Attachment AMOCO extension

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030501-00565 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANY                   )   File No. SES-AMD-20030604-00776

Application for Earth StationAuthority     )
In the DomesticSatelliteService            )

                      MonON      FOR EXTENSION OF TIME

       Amoco ProductionCompany("Amoco"), by its counselandpursuantto Section

1.46of the RulesandRegulationsof the FederalCommunicationsCommission("FCC"

or "Commission"),herebysubmitsthis Motion for Extensionof Time to respondto the

issuesraisedin the Supplementto Petition to Deny ofPanAmSatCorporation


       PanAmSatCorporation("PanAmSat")filed its Petition on July 25, 2003 seeking

clarification of the antennaalignmentaccuracyand a descriptionof the installment

proceduresto be followed for a C-Bandsatelliteearthstationso that PanArnSatmay

evaluatethe interferencepotentialof Amoco's proposedoperations.2Amoco, through

Loral Skynet,its satelliteserviceprovider,is working to providethe necessary

infomlation to PanAmSatregardingthe issuesraisedin the Petition.

t SeeSupplementto Petitionto Deny ofPanAmSatCorporationto Amoco ProductionCompany
Application for Earth StationAuthority, File No. SES-AMD-20030604-O0776,
                                                                      July 25,2003
2Petitionat 3.

          Amoco requestsa thirty day extensionof time to allow the partiesto conducta

further evaluationof the interferencepotentialof the proposedstation,andfor Amoco to

supplementits amendedapplicationwith any additionalinformationdetenninedto be

necessaryin responseto the Petition.3 A grantof Amoco's motion will servethe public

interestby promotingthe privateresolutionof disputesandby postponingthe needfor

the expenditureof further time andresourcesof the partiesandof the Commissionuntil
suchtime asmay actuallybe necessary.

          WHEREFORE,it is respectfullyrequestedthat the CommissiongrantAmoco a

thirty-day extensionof time to respondto the issuesraisedin the Supplementto Petition

to Deny ofPanAmSat Corporation.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 AMOCO PRODUCTIONCOMPANY

                                                 By:     r/£- 'vh /.61        .b

                                                         ~:'::I~~~la:~~            "-~:-
                                                         KatherineC. Lucas

                                                         Keller andHeckmanLLP
                                                         1001G Street,NW, Suite 500W
                                                         Washington,DC 20001
                                                         (202) 434-4100
                                                         Its Attorneys

3   Amoco's counselhasdiscussedwith PanAmSat'scounselits intentionto requestan extensionof
time, and PanAmSat's colDlsel agreed that it would not object to Amoco's request for additional
4   ~ MCI WorldcomNetwork Services,Inc., Complainantv. AllegianceTelecom,Inc.,
Defendant, Order, File No. EB-O2-MDIC-0037, DA 03-478 (Feb. 24, 2003) (granting a Motion
for Extension of Time to pennit the parties to resolve the disputed issues); Farmers' and Business
Mens' Telephone Co. v. AT&T Corp., Order, DA 03-170 (reI. Jan. 22, 2003).

                            CERllFiCATE       OF SERVICE

       I, Katherine C. Lucas, hereby certify that on this 7thday of August, 2003, a true

andcorrectcopy of the Motionfor Extensionof Timeof AmocoProduction Companywas

servedvia electronicmail or First-ClassMail, U.S. postageprepaid,as indicatedbelow,

on the following parties:

Mr. JosephA. Godles
Goldberg,Godles,Wiener & Wright
Washington,DC 20036
Counselfor PanArnSatCorporation
(via First ClassMail)

Ms. JenniferGilsenan
445 12thStreet,SW
Washington,DC 20554
(via ElectronicMail)

Ms. Sylvia Lam
445 12thStreet,SW
Washington,DC 20554
(via ElectronicMail)


Document Created: 2003-08-13 14:16:09
Document Modified: 2003-08-13 14:16:09

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