Attachment DOJ approved letter

DOJ approved letter

LETTER submitted by "DOJ", "DHS", "FBI"

"DOJ", "DHS", "FBI" approved letter


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030502-00572 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                   1.S. Department of Justice

                                                                   Federal Bureau of Investigation

Office ofthe General Counsel                                       Washingion, D.C. 20535
                                                                   July 30, 2004

     By Hand—Delivery

     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Room TW—B204
     Washington, D.C. 20554

                Re:       Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorization and License In re Application of
                           Glentel Corp., File No. SES—LIC—20030502—00572

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

             Transmitted herewith by the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation ("FBI"), on behalfof itself , the
     United States Department of Justice ("DOJ"), and the United States Department of Homeland Security
     ("DHS"), are an original and four (4) copies of a "Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorization and
     License", with attachments (Exhibits 1 and 2), reached between Glentel Corp., and the FBI, the DOJ, and
     the DHS in the above—referenced matter. Please accept this Petition and be advised that the FBI, the
     DOJ, and the DHS have no objection to the FCC granting the relief requested in the applicationfiled in
      the above—referenced matter, provided that the Commission conditions the grant of the requested relief on
      compliance by Glentel Corp. with the commitments set forth in the Petition and its attachments..

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                                                            MyJR. Saldivar—Trotter
                                                            Office of the General Counsel
                                                            935 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 7877
                                                            Washington, D.C. 20535
                                                            (202) 324—1730


      ec: Natek, Inc.

                                      Before The
                                 Washington, DC 20554

In re Application of:                                )
GLENTEL CORP.                                        )       File No.:
                                                     )       SES—L1C—20030502—00572
To:    Chief, International Bureau

                                                                                 AUG 0 4 2004
                         PETITION TO ADOPT CONDITIONS TO                        Front Office
                           AUTHORIZATION AND LICENSE

       The Federal Bureau ofInvestigation ("FBI"), on behalf ofitself, the United States

Department of Justice ("DOJ"), and the United States Department of Homeland Security

("DHS"), through the undersigned officials, respectfully submits this Petition to Adopt

Conditions to Authorization and License ("Petition"), pursuant to Section 1.41 of the Federal

Communications Commission‘s ("FCC" or "Commission") rules.!

       Through this Petition, we are advising the Commission that the above—referenced

gov.ernment entities have no objection to the Commission granting the relief requested in the

application filed in the above—referenced matter (the "requested relief"), provided that the

Commission conditions the grant of the requested relief on compliance by Glentel Corp.

("Glentel"), with the commitments set forth in the letterto Laura H. Parsky, Deputy Assistant

Attorney General, dated June, 9, 2004 and effective on July 27, 2004 (hereinafter "the Glentel

Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. The Glentel Agreement includes

Exhibit A, which is a proposed "Condition to FCC License." Also attached, by way offurther

[ 47 CF.R. § 1.41 (2003).

clarifying the Glentel Agreement, is Exhibit 2:a Supplement to the existing agreement with

Mobile Satellite Ventures LLC and certain other companie’s.

       The background of this matter, as described in Exhibit 1, involves the request of Glentel

for blanket authority to operate up to 50,000 mobile earth terminals that will communicate with

MSAT—1, a Canadian—licensed satellite, and AMSC—1, a U.S.—licensed satellite. Both satellites

are operated by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, whichis a wholly owned subsidiary

of Mobile Satellite Ventures L.P. (referred to herein collectively as "MSV"). MSV previously

entered into an agreement intended to address certain law enforcement, public safety and

national security concerns, and the Commission agreed to adopt that agreement as a condition to

its grant of licensing authority. Both the Glentel Agreement (Exhibit 1), and the Supplement

agreed to with MSV and certain other companies (Exhibit 2), are intended to further address

these concerns.

