Attachment RAD.HAZARD

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20021112-01945 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



                                                                                                          EXHIBIT     B
                                                                                                          Page 1 of 5

                                 Analysis of Non—IonizingRadiation
                                for a 9.0 Meter Earth Station System

This     report     analyzes the               non—ionizing              radiation         levels         for a 9.0 meter
earth station system.                  The analysis and calculations performed in this report
are in compliance with the methods described in the FCC Office of Engineering
and Technology Bulletin,                No.     65        first published in               1985 and revised in 1997
in Edition 97—01.              The radiation safety                      limits used in           the     analysis are in
conformance   with  the   FCC R&O 96—326.   Bulletin   No. 65   and  the   PCC
R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of   exposure limits  that are
dependant on           —the     situation in              which      the exposure takes                 place and/or         the
status     of     the         individuals        who are            subject to           the exposure.         The Maximum
Permissible            Exposure        (MPE)     limits            for    persons          in a    General Population/
Uncontrolled  environment  are  shown in  Table 1.   The  General Population/
Uncontrolled MPE is  a function of  transmit frequency and is for an exposure
period of   thirty minutes or less.   The MPE limits   for persons   in an
Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2.  The Occupational
MPE is a function of transmit frequency    and is for an exposure period of six
minutes or less.   The purpose   of the analysis described in this report is to
determine   the  power  flux   density  levels   of  the   earth  station in  the
far—fielda, near—field,  transition region,    between the   subreflector or feed
and    main     reflector surface,                   at     —the     main reflector               surface,    and     between
the    antenna         edge      and     the     ground            and     to   compare           these     levels        to the
specified MPEs.

  Table 1.      Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)

  Frequency Range              (MHz)                         Power Density (mWatts/cm**2)
           3 0 —3 00                                                             0 . 2
          3 00 —1500                                                 Frequency (MHz) * (0 .8 /1200)
         1500 —100, 000                                                          L . 0 —

  Table 2.      Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)

  Frequency Range              (MHz)                         Power Density (mWatts/cm**2)

           30—3 00                                                           1.0
          300 —1500                                                  Frequency (MHz) * (4 .0/1200)
         1500 —100, 000                                                          5 . 0

Table 3 contains the parameters that are used to calculate the various power
densities for the earth stations.

                                                                                                      EXHIBILT     B
                                                                                                      Page 2 of 5

Table 3.    Formulas and Parameters Used for Determining Power Flux Densities

      Parameter                   Abbreviation                        Value                             Units
      Antenna Diameter                D                               9 . 0                             meters
      Antenna Surface Arca            Sa                              IIL * D**2 /4                     meters**2
      Subreflector Diameter           Ds                              116 .8                            cm
      Area of Subreflector            As                              II * Ds**2 /4                     cm* * 2
      Frequency                       Frequency                       17550                             MHz
      Wavelength                      lambda                 300 /frequency (MHz)                       meters
      Transmit    Power               P                                2 50 . 00                        wWactt s
      Antenna Gain                    Ges                             62 . 0O                           dBi
      P1                              II                              3 . 1415927                       n/a
      Antenna Efficiency              n                               0 . 58                            n/a

1 .   Far Field Distance    Calculation

The distance to the beginning of the far field can be determined from the
following equation: (1)

      Distance    to the Far Field Region, (Rf)                  0 .60 * D*r*2 / lambda                                (1)
                                                                   2843 .1 meters

The maximum main beam power density in the Far Field can be determined
from the following equation: (2)

      On—Axis Power Density in the Far Field, (Wf)                                Ges * P / 4 * II * Rf**2             (2)

                                                                                  ~3 .901 Watts/meters*®*®2
                                                                                   0 .390 mWatts/cm**2

2.    Near Field Calculation

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout the
entire length of the defined Near Field region.  The region is contained
within     a cylindrical volume having            the same diameter                         as      the antenna.
Past the    boundary of the Near Field region  the power density from  the
antenna     decreases linearly with    respect  to  increasing   distance.

The distance      to the end of   the Near Field can be determined from the
following equation: (3)

      Extent of    the Near Field, (Rn)          D*x*2 /     (4       * lambda)                                        (3)
                                                  1184 .6        meters

The maximum power density in the Near Field can be determined from the
following equation: (4)

      Near Field Power Density, (Wn)             16 .0   *   n    *    P      /    II   *   D*+*2                      (4)

                                                  9 .106 Watts/meters*®*2

                                                  0 .911 mWatts/cm**2

                                                                               EXHIBIT B
                                                                               Page 3 of 5

3.    Transition Region Calculations

The Transition region is located between the Near and Far Field regions.
The power density begins  to decrease linearly with increasing distance
in     the   Transition region.     While   the power density        decreases inversely
with     distance in     the   Transition   region,     the power      density     decreases
inversely      with    the square of    the distance in the Far Field region.            The
maximum      power density     in   the Transition     region   will     not     exceed that
calcglated. for  thg Near  Field region.  The   power density calculated in
Section 1 is  the highest power density  the antenna can produce in any of
the regions  away from  the antenna.  The power density   at a  distance Rt
can be determined from the following equation: (5)

       Transition region Power Density, (Tt)          Wn * Rn / Rt                             (5)
                                                       0 .911 mWatts/cem**2

4 .    Region between Main Reflector and Subreflector

Transmissions from  the feed assembly are directed toward the subreflector
surface, and are reflected back toward the main reflector. The most common
feed assemblies are waveqguide flanges,        horns or subreflectors.            The energy
between  the subreflector and the  reflector surfaces can be calculated by
determining  the power  density at  the subreflector surface.  This can be
determined from the following equation: (6)

