Attachment Letter


LETTER submitted by L3 to SES AM



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20020611-00939 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Intrstate BectroncsCorporation
                                         602 tas Verver Arma
                                           Fest Oree Boxt17
                                        Anbem ca setmanr

1 November 2004

Jeff Watts
SES Americom
11 Edsail Drive
Sussex, NJ 07461
Re: Application of L3 Communications, Interstate Electronics Corporation (IEC)
     Call Sign: E020160
     FCC File Number SES—LIC—20020611—00939

Interstate Electronics Corporition (IEC), a division of L—3 Communications has an earth station
application pending before the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). IEC plans to
use this Ku Band system to communicate with Intelsat Americas 5 (IA—5), which is located at97
degrees west longitude. Your company operates the AMCI, located at 103.00 degrees west
longitude. As your satellie is within 6 degrees ofIA—5, the ECC requires we obtain an affidavit
from you on our proposed system.

You have the right to reply to the enclosed material and may reply directly to the FCC, citing the
above file number. If you do mot reply within thirty (30) calendar days from the date ofthis
notice, the ECC will construe your lack ofreply as an assent to the grant of IEC‘s earth station

SeottiKotler,International Bureau
Michelle A. McClure, Irwin, Campbell & Tannensald, P.C.

               Intersiate lestonics Corporation(1EC),a diviionoL3 Communications
                                 AdjacentSatlite Operator Noifextion
                               Earth Suition Onbourd Vessel Performance
          As part ofa lcense application filedby Intersate Elecronics Corporation (IEC),a division of 3
Communications in support ofthe US. Navy TRIDENT tstprogram, IEC operates Ku—hand stelie
network to fciltreth ransfrofest ata. IEC porchasestwdiffrent bandwidth services both in the
Ki—band spectrum from TelecommunicationsIntematona Inc. a bandwidth rescllr.IEC network
architecture consistosix temporanyfixed 2.4 meterKurhand (14.0 = 146 Gite)earth stations (VSATS)
and two Earth Stations on aboatd Vesse(ESV)— ontemporay—fired 2.0 meter and on temporanfixed
24 metr. ESVare located oaboard the USNS WATERS, which operate at leat 100 miesoff Unted
States Consline in Atlantc or Pacifc Oceans during these tess, Thefist lased srvice s onpreemptble
ane megabertsoffllime ransponder bandwidihand th second is a 4.5.megahertsofoccasional use
transponder bandwidth. All te bandvidth i ocated on 1A—5(formallyT5). 1A—5 which is ocated97°
west Allbardwidih linksareestblished and matained wth theIntlSata Carier Assurance Conter
Full me bandwidih is located on 1A—5 Transponder K17 Center Rrequency of14322.01 12022 0+
Althouh EC hasful eased bandwidt, none ofare Tinksare operational247365 and when operational
they ar alvays manned by qualifedpersonncl. The Federal Communications Commision (RCC) is
requring thatIEC notify all opertars ofstelltes that are within 6" ofth orbial location ofIA—5,the
satelite which IEC‘s ESV communcate when operating. Thi document provides th technical bsis fr
adiscensatlite operatos to determinethat IRC‘s ESV systems are opertingin compllance witthe erms
ofthe intr—system coordiation agreement and, threfor, do not pose any more potential fo interfrence
than a Jand.based carh station with thesame perfrmance charactrisics.
          "The ESV antenna system is mounted on threeaxisstablzation assembly that providefiee
motion wth 3° o eedom. Thi ssemblyallows th ineria otheantenna sytem o hold thantenna
pointed motionless in ineria space whilethe shiprollspitchs and yaus beneath theassembly. Thee low
ffction torque motorsatached o each of th hreefie axes of he assembly providethrequred foree to
overeome th distrbing torqusimposed on thantemna system by cable restaint, bearing fition and
small aircurents withi he radoome, These motors ae alsoused o re—postontheantennain acimuth and
elevation. This insurs hat he ESVwilloperate wth a £0.2" pointingaccurncyofthe exact positonof
thesatliteCurrently the opertor willterminate ESV ransmision when the antenna goes beyond+ 0.5°
wnder conditionssuch as when the saelit is out of range owhen the satelite rck is ost. Although not
yetimplemented an automatic muting solution willbimplemented o terninatethtransmission to the
satelite under the same conditons, Condions ofrain ide or ome type oxtemal bockage willalso
mutetrnsmission o thstelif untsuch time asthe pointing accuracyis wthina +0 2° ponting
accuricy othe stelite
          "The atichetable from ntelSatyprovidesth transmissionprameters relatedto th opentional
performance ofthe ESV systems. Figure1 th 4 have been provided bythItelSay Carrier Assurance
Centerto show the co—ple and erosspole performance oftESV systems in the lane of he geo—
stationary steltes

          Interstare BecionicsCorporation (IEC), a divison of L—3 Communictions
                            Adiacent Satlite Operator Notiiction
                           Earth Stition Onbourd Vessl Prformance