        As the Commission is aware, the DOJ (including the FBI) and DHS have taken the

position that their ability to satisfy their obligations to protect the national security, enforce the

laws, and preserve the safety of the public could be impaired by transactions in which foreign

entities will own or operate a part of the U.S. telecommunications system, or in which foreign—

located facilities will be used to provide domestic telecommunications servicas to U.S.

customers. In part because Glentel will use facilities located outside the United States to provide

domestic telecommunications services to U.S. customers, the parties have entered into the above—

referenced agreements reflecting certain commitments.         The DOJ and DHS have concluded that

those commitments are sufficient to ensure that government entities with responsibility for

enforcing the law, protecting the national security, and preserving public safety can proceed in a

legal, secure, and confidential manner to satisfy these responsibilities.

          Accordingly, the FBI on behalfofitself and the DOJ, and the DHS, hereby advise that

they have no objection to the Commission granting the requested relief, provided that the

Commission conditions its grant on compliance by Glentel with the commitments set forth


Respectfully submitted,

Deputy General Counsel
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20532
(202) 324—6829

Dated: Tuly 30, 2004

Tina W. Gabbrielli
Director ofIntelligence Coordination and
 Infrastructure Protection Programs
Information Analysis and Infrastructure
 Protection Directorate
United States Department of Homeland Security
Nebraska Avenue Complex
Washington, D.C. 20528
(202) 282—8582

Dated: July 30, 2004

            Accordingly, the FBI on behalf of itself and the DOJ, and the DHS, hereby advise that

  they have no objection to the Commission granting the requested relief, provided that the

  Commission conditions its grant on compliance by Glentel with the commitments set forth


  Respectfully submitted,

 Patrick W. Kelley
 Deputy General Counsel
 Federal Bureau of Investigation
 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
  Washington, D.C. 20532
  (202) 324—6829

 Dated: July __, 2004

4(@ Q‘ &/._ ML’@;
~ Tina W. Gabbrielli
  Director of Intelligence Coordination and
  Infrastructure Protection Programs
 Information Analysis and Infrastructure
  Protection Directorate
 United States Department of Homeland Security
 Nebraska Avenue Complex
 Washington, D.C. 20528
  (202) 282—8 582

 Dated: July 232004

       I, Myla R. Saldivar—Trotter, hereby certify that on this 30th day of JTuly 2004, caused a
true and correct copy of the "Petition to Adopt Conditions to Authorization and Licenses",
and its attachments, pertaining to /n Re Applications ofGlentel Corp., File No. SES—LIC—
20030502—00572 to be served upon the following parties via Electronic Mail or by United States
Postal Service First—Class Mail (indicated by *):

Joseph Godles                                        Dale Belsher*
Goldberg, Godies, Wiener & Wright                    Chief Financial Officer
1229 Nineteenth Street, NW                           Glentel Corp.
Washington, D.C. 20036                               8501 Commerce Court                                     Burnaby, Canada

Linda Haller                                         James Ball
Associate Bureau Chief                               Chief, Policy Divison
International Bureau                                 International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                    Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                                  445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554                               Washington, D.C. 20554                       

George Li                                            Thomas Tycz
Deputy Chief, Policy Division                        Chief, Satellite Division
International Bureau                                 International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                    Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                                  445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554                               Washington, D.C. 20554                          

Susan O‘Connell                                      Donald Abelson
Policy Division                                      Bureau Chief, Office of the Bureau Chief
International Bureau                                 International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                     Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                                   445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554                                Washington, D.C. 20554
Susan.O‘                               Donald,

Neil Dellar                                           Breck Blalock
Officer of the General Counsel                        Deputy Chief, Policy Division
Federal Communications Commission                     International Bureau
445 12th Street, SW                                   Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                                445 12th Street, SW                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

JoAnn Lucanik                       Sylvia Lam
Satellite Division                  Satellite Division
International Bureau                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission   Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                 445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554              Washington, D.C. 20554     


                                                                                                             1 COCZ

    June 9, 2004

    Laura H. Parsky
    Deputy Assistant Attorney General
    Criminal Division
    United States Department of Justice
    Washington, DC 20530

