Attachment withdraw


WITHDRAWAL submitted by PanAmSat Corporation

withdraw letter


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030501-00565 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                      LAW OFFICES
                            GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT
                                    1229 NINETEENTH STREET, N.W.
                                     WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—2413

HENRY GOLDBERG                                                                                           (202) 429—4900
JOSEPH A. GODLES                                                                                         TELECOPIER:
JONATHAN L. WIENER                                                                                       (202) 429—4912
BRITA D. STRANDBERG                                                                                           e—mail:
HENRIETTA WRIGHT                                                                             
THOMAS G. GHERARDI, P.C.                                                                             website:
                                                  September 5, 2003

   Ms. Marlene Dortch, Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission.
   The Portals Building
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, D.C. 20554

                                    Re:     AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANY
                                            Application for Earth Station Authority, as amended
                                            File Nos.:  SES—LIC—20030501—00565
                                            Call SignE030094

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

          PanAmSat Corporation ("PanAmSat"), by its attorneys, hereby withdraws its
   Petition to Deny ("Petition"), as supplemented, regarding the above—referenced
   application filed by Amoco Production Company ("Amoco")."

           PanAmSat is pleased to report that, as reflected in an engineering certification
   Amoco recently provided to the Commission, Amoco‘s satellite operator, Loral Skynet,
   has coordinated with PanAmSat regarding Amoco‘s above—referenced proposal to use a
   2.A—meter earth station to communicate with Telstar 6 at 93° W.L.2 In light of this
   development, PanAmSat hereby withdraws its Petition.

   1 See Petition to Deny of PanAmSat Corporation, June 6, 2003, as supplemented, July 25, 2003.
   2 See Letter of Robert C. Draper, Loral Skynet, to Sylvia Lam, FCC International Bureau, Satellite Division,
   dated August 26, 2003.

Ms. Marlene Dortch, Secretary
September 5, 2003
Page 2

         Any questions with respect to this matter should be directed to the undersigned.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                           Htetel{1 . Ce.
                                          Joseph A. Godles
                                          Michael A. McCoin
                                          Attorneys for PanAmSat Corporation

ce:      Katherine C. Lucas, Counsel for Amoco
         Dorothy Hudson, Amoco
         William Howden, FCC
         Jennifer Gilsenan, FCC
         Sylvia Lam, FCC

                                           GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT

Document Created: 2003-09-08 15:51:53
Document Modified: 2003-09-08 15:51:53

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