Attachment Comment


COMMENT submitted by L3 to BCE



This document pretains to SES-LIC-20020611-00939 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     Intenstate Eeetonics Corporation
                                          00 ExYervent Nn
                                             Fest oren Box ott7
                                          Anpem n sessoonr
                                     rio rsscano racirigrsses

 1 November 2004

VBCE Communications
 1000, de La Gaucheti¢re Ouest
 Bureau 3700
 Montréal (Québec)
 Hop ay7
 Re: Application of L3 Communications,Interstate Electronies Corporation (IEC)
      Call Sign: E020160
      FCC File Number SES—LIC—20020611—00939
 Interstate Electronies Corporation (IEC), a division ofL—3 Communications has an earth station
 application pending before the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). EC plans to
 use this Ku Band system to communicate with Intelsat Americas 5 (LA—5), which is located at 97
 degrees west longitude. Your company operates the Nimig 1, located at 91.00 degrees west
 longitude. As your satellite is within 6 degrees of IA—5, the FCC requires we obtain an affidavit
 from you on our proposed system.
‘You have the right to replyto the enclosed material and may reply directly to the FCC, citing the
above file number. Ifyou do not reply within thirty(30) calendar days from the date ofthis
notice, the FCC will construe your lack ofreply as an assent tothe grant of IEC‘s earth station

SeotRKotJeR International Bureau
Michelle A. MeClure, Irwin, Campbell & Tannenwald, P.C.

               HnterstareHectonicsCorporaton BCa divisonof L—3 Communictions
                                AdjacentSatlite Operator Notficaton
                               Earth Suation Onbourd VeselPerformance
           As part ofa Heense aplication filed by Intersate Hlectonics Corporation(IBO),a diviionof 3
 Communications in supportofthe US. Navy TRIDENTtstprogram, IEC operates Ku—band stelite
 networkto fiiltre thtrnsfr ofestdata. IBC purchases two differentbandwidth services both in the
 Kuband spectrum from Telecommunications ltemationa Inc. a bandwidth reseler. IRC network
 architectureconsitofix temporanefixed 24 meter Kiband (14.0— 14.6 GHz) earth sttions (VBATs)
 and two Earth Stitions on sboard Vessel(ESV)— one temporany—fixed 2.0 meter and one temporaryfixed
 24 meter. ESVsarelocted on abourd the USNS WATERS, which operate at eas100 miles offUnited
 StitesCoustlin in Atlntc or Pacife Occansdaringthes tess,The s leasd sevice is non—preemptible
 one meyahertsofiltime transpanderbandwidth and thsecond is a 4.5.mepabert of occasional use
 iranspander bandvidth. Allthe bandwidth is locted on 1A(formally T5 1A—5 which i ocated 97°
 west. Allbandvidth lnksareestblished and maintained wth theIntelSatp Carir Assurance Center
 Pull time bandvidth i ocated on 1A—5Transponder K1 Center Frequency of 14322.0; 12022.00w
 Although IEC has fll eased bandwidth, none ofar: nksare aperational2477265 and when operational
 they are alvays manned by qualiiedpesonnl. The Federal Communications Commission(BCCi
equiing thatIEC notify all opertorsofstefitestht are wthin6°ofh orbial loctionof1A—5, the
 satelite whichIEC‘s ESVs communicate when operating. This document provides hetechnial bsis for
adiscent satlite operatosto determine that IEC‘s ESV systems are operatingin compliance with terms
afthinter—system coortintion agreement and,threfore, do not pose any mare potentl forinteference
than a land.based cantstation wththesame performance charactrisics
           "The ESV anterna system is mounted on a hreeaxis tabilsationassembly hatprovidefree
motion w3° ofreedom. This asembly allows thinerti of he antenna system o hold thantemna
pointed motionless i nerialspace while theshiprolls pitches and yaus beneth the assembly. Thre low
ficiontorque motorsatached o each of ththreefie axes ofthe assembly providethrequred force to
overcome thdistrbingtorqueimposed on th antemna system by cable restain, bearing fiction and
small air curents withi theradoime, These motars ae alsoused o re—poston theantenna in aimuth and
elevation. This nsures thatthe ESV will operte with a 20.2° ointng accuracy of thexact posion of
the satelfte. Curenty thoperitor wllterminate ESV transmissionwhen theantenna goesbeyond + 0.5°
undercondiions suchas when the saelit is out ofrange or when the satelite rck iost. Althoush not
yetimplemented an automatic mtin slution willbe implemented o terminateth ransmission to the
satelte undethsame conditions. Conditons ofrain fide or some type ofextemal blockage will lso
mute transmissionto thsteliut such ime asth poftingaccuracy is wthina 0.2° pointing
accurscy ofthsatelte
          ‘The atached abl rom Itelatprovides the transmisionparameters elted to the openational
performance ofthe ESV systems. Figures 1 thru 4 have been provided by the TtelSaty Carrier Assurince
Centerto show th co—pole and Eross—pole performance ofthe ESV systems in th plane ofthe geo—