           Re:     Glentel Corp.
                   ECC File No. SES—LIC—20030502—00572

    Dear Ms. Parsky:

           This letter agreement (the "Glentel Agreement") is made as of the date of the last
    signature affixed hereto, by and among Glentel Corp. ("Glentel"), a corporation
    organized under the laws of the State of Washington, the United States Department of
    Justice ("Department of Justice") including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"),
    and the United States Department of Homeland Security ("Department of Homeland

          In the above—referenced application(the "Glentel Application"), Glentel requests
    blanket authority to operate up to 50,000 mobile earth terminals that will communicate
    with MSAT—1, a Canadian—licensed satellite presently located at 106.5° W.L., and AMSC—
    1, a U.S.—licensed satellite presently located at 101° W.L.

           In analyzing the Glentel Application, the Federal Communications Commission
    will consider national security, law enforcement, foreign policy, and trade policy
    concerns raised by the Executive Branch.! The Department of Justice and Department
    of Homeland Security have raised national security, public safety, and law enforcement
    concerns with respect to the Glentel Application.

         MSAT—1 and AMSC—1 are operated by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
    ("MSV Sub"), a wholly—owned subsidiary of Mobile Satellite Ventures LP. ("MSV LP"
    and, collectively with MSV Sub, "MSV"), the successor in interest to Mobile Satellite
    Ventures LLC ("MSV LLC"). MSV LLC and MSV Sub, among other parties, previously
    entered into an agreement (the " Agreement") with the Department of Justice and the

    \ See, e.g., Motient Services Inc. and TMI Communications and Company, LP Assignors and Mobile Satellite
    Ventures Subsidiary LLC Assignee, Order and Authorization, DA—01—2732, at 31 (rel. Nov. 21, 2001).

                                                                                          Company # T00 inrruilarali

Laura H. Parsky
June 9, 2004
Page 2

FBI, "intended to ensure that the FBI and the Dof and other entities with responsibility
for enforcing the law, protecting the national security and preserving the public safety
can proceed in a legal, secure, and confidential manner to satisfy these
responsibilities."" Capitalized terms that are used but not otherwise defined herein
shall have the meanings given themin the Agreement.

         After the Glentel Application is granted, Glentel‘s mobile earth terminals will be
authorized to communicate with MSAT—1 and AMSC—1, which are controlled by MSV
and subject to the Agreement. With this authorization, Glentel will provide mobile
satellite service to its customers in the United States by reselling mobile satellite service
provided by MSV via MSAT—1 and AMSC—1. To address the national security, public
safety, and law enforcement concerns raised by the Glentel Application, Glentel wishes
to adopt certain provisions of the Agreement.

       Accordingly, in consideration of the foregoing and the other terms and
conditions set forth herein, Glentel hereby agrees to comply with and be bound by
Sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.7 of the Agreement in all respects as if it were a signatory to
that Agreement. In addition, the parties to the Agreement are entering into a
supplement (the "Supplement"), a copy of which is attached hereto, clarifying the
applicability of the Agreement to communications via the mobile earth terminals that
are the subject of the Glentel Application (the "Glentel Communications").

        In the Supplement, the parties to the Agreement have clarified that the persons
designated as points of contact by MSV pursuant to Section 3.6 of the Agreement and
the Supplement shall serve, for purposes of the Glentel Communications, as the points
of contact within the United States with the authority and responsibility for accepting
and overseeing compliance with Lawful U.S. Process. As an inducement to this
clarification, Glentel hereby: (1) represents, warrants, and covenants that MSV has, and
will continue to have during the term of this Glentel Agreement, all of the billing
records, subscriber information, and transactional and call associated data relating to
the Glentel Communications that the persons designated by MSV as points of contact
will need to satisfy their obligations under Section 3.6 relating to the Glentel
Communications (the "Section 3.6 Glentel Information"); (2) waives any claim it may
have to release of the Section 3.6 Glentel Information, in accordance with the terms of
Section 3.6 of the Agreement, on the grounds that the Section 3.6 Glentel Information is
proprietary; and (3) agrees to respond promptly to any request from MSV for assistance
in satisfying MSV‘s obligations under Section 3.6. Glentel further agrees to preserve all
of its billing records, subscriber information, and transactional and call associated data
relating to the Glentel Communications in original or copy form at a designated

