Attachment Notification

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20020611-00939 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     IntrstateGectronics Gorporain
                                          €00 Ens Yemont Nn
                                            rest once Box o1 17
                                         Amram on semmsontt
                                     ie rseosm recierssaree

1 November 2004

99 City Road
London, ECIY 1AX
Re: Application of L3 Communications, Iterstate Electronics Corporation (IEC)
      Call Sign: 2020160
      CC File Number SES—LIC—2002061 1—00939

Interstate Electronics Corporation (IEC), a division of L—3 Communications has an earth station
application pending before the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), TEC plans to
use this Ku Band system to communicate with Intelsat Americas 5 (LA—5), which is located at 97
degrees west longitude. Your company operates the Inmarsat 2 F2, located at 98.10 degrees west
longitude. As your satellte is within 6 degrees of A—5, the FCC requires we obtain an affidavit
from you on our proposed system.
You have the right to reply to the enclosed material and may reply diectly to the FCC, citing the
above file number. If you do not reply within thity (30) calendar days from the date ofthis
notice, the FCC will construe your lack ofreply as an assent to the grant of IEC‘s earth station

Seott Kotler, International Bureau
Michelle A. McClure, Irwin, Campbell & Tannenwald, P.C.

               Intersate ElectronicsCorporation (EC), a divsion ofL—3 Communications
                                  AdjacentSatelite Operator Natfication
                                Earth Sution Onbourd Vessel Prformance
          As part oa en applcation filed byIatrstte Elecnics Corporation (IC) a diision ofL3
Communication n support ohe U.S. Navy TRIDENT est program, EC aperates Ku—band slite
network toficiltate the transferofes datEC purchases wo diferent bndwidth services bot in the
Kuband spectrum from Telecommunications IterntionalInc.a bandwidthresller. EC network
architecture consit ofix temporiy—fied 2.4 meter Ki—band (140 —14.6 GHz)earthsutions (VBATs)
and two Earth Suitions on abourd Vessl (ESV) — one temporay—fxed 2. meterand one emporay—fxed
24 meter. ESVsarelocted on bourd the USNS WATERS, which operateat east 100 miles ofUnited
Sttes Constlin in Atlntl oPacife Oceans during thesetes, The frsleased service is non—preemptible
one megaherteoffllime transponder bandwiih and thesecond is a .5megaberte ofccasionause
sransponder bandwth. Allth bandwicih is lcated on IA—$ (frmally TS), 1A—S whichis locted 97°
west All bandwith liks are extablished and maintained with th InelSay Carree Assurance Cente
Fulltime bandwidth is located on 1A—5 Transponder K17 Cener Frequency of 4322.01 12022 0@v
Although EC hasful—leased bandwidih none ofarelinks are opertional 247265 and when operaonal
they are always manned byqualified personnel. The Federal Communicatons Commision(FCC) is
 requiting thatIEC notif allopertorsofsteies that are wihin6° of th orbial location of1A—5, the
 satellte which IEC‘s ESVs communicte when operting. Thisdocument provides thtechnical bsisfor
 adjacent satellte operatortodetermine thatIEC‘s ESV systemsare oprating in complince with th terms
 oftinter—system coortintionagreement and, therefore, donot poseany more potental fr inerference
 than a land—based carth sttion with the same performance charscteistes
          "The ESV antenna system is mounted on a thee axisstablzation asembly that provide iee
 motion with 3ofreedom. Thisassemibly allows the inerta ofth anterna system to holdthanterna
 pointed motioness in inerialspace while th ship roll, iches and yaus beneath thasenbly. Three low
 fction torgue motosatached t each of the thres fieeazes ofth assembly provide therequized foreeto
overcome th disturbin torgue imposed on the antenna sytem by cablerestaints, bearingfreionand
smalar currens wthinth radome. These motosareals usedto reposiion th antemn in arimuth and
elevation. This insures thatthe ESVs will operatwitha 20.2° ponting accuricy ofth exact posion of
the satelite. Currently thoperator wilterminate ESVtansmisson when he antenna goss beyond + 0.5°
wnder conditons such as when thsatelte i out orange orwhen th stelte track is os. Although not
yetimplemented an utomatic mtingsolitionwillbeimplemented t termintethe ransmisionto the
sarelite underthsame conditons. Conditions of ainfide or some type ofextemalblockage wilalso
mutetransmissin o the sateliteuntl such time as thepintig accuriciwithina £0.2poining
accuricy othesatelite
          "The atached abl fom IteISatsprovides the tansmisionparameterrelated to the apenitional
performance ofthe ESV systems. Figures 1 t 4 have beenprovided by the IntelSateCarrer Assurance
Centertoshow the eo—poleand erosspole performance ofthe ESV systems in the planeofth geo—
starionary satlites

           Intersate ElectronicsCorporaton ECa diision ofL—3 Communicatins
                              AdjacentSatelite Operator Noifeation
                            Earth Sution Onbourd Vessl Performance