           Intersate Blectonics Corporation IEC),a divisonoL—3 Communictions
                             Adjscent Satelite Operator Noifeation
                           Earth Sution Onbourd Vessl Perormance

                                     ESV link parameters
                                    Satclite      1A / Inlsat 3008
                            OibialLocation        97 West/ 263 Eas
                                       Beam       KU—North American Spot Beam
                                Transponder       K17 — 27 MH transponder
Saturated Satelte Flux Density dBW/m®(b)          T65 dBWim: (Beam Edze)
                     Satwates Satllte EIRP        40.9 dBW (beam Edgo)
           Toal Transponder Bacleoff, laput       .6 db
         ‘Toul Trnsponder Bacleoff, Output        asa
                   Modulation & Carriers          Values
                          "Type ofService         Occasionl and Fulltime use
                               Modulation         orsk
                         ESV (1)— Uplink           taaze oite
                              Polarzation         Horiconal
                       ESV (1)— Downlink          1202 oite
                              Polarization        Verical
                          VSAT ~Uplink            nazoite
                              Polarization        Horintal
                        VSAT—Downlink             1202 oite
                              Polarization        Verieat
                   ESV (1 Antenna $297           Values
                        Antcama Diameter         205 Meter
                               Major Axis        Circulr .7 inches
                               Minor Axis        Circulr $0.7 inches
                             Offict Anile         Center eed, Prime Focus, 0 degrcc Offet
                     TX gsina 140 Gite           «727 ani
                     RXaainae 12. Gite           «66 ami
    TX crosspolaicaion at 14318250 Gite          30 abi
                           ESV (D Pover          Values
                              InputPover         8 watt AnaCom AmSattranscever
      Ausregate Data Rate, FECOverbead           2560 Khws / 0750 0o%s
         Allocated & Occupied Bandwidth          247.5/ 1707 Kite
         Pover Efective Bandvidth (PEB)          stokite
          ESV (1 Power Spectral Density          Values
          Antcrma Dismeter Transmit Gain         aa ami
                Uplinkenty transmit BIRP         sracaw
                     Uplink NoiDensiy            41.0 dBW/4 Kite (Beam Edeo)
                      Xpdr Noise Density         —18.5 dBWH4 KHte(Beam Rdge)
             Uplink Thermal CNO (CACT)           708 anite

           Intersate Elctonics Corporation IEC), a divisonofL—3 Communications
                           AdjacentSatlite Operator Notfation
                          Eatth Stition Onbourd VesselPerfomance