2 Id. at [ 32.

Laura H. Parsky
June 9, 2004
Page 3

location in the United States for at least eighteen (18) months, and to comply in an
effective, efficient and unimpeded fashion with Lawful U.S. Process for such records.

       Upon the execution of the Glentel Agreement the Department of Justice,
including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security shall jointly and promptly
notify the FCC that, provided the FCC adopts a condition substantially the same as set
forth in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Condition to FCC License"), requiring Glentel‘s
compliance with the provisions of the Glentel Agreement Department of Justice and
Department of Homeland Security have no objection to the FCC‘s grant or approval of
the Glentel Application. Glentel acknowledges that its failure to comply with the
condition set forth in Exhibit A could cause the Department of Justice or the
Department of Homeland Security to seek the revocation or cancellation of Glentel‘s
license or an FCC order declaring the license null and void.

         The Department of Justice, including the FBI, and Department of Homeland
Security agree not to object, formally or informally, to the grant of any other FCC
application of Glentel for a license or other authority under Titles II and III of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to provide MET‘s services via satellites
operated by MSV, provided that such application makes clear that the terms and
conditions of this Glentel Agreement shall apply to any license or other authority issued
pursuant to that application. Nothing in the Glentel Agreement shall preclude the
Department of Justice or the Department of Homeland Security from opposing,
formally or informally, any FCC application by Glentel to transfer its license(s) to a
third party or for other authority. The Department of Homeland Security and the
Department of Justice reserve the right to seek additional or different terms that would,
consistent with the public interest, address any threat to their ability to enforce the laws,
preserve the national security and protect the public safety raised by the transactions
underlying such applications or petitions.

Laura H. Parsky
June 9, 2004
Page 4

       If you agree to the foregoing, please execute four copies of this letter and return
one fully executed copy to Glentel for our records.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    GLENTEL CORP.

                                    By:       f\v    2. ‘\    4 ,   + \,   a lv {" \

                                                             Dale B. Belsher
                                    Title:           Chief Financial Officer

                                    Date:           _T              1000     zgog a~

         Accepted and Agreed to:


         By: «frurn N Th]
         Tite: Jerorvy Assisrawr Arroewnsy Ceme@Ac
         Date:   :I{)L,‘{   ?g! ZOC)L/


                   fg.j(ikd     B   %L/ )gL}

         Title: FD&'PLDT\’     &M&RAL GJL)MSEL_

         Date: WM\E@LN_A*


         By:     uest         /C/’
               "DirEtcror of /A/Tgéélf’cf'/i/kfg roRDINNATH OP E&
         Title: Speciar [nreastmeuerors PRorecrropy /’%m/?AMS

         Date:      __3G L¥     2?"2@@'5

                                          Exhibit A

                              CONDITION TO FCC LICENSE

       IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the blanket license granted herein is subject to
compliance with the provisions of the agreement attached hereto between Glentel
Corp., on the one hand, and the U.S. Department of Justice (the "DOJ") including the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (the "FBI"), and the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security (the "DHS") on the other, dated June @4, 2004 (the "Glentel Agreement"),
which is designed to address national security, law enforcement and public safety
issues of the DOJ, the FBI, and the DHS regarding the license granted herein. Nothing
in the Glentel Agreement is intended to limit any obligation imposed by Federal law or
regulation including, but not limited to, 47 U.S.C. § 222(a) and (c) (1) and the FCC‘s
implementing regulations.



