Attachment letter





This document pretains to SES-LIC-20021028-01926 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       445 TWELFTH STREET SW
                                        WASHINGTON DC 20554
INTERNATIONAL BUREAU                                                               PROCESSING ENGINEER: HSlNG LIU
SATELLITE RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS                                                             TELEPHONE: (202) 418-0759
SATELLITE ENGINEERING BRANCH                                                                FACSIMILE: (202) 418-0748
HOME PAGE: WWW.FCC.GOV/IB                                                                         MAIL STOP: 7-A431
APPLICATION STATUS: (202) 418-2222                                                  E-MAIL ADDRESS: HLIU@FCC.GOV
                                                    April 25,2003
Robert J. Miller, Esq.
Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP
1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000
Dallas, TX 75201
                                                            Re:     Call Sign: E020303
                                                                    File No. SES-LIC-20021028-01926
                                                                    Schlumberger Omnes, Inc. (“SOI”)
Dear Counsel:

We have under consideration the above-captioned license application filed on behalf of SOI. For the reason stated
below, we require SO1 to submit additional information.

In this application, SO1 seeks blanket authorization for 300 Ku-band VSAT Earth Stations on Vessel (ESV) with
antennas mounted on river barges traveling along the United States Inland Waterway systems. As barges traveling in
water, the onboard antenna mounts can be inherently unstable. There are concerns on antenna pointing errors which
to the satellite it desires to communicate and to the neighboring satellites it may adversely interfere. SO1 attempted
to address this issue in its application. However, the paragraph was too brief and lacked detailed explanation.
Therefore, we ask SO1 to submit additional information in the following for further review:

    1) Describe, with functional block diagram and schematic, the operation of “carrier detect”, “transmit mute”,
    “de-activate’’ and “re-activate”. List the operation criteria and specifications. Describe if additional stability
    control devices are equipped (e.g. gyro antenna platform);

    2) Describe if any multiple access (MA) scheme and/or random access (RA) protocol to be used in the VSAT
    network. If so, explain how the traffic and power loading are regulated in compliance with the FCC Rules;

    3) Submit antenna gain pattern plots as specified in CFR47 Sect. 25.209 for the receive and transmit antennas;

    4) Submit field test report to demonstrate the proposed operation will not cause spectral interferences to other
    satellite communications.

Further action on the subject application will be withheld for a period of k t y days from the date of this letter to
provide SO1 an opportunity to respond. Failure to respond within this time period will result in the dismissal of the
application pursuant to 47 CFR 425.1 12(c). Please note that any amendment must be submitted to the Office of the
Secretary in triplicate and signed in the same manner as the original application.


                                                                  Hsing Liu
                                                                  Electronics Engineer

Document Created: 2003-08-26 16:36:08
Document Modified: 2003-08-26 16:36:08

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