                                  Satelite      1A5 / Inclsar 3008
                           Orbil Location       97 West/ 263 East
                                     Beam       KUNorth American Spot Beam
                              Trensponder       K17—27 MHe transponder
Saniated SteliteFlux Density dBWo(bo)           765 dBWim‘ (Beam Edge)
                    Sanrates Satlite EIRP       409 dBW (beam Edee)
          ToTransponder Baci—oft, Input         Acas
        "TotalTransponder Backcof, Outpat       asas
                   Modulation & Carriers        Values
                           "Type oService       Occasionl and Fulltime use
                    Modutation and Service      QPSK — OccasionalUse
                         ESV ) — Uplnk           raaze onte
                               Polarization     Horiconal
                       ESV 2)—Dowalink          1200 oite
                               Polarization     Verical
                           VSAT— Uplink         mz oite
                               Polarization     Horiconal
                        VSAT—Downlink           12.02 oite
                               Polariztion      Verieal
                   ESV (2) Antenna 9097         Values
                        Antenna Diameter        24 Meter
                              Major Axis        Circulr 94.5 inches
                              Minor Axis        Circulr 94.3 inches
                             Offict Amile        Center feedPrime Focus, 0 degrec Offict
                     TX gainar 140 Gite         aso am
                     RCgainat 12.5 Gite         ang am
    TX cross polaizaion at 14318250 Gite        30 ami
                           ESV (@) Pover        Values
                              Hnput Pover       8 wat, AnaCom AnSattransceier
       Ausregite Data Rat, FRC, Overiead        se Ks 0750 00%s
          Allocated & Oceupied Bandwidth        saas/ sora kite
          Pover Efective Bandvidth (PEB)        roro ie
          ESV ) Pawer Spectral Density          Values
          Anterns Diancten Tansmit Gain         a94 am
                Uplinkenty tansnit EIRP         soaaw
                     Uplink Noise Densiy        39. dBW/t Kite (Geam Edee)
                     Xptd Noisc Densiy          —18.5 dWKite (Beam Bdgo
             Uplink Themal CNO (Cict)           s20 anite

     Intersate Hectonics Corporation(IBC),a divisionof L3 Communictions
                      AdjacentSatelite Operator Noication
                    Earth Sution Onbourd Vessl Pcformance

                              uon —sermiemr
                           ractacem enimerasine

s|                            /]                                          ==~]

                       Kigure 1 ESV (18297 Co—pot
                           ratacom mnrmersoezr

            tmim ituie mas t

                      Figure 2 ESV (1) 297 Crosspol

    Interate BectonicsCorponation ECa divisonoL—3 Communications
                     AdjacentSatlite Operator Notficaton
                   FarthSuition Onbourd Vessl Performance


           cernesnmis. nose marmew ns en en

                     Figure3 ESV () 997 Co—pot
                           rectaoom mntotioras

                                                 |       |
s mmmmwwwwwwm
                       I        I

          com imusmiew. mate meme vete ie ten mroe

                     Figure 4 ESV (2)9997 Xcpo!

                  Interate BlectonicsCorporation fBC), a divisionofL—3 Communications
                                   AdjacentSatlite Operator Notiication
                                 Earth Suition Onbourd Vessl Prformance
         As can beseenfrom thedata provided, these ESV terminals re operting within th perfomance
requirementsesablished by the FCC foall VSAT earth sutionsand within th limitations establishd in
the intr—system coordiation agreement.
         1f you have any questonsreparding this notiication please contact

         Tom Muphy
         Intersate Hlectronics Corpora
         602 Kast Vermont Ave
         Anibein, CA 92808
         Unied Statesof America
         ‘Telephone (714) 758—2301
         Michelle A.McChre,Bsg.
         Irein, Canpbell & Tamemald, PC
         1730 Rthode Island Ave, NIW. Sute 200
         Washington, DC 200363101
         Unied Stres ofAmerica
         onmo0 xios
         ui                        hy within 20 calendar days   from l       noticewillbe construed
as asient tothe      grant   &                       ts should be i         i            1

Document Created: 2006-01-26 11:56:58
Document Modified: 2006-01-26 11:56:58

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