        This Supplement is made as of the date of the last signature affixed hereto, by
and among Mobile Satellite Ventures L.P., successor in interest to Mobile Satellite
Ventures LLC; Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC; Motient Corporation; TMI
Communications and Company, Limited Partnership; the U.S. Department of Justice
("DOJ") including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"); and the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security ("DHS") (collectively, the "Parties").


        WHEREAS, the DOJ and FBI previously entered into an agreement (the
"Agreement"), dated as of November 14, 2001, intended to ensure that entities with
responsibility for enforcing the law, protecting the national security and preserving the
public safety could proceedin a legal, secure, and confidential manner to satisfy these

        WHEREAS, capitalized terms that are used but not otherwise defined herein
shall have the meanings given them in the Agreement;

       WHEREAS, Glentel Corp. ("Glentel"), a corporation organized under the laws of
the State of Washington, has filed an application with the FCC (the "Glentel
Application") requesting blanket authority to operate up to 50,000 mobile earth
terminals, that will communicate with MSAT—1, a Canadian—licensed satellite presently
located at 106.5° W.L., and AMSC—1, a U.S.—licensed satellite presently located at 101

       WHEREAS, MSAT—1 and AMSC—1 are operated by Mobile Satellite Ventures
Subsidiary LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mobile Satellite Ventures L.P. ("MSV

      WHEREAS, Glentel has entered into an agreement with DOJ, including the FBI
and DHS (the "Glentel Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto, governing
communications via the mobile earth terminals that are the subject of the Glentel
Application (the "Glentel Communications");

        WHEREAS, the Parties wish to supplement the Agreement to clarify the
applicability of that Agreement to the Glentel Communications;

        NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties are entering into this Supplement, and agree as


       1. The Glentel Communications shall be subject to the Agreement to the same
extent as they would be if they were provided via mobile earth terminals licensed to
MSV Sub.

        2. By executing this Supplement, the Parties agree that DHS shall also become a
party to the Agreement, effective on the date of execution of the Supplement.

        3. The annual report "assessing MSV‘s compliance" required under Section 4.9
of the Agreement shall be signed by the designated senior corporate officer required to
file the report under Section 4.9. This designated officer shall be knownas the
"compliance officer" for MSV for purposes of the Agreement and this Supplement.

       4. The persons designated as points of contact by MSV pursuant to Section 3.6 of
the Agreement shall serve, for purposes of the Glentel Communications, as the points of
contact within the United States with the authority and responsibility for accepting and
overseeing compliance with Lawful U.S. Process.

        This Supplement is executed on behalf of the Parties:

United States Department of

Date: uiY "2‘5;2“}#                       By: xMapaon BwE
                                          PrintedName:     240 4       /jfl Z4 esiy"
Federal Bureau of Investigation
                                                %     «_
Date:    jULj      tl ; ?«OC)‘;,          By:     /Lj%} mh’“
                                          Prmted Name: PAgeice         W. ksu,é\
                                          Title: DsPOTY éim&{l,fil«         Coonsec

United States Department of Homeland ‘%uunty/

Date:    _,}!4 V     74 7&3@“}            BV '/ .

                                          Title: 'D/xecfiZor PE /f[/f;Latssate sCixRbeATEA
                                                4 Smecia InfrabstAveroes Trorecron‘


Mobile Satellite Ventures L.P.
         |         —=
                   £o     7 |
Date:   _ june     5     /'J/UL‘f
                                         ols     éé %’/ é/m/ =
                                         Printed Name:
                                         Title:   _PRESwe
Mobile Satellite Ventures
  Subsidiary LLC

                            —       /{
                            LEX          By:       fe iW
TMI Communications, Inc., on
  behalf of TMI Communications
  and Company, Limited

Date:    Suly 7         asot             By:      LoXA
                                                    7/ m l
                                         PrintedN&fac:     L. > 9
                                         Title    Pres idowt   *

Document Created: 2019-04-27 06:19:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-27 06:19:05

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