124 Toledo Drive
                Lafayette, LA 70506

                                                 Ryan N. Terry

Document Created: 2003-06-23 11:25:27
Document Modified: 2003-06-23 11:25:27

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