Attachment Loral coord letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030501-00565 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                 RobertC. Draper
                                                                 500 Hills Drive
                                                                 P.O. Box 7018
                                                                 Bedminster,NJ 07921
                                                                 Office (908)-470-2326
                                                                 Fax (908)-470-2546

August 26, 2003

Ms. Sylvia Lam
The Portals,Room 7-A346
445 12th Street,S.W.
Washington,DC 20554

Subject:       EngineeringCertification of Loral Skynet concerningauthority requested
               by Amoco Production Companyto operatea 2.4 meter C-band transnlit
               earthstationon the Telstar6 Satellitelocatedat 930West Longitude.

Dear Ms. Lam:

This letter certifies that Loral Skynet@l is fully aware that Amoco Production Company
("Amoco"), a customer of Loral Skynet's customer Stratos, is seeking authorization to
communicatewith the Telstar 6 U.S. domesticsatelliteusing a ChannelMaster offset C-band
transmit-receive antenna that does not strictly confonn to the FCC 2-degree spacing
requirementsfor off-axis sidelobegain2.

Loral Skynet is authorizedto operate and currently operatesTelstar 6 at 93° WL in the

Loral Skynet has reviewedthe performanceparametersof the ChannelMaster Type 243 2.4
meter diameterantenna,and the digital carrier parametersas they are to be usedby Amoco.
The antennaexhibits non-conformancein the region from 1.0 to 1.5 degreesoff-axis from
maximum transmit gain, due to the width of its main gain lobe. I t is understoodthat this
antennawill be professionally installed with a nominal pointing accuracy less than :1:0.5
degreesand will operateat a maximum input power density at the antennawaveguideflange
of -14 dBW/4 kHz, well below the -2.7 dBW/4 kHz FCC maximum for 2-degreecompliant
J Skynetis   a registeredtrademarkof Loral SpaceComCorporation
247 CFR § 25.209

systemsand routine licensing3. Thesemaximum operatinglimits are also consistentwith the
SIA Part-25C-bandproposalof 0.5 degreesmisalignmentand-12 dBW/4 kHz power density
into the antennaflange.

Loral Skynet acknowledgesthat the use of the Channel Master Type 243 2.4 meter non-
conforming antennawith alignment tolerancesand power density levels into the antenna
flange asstatedin this letter will not causeunacceptableinterferenceinto adjacentsatellitesin
accordancewith the FCC's 2-degreespacingpolicy and will acceptinterferencefrom adjacent
satellitesto the degreeto which hannful interferencewould not be expectedto be causedto an
earth station employing an antennaconforming to the referencepatternsdefined in § 25.209
of the FCC rules.


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Acceptanceby PanAmSat:

PanAmSatagreesto the useof the ChannelMasterType 243 2.4 meterantennaand the
antennaalignmenttolerancestoward Loral Skynet'sTelstar6 satelliteat 930W.L. and the
power densitylevels into the antennaflange as statedin this letter, with respectto Galaxy
                   thatarewithin :f: 6 degrees

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347 CFR § 25.212(d)

Document Created: 2003-09-05 16:04:18
Document Modified: 2003-09-05 16:04:18

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