Attachment Unopposed Petition

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030502-00572 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                               U.S. Department of Justice

                                                               Federal Bureau of Investigation

                                SateUte and
                            Wa&mmmkh&itbMDivision                                                 R E c W a D r , mED
 Office of the General Counsel                                 Washington, D C 20535
                                                                                                      A N        9 2004
                                                             July 28,2004

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
c/o Natek, Inc.
236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Suite 110
Washington, D.C. 20002

         Re:        Continuance of Unopposed Petition to Defer of Executive Branch Agencies,
                    Application of Glentel, File No. SES-LIC-20030502-005 72

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Please enter this letter on the docket for the above-captioned application. This letter is to request
that the Commission continue to defer action with respect to this application for the reasons stated in our
“Unopposed Petition to Defer of Executive Branch Agencies” dated April 5,2004. The applicant and
the Department of Justice, including the FBI, and Department of Homeland Security, have completed
negotiation of an agreement to address certain concerns, and we request an extension to July 30,2004, by
which date we anticipate having filed our final agreement with the Commission.


                                                           935 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                                                           Washington, D.C. 20535

cc: Linda Haller, International Bureau (via electronic mail)
    Joseph Godles (via electronic mail)
    Natek, Inc.


Document Created: 2004-08-20 07:45:00
Document Modified: 2004-08-20 07:45:00

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