       Power Density at Feed Flange, (Ws)       4 * P / As                                     (6)
                                                 93 .331 mWatts/cm**2

5.     Main Reflector Region

The power density in the main reflector is determined in the same manner
as  the power density at  the subreflector.  The area is now the area of
the main reflector aperture and can be determined from the following
equation: (7)

       Power Density at the Main Reflector Surface, ( (Wm) = 4 * P / Sa                        (7)
                                                    =    15.719 Watts/meters*®*2
                                                    =    1.572 mWatts/cm**2

6.     Region between Main Reflector and Ground

Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the power density
between  the antenna  and ground  can be determined    from the following
equation : (8)
       Power Density between Reflector and Ground, (Wqg)            P / Sa                   (8)
                                                                     3 .930 Watts/meters*®*®2
                                                                     0 .393 mWatts/cm**2

                                                                                      EXHIBIT B
                                                                                      Page 4 of 5

Table 4.       Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment

                                               Calculated Maximum Radiation
                                                      Power Density Level
      Region                                            (mWatts/cm**2)            Hazard Assessment

1. Far Field         (Rf)     = 2843   . 1   meters        0 . 3 90               Satisfies   FCC MPE

2.    Near Field      (Rn)    = 1184 . 6 meters            0 . 911                Satisfies   PCC MPE

3. Transition Region
      Rn < Rt    <   Rf,    (Rt)                           0 . 911                Satisfies   PCC MPE

4.    Between Main Reflector                               93 . 3 31              Potential Hazard
      and Subreflector

5.    Main Reflector                                       1 . 572                Potential Hazard

6.    Between Main Reflector                               0 . 3 93               Satisfies   FCC MPE
      and Ground

Table 5.       Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment
                                               Calculated Maximum Radiation
                                                      Power Density Level
      Region                                            (mWatts/cm**2)            Hazard Assessment

1.    Far Field      (Rf)     = 2843 .1 meters             0 . 3 90                Satisfies FCC MPE

2.    Near Field       (Rn)   = 1184.6 meters              0 .911                  Satisfies FCC MPE

3 .   Transition Region                                                               s
      Rn < Rt < Rf, (Rt)                                   0 .911                  Satisfies FCC MPE

4.    Between Main Reflector                               93 . 331                Potential Hazard
      and Subreflector

 5.   Main Reflector                                       1 .572                  Satisfies FCC MPE

 6.   Between Main Reflector                               0 . 3 93                Satisfies FCC MPE
      and Ground

         the         applicant‘s   responsibility              to      ensure  that  the  public and
 It  is
 operational         personnel   are  not exposed              to      harmful  levels of radiat1ion.

                                                                                     Exhibit B
                                                                                    Page 5 of 5
7.       Conclusions

Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the FCC MPE guidelines have been exceeded
(or met) in the regions of Table 4 and 5. The applicant proposes to comply with the MPE limits
by one or more of the following methods:

Means of Compliance

 X_     Restrict Access, X_ Fencing, X_ Posting/Warnings

Applicant Certification:

Name:           Brent Gale

Company:        EchoStar Satellite Corporation


Date:           November 4, 2002


I, Brent Gale, Vice President of EchoStar Satellite Corporation ("EchoStar"), a Colorado
corporation, hereby declares as follows:

In connection with the attached FCC Form 312 application filed with the Federal
Communications Commussion ("FCC") by EchoStar, this declaration serves as an assurance that
the proposed earth station will operate in a controlled environment. I understand that, under the
FCC‘s rules, "controlled exposure" standards apply in cases where, while persons are exposed as
a consequence of their employment, those persons are fully aware of their exposure and can
exercise control over it, and situations where any transient individual is aware of the potential for

Under those rules, EchoStar‘s earth station facility in Gilbert, Arizona already qualifies as a
""controlled exposure" environment. Specifically, EchoStar has taken the following safeguards to
protect the general public and EchoStar‘s workers from exposure to radiation generated by the
power flux densities of the proposed earth station:

       e   The uplink center is located on 15 acres of a 36 acre parcel of land in the
           Northwestern edge of Gilbert, Arizona. The closest commercial occupant in the area
           is located approximately 1/4 mile to the West.

       e   The perimeter of the uplink facility is protected by a 10 foot rod iron link fence, top
           with tilt out spikes spaced at 5 inch intervals. There are also motion sensors on the
           outside of the perimeter.

       e   There is also a 4 foot interior fence around all antenna fields.

       e   The facility is monitored 24 hours per day by EchoStar‘s security staff. Nineteen
           security cameras are located at the outer perimeter of the facility with monitors at the
           security desk. Access to the facility is allowed only through card key access or by the
           24—hour security staff.

       e   All visitors to the facility are required to check in with security before access is

In sum, EchoStar has taken more than adequate measures to prevent any exposure of the general
public to radiation from the proposed earth station and provides all requisite notice for
operational personnel and authorized transient individuals.

Finally, EchoStar has taken precautions to ensure that there will not be any human exposure to
radiation in the region between the main reflector and sub—reflector of the proposed station. That
region will not be occupied by the earth station‘s operating personnel, except when necessary to
conduct maintenance activities. At all such times, the transmitter will be turned off.


       I, Brent Gale, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and

correct to the best of my knowledge.

                                             Brent Gale
                                             Vice President, Broadcast Operations
                                             EchoStar Satellite Corporation

Dated: November 4, 2002

8.     Certification

I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for the preparation of the
radiation hazard assessment, and that it is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

         [(g SS
       Gary Edwards
       Senior Manager
       Microwave and Satellite Services

Dated: November 4, 2002

Document Created: 2002-11-04 16:54:18
Document Modified: 2002-11-04 16:54:18

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