                                   ESV link parameters
                                 Satelite        1A5 / nelsar 2005
                          Oibial Location       97 West/263 Eas
                                    Ream        KUNorth American Spot Beam
                             ‘Trasponder        K17—27 Mile transponder
Saurated SteliteFlux Density dBW‘ (b)           65 dBNim® (Beam Edge)
                  Satumtes Sxelite EIRP         409 dBW (beam Edae)
        "Totl Transponder Backeof, Input        2640
       Toul Transponder Bacl—off Output         3sa8
                  Modulation & Carriers         Values
                          Type ofService        Occasional and Fullime use
                              Modutatin         orsk
                        ESV (1)— Unlink          raaze orte
                              Polariztion       Horiconal
                      ESV (1)— Downlink         12.002 oite
                              Polarzation       Vetical
                          VSAT— Unlink          maz oire
                              Polarzation       Horiconal
                       VSAT—Downlink            1202 olte
                              Polarzation       Verical
                   ESV (D Antenna $297          Values
                       Antemna Diameter         205 Meer
                               Major Axis       Cireaar 80.7 inches
                              Minor Axis        Cireuar 80.7 inches
                             Offet Anile        Center eed, Prime Focus, 0 degrec Ofiet
                     TXaainat 140 Gite          «70 am
                     RX guinat 12. Gite         «66 ami
   TX eross pobariztionat 14318250 Gite         30 ami
                           ESV (1 Pover         Values
                              Tnput Power       8 wat, AnaCom AnaSattransceiver
      Agerepite Data Rat, FEC, Overhead         2560 Kais/ 0750 / 0.0%
          Allocated & Oceupied Bandwitth        2475 1707 Kite
         Power Eifective Bandvicth (PEB)        stoxite
         ESV (1Power Spectral Density          Values
         Anterms DiamelerTransnit Gain         ara ami
               Uplinkenty trnsmit IRP          sro ow
                    Uplink Noise Density       41.0 dBW/4 Kite (Beam Edeo)
                     Xpode NoiDensity          —18.5 dBW/4 Kite (Beam Edge)
            Uplink Thermal CNO (CKT)           708 anite

          Hntertate BectonicsCorporatio (IC)a divison ofL—2 Communictions
                           Adjacent Satelite Operator Notifextion
                          Earth Sttion Onbourd Vessl Prformance

                                 Satelite    1A5 / Intlsa 2005
                          Orbia! Locatin     97 Wes/263 Eas
                                    Beam     KUNorth American Spot Beam
                             Transponder     K17—27 Mife ransponder
Sariated Stelite Flux Density dBWn‘ (be)     765 dBW/n(ReamBdge)
                   Sanrares Sarlite EIRP     40. BW (beam Edge)
         Tout Transponder Back—oft, Input    6an
        ‘Tol Transponder Back—off, Output    2san
                  Modatation & Carriers      Values
                          Type ofService     Occasionl and Fulltime use
                   Modatation and Service    QPSK — Occasional Use
                         ESV 2) — Uplink      rasze onte
                              Polarzation    Horieontal
                      ESV ) Downlink         1202 oite
                              Polarization   Verical
                          VSaT — Uplink      14002 oite
                              Polarzation    Horintal
                       VSAT—Downlink         1202 oite
                              Polarization   Verical
                   ESV (2) Antenna 9097      Values
                        Anterna Diameter     24 Metr
                              Mjor Axi       Cireulr 94.5 inches
                              Miror Axis     Cireulr 94.5 inches
                             Offet Angle      Center eed, Prime Focus, 0 dearec Ofict
                     TX gainar 140 Gite      «s am
                     RX painat 12.5 Gite     anzam
    TX crosspolarzation t 14318250 Gite      20 ani
                          ESV (2) Poner      Values
                              IoputPower     8 wat, AnaCom AnaSattransceiver
      Ausregate Data Rate, FEC, Overbead     soso Kaws / 0750 / oo%s
         Allocated & Occupied Bandwitth      sn5/ sora kite
         Pover Effectve Bandwvidth (PEB)     rszoxite
         ESV (2) Power Spectral Density      Values
         Antenma DianeterTransmit Gain       a9a am
               Uplinkceaty trnsnit EIRP      siccmw
                    Uplink Noi Densiy        39. dBW/t Kite (Ream Bdge)
                     Xpnde Noise Densiy      —18.5 dBWA KHte (Beam Bdgo)
            Uplink Themal CNO (CKT)          s20 anite

Interstate Elesironics Corportion IEC),a diviionofL3 Communications
                   Adiacent Satellite Operator Nottication
                 Earth Sution Onbourd Vessl Prformance

                       roctiis mntnersoene

       cormeimntuue, mapemene,maee e ten mene

                  Figure 1 ESV (18297 Co—pot

                          vorr se
                       ructaon miroemoczr


       cxerme mumiw. mope meamewmten merve

                 Higure 2 ESV (1) 8297 Cross—pot

Hsrersare EectonicsCorporation (1EC)a division of L—3 Communications
                 Adjacent Satelite Operator Notfiction
                Earth Suition Onbourd Vessl Performance

                       rectaoom entoctone

                   Kigure 3 ESV () 9997 Co—pot
                       rectiam carot ons

       cereemeames. ns uon wor mie en mene
               Enmfi ronte s

                    Figure 4 ESV (29997 Xcpo

              HinersareEectronicsCorporation (EC), a divison ofL—3 Communications
                               Adiscent Satlite Operator Notfiation
                              Earth Sution Onbourd Vessl Prformance
        As can beseen rom the data provided, these ESV terminalsar opertingwthin the performance
requirementsesablshed by the FCC for all VSAT earthsations and wthin the limitations stilised in
the intrsystem coordiation apreement
        1fyou have any questonsteparding this notfication, please contact

        Tom Muphy
        Intersate BlctonicsCorporation
        602 East Vermont Ave
        Ambeim, CA 92505
        United SttesofAmerica
        Telephone (714) 7582301
        Michelle A. MeChre, q:
        IninCampbell & Tannemald, PC
        1730 thodeIsland Ave, NIW. Sute 200
        Washington, DC 200363101
        United States ofAmerica
        onras—or0n xo3
         Hailure on your prt t reply wihin 20 calendar daysfrom thdate ofthis noice will b consied
as assentto the granoIRC‘s ESV apolcation. Replesshould bfieddirecly with the Federal
Communications Commission with opiesto thindividials above.

Document Created: 2006-01-26 11:40:28
Document Modified: 2006-01-26 11:40:28

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