Attachment test

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20030411-00449 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



765.1 If No, the system shall display the following, “The scarcity of DNICs available for
assignment requires that the FCC cannot assign DNICs that are not going to be put into
service within 18 months of assignment.”

766.1. If No, the system shall display the following, “The scarcity of DNICs available
for assignment requires the FCC to have the flexibility to assign available DNICs to
entities who can make the greatest beneficial use of them.”

767.1 If No, the system shall display the following, “Due to the scarcity of DNICs and
the need for assigned DNICs to be put into service quickly, the FCC cannot assign a
DNIC, unless it is clear that the applicant has obtained such authorizations, because their
issuance sometimes takes a significant amount of time.

Note: These “No” responses should be repeated for 770, 771, & 772, respectively.


Add between 781 & 782. “If the applicant is using Radio Frequency Equipment capable
of causing harmful interference internationally according to rule part 63.701, the System
shall provide a free form block for the applicant to give a description summarizing the
nature of the application and the services to be provided.”

782.1a. If No, the system shall display the following, “Because the US is a signatory to
the International Telecommunication Union Constitution and Convention, it has
committed itself to comply with obligations imposed by those documents. The US has
agreed to impose those obligations on all entities that operate within its territories or that
are organized under the laws of the US. You cannot continue if you do not answer

782.3.1 If Yes, the system shall require the applicant to complete Susan’s ownership
grid. The system shall also require the user to submit a copy of the Articles of
Incorporation or Partnership Agreement or the like.

Document Created: 2003-04-15 10:29:27
Document Modified: 2003-04-15 10:29:27

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