                                    ESV lnk parameters
                                  Satclite      1A5/ ntlsat 3008
                           Orbinl Location      97 West/ 263 Eas
                                     Beam       KU—Nort American Spot Beam
                              Transponder       K17 —27 Mtmnsponder
SatwatedSatelite Fhx Density BWm‘ (be)          765 dBWin® (Ream Edae)
                    Sanrates Setlite EIRP       40.9 dBW (beam Edgo)
          Toul Tansponder Backcof%, Input
         Toul Tramsponder Bacl—off, Output
                   Modubation & Carriers      Values
                          Type ofServce       Occasional and Fll time use
                               Moditation     orsk
                         ESV (1)— Unlink       1aaze onte
                              Pobrization     Horional
                       ESV (1)— Downlink      1202 oite
                              Polarization    Verical
                          VSAT — Uplink       man oite
                              Polarization    Hocizonal
                        VSAT — Downlink       1202 oite
                              Polarization    Verical
                    ESV (1 Antenna 8297       Values
                         Antenms Diameter     205 Meer
                                Major Axis    Circular 80.7 inches
                               Minor Axis     Circitar 80.7 inches
                              Offer Angle      Center eed, Prime Focus, 0 degree Offict
                      TX gainar 140 Gile      «727 ani
                      RX painat 12.5 Gite     45e ani
    TX cross pobarizaion at 14316250 Gite     30 abi
                           ESV (D Pover       Values
                              Input Power     8 wat, AnaCom AmSattransceiver
      Ageresite Data Rate, FEC, Overbead      25e 0 Kews 0750 /00e
          Allocated & Occupied Bandwdth       247571700 Kite
         Power Eifective Bandvidth (PEB)      stokite
          ESV (1 Rower Spectral Density      Values
          Antenta Dianete, Transmit Gain     w Bs
                Uplinkentry tansmit BIRP     sracow
                     Uplink Noise Densiy     41.0dBWi4 KHt (Beam Edgo)
                     XpndNoise Densiy        18. dBW/4 Kite (Beam Edge)
             Uplink Themal CNO (CKT)         705 aBite

          Interstate ElectronicsCorporation (EC)a division ofL—3 Communications
                              AdjncentSatelite Operator Notication
                            Earth Sution Onbourd Vessl Prformance

                                  Sateii        145 / Intlsat 3008
                          OrbialLoeatin         97 West/ 263 East
                                     Beam       KU—North American Spot Beam
                              Tremsponder       K17—27 Mite tansponder
Sanrated Satelite Flux Densiy dBWm‘ be)         T65 dBWim‘ (Beam Edee)
                    Sanrates Sarlite EIRP       40.dBW (beam Edae)
         "TotalTransponder Bacl—off, Input      A6a8
        Toul Tramsponder Bacl—oft, Output       asa
                  Modutation & Carriers         Values
                         Type ofService         Occasionl and Full ime use
                   Modtation and Service        QPSK — Occasional Use
                        ESV 2)— Uplink           maz oite
                             Polarization       Horional
                      ESV (2)— Downlink         1202 oite
                             Polarization       Venical
                         VSAT— Uplink           maz orte
                             Polaization        Horisonal
                       VSAT — Downlik           12002 oite
                             Pobarizaion        Verical
                  ESV (2) Antenna 9097          Values
                       Anema Diameter           24 Meter
                             Major Axis         Circuar94. inches
                             Miror Axis         Cireular 94. inches
                            Offet Angle          Center feedPrime Focus, 0 degrcc Offet
                        qainat 140 Gite         aso im
                     RX gainar 12.Gite          ang m
   TX eross plarzationat14318250 Gite           30 ami
                           ESV 0) Power         Values
                              Toput Power       8 watt AnaCom AmSattransceiver
      Ausregate Data Rat, FEC, Overhead         soso Ks / 0.750 /00%s
         Allocated & Occupied Bandwidth         saas/sor3 Kite
         Power Eifective Bandvicth (PEB)        roroxite
         ESV (2) Power Spectral Density        Values
         Antena Diameter, Transmit Gain        a9a am
               Uplinkenty tansmit EIRP         siscow
                     Uplink Noise Densiy       39. dBW/t Kite (Beam Edee)
                     Xpndr Noise Density       +185 dBWKi (Beam EBdgo)
            Uplink Themal CNO (CK1)            s20 cone

    Intersate Electonics Corporation EO a division ofL—3 Communications
                     Adjscent Satlite Operator Notfieation
                    Earth Station Onboard VesselPerformance

                           rectweant mmtmemorse

           corme mm nare meoe vere mm ies mone
                  Em indE s

                      Figure 1 ESV (1 8297 Co—pot

IrslbahAhollirriethrinnr®_ Selatghering—aluh I

                    mm hmies un

                     Figure 2 ESV(1) 8297 Cross—pal

Intersate ElectonicsCorporaton (BC), a divisionofL—3 Communications
                  AdjacentSatlite Operator Noifeation
                Earth Sution Onbourd Vessl Performance

                       rataan aniaiore

       corme mmsumins near nome were mow aen meoes

                   Figure 3 ESV 2 9997 Co—pol

  Abigerdiont$fPo                ohplietibieg

                   Figure 4 ESV 2 9997 X.pot

Document Created: 2005-09-22 10:14:52
Document Modified: 2005-09-22 10:14:52

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