Attachment Congressional C

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20020109-00023 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                        I NGTON

   OFFICE O F                                       August 23,2002

          The Honorable Jon S. Corzine
          United States Senate
          120 Russell Senate Office Building
          Washington, D.C. 205 10

          Dear Senator Corzine:

                  Thank you for your August 9, 2002 letter concerning the request by Digital Broadband
          Applications Corp. (“DBAC”) to provide competitive interactive video and high-speed Internet
          services to U.S. consumers via an advanced hybrid satellite network. Specifically, DBAC seeks
          to operate earth stations in the United States with Canadian-licensed Direct Broadcast Satellite
          (“DBS’) and U.S.-licensed Fixed-Satellite Service satellites (as well as using terrestrial Local
          Multipoint Distribution Service spectrum, where available) to deliver its proposed service. I
          respect the serious nature of the issues raised in your letter and appreciate the opportunity to
          assure you of my commitment to facilitate competition in the multichannel video and broadband
          marketplaces, as well as technical innovation.

                 The Commission’s International Bureau placed the DBAC Application on Public Notice,
         establishing a comment cycle that closed in March 2002. In response, several parties filed
         comments, along with one Petition to Deny. DBAC’s application presents a myriad of complex
         issues. In the record of the proceeding, DBAC asserts that its service should not be considered
         purely a DBS service because DBAC intends to provide integrated two-way video data. (By
         comparison, DBS is a one-way service.) This is an important distinction because the United
         States schedule of commitments under the World Trade Organization Agreement on Basic
         Telecommunications Services includes an exemption from most-favored-nation obligations for
         DBS. Under the exemption, the United States is not required to extend most-favored nation
         treatment in evaluating applications to access non-U.S. satellite systems for such non-covered
         services. Therefore, if it were determined that the proposed DBAC service is solely a DBS
         service, under Commission precedent, DBAC will have to satisfy an effective competitive
         opportunities for satellite services (“ECO-SAT”) test demonstrating that U.S. companies have
         effective competitive opportunities to provide DBS service in Canada. Parties opposing the
         DBAC application contend that DBAC will not be able to make the ECO-SAT showing, and that
         waiver of the test is not warranted.

                 We will include a copy of your letter in the record of this proceeding. The Commission
         staff currently is conducting a thorough review of the DBAC Application and the public record
         in the proceeding. I assure you that in its review, the staff will fully consider the points raised in

Page 2-The    Honorable Jon S. Corzine-August      23,2002

your letter, and that action on the DBAC Application will be completed as expeditiously as

       I appreciate your taking the time to let me know of your interest in this matter. Please do
not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.


JON S. CORZINE                                                                                     502 SENATEHARTOFFICEBUILDING
     NEW JERSEY                                                                                         WASHINGTON, DC 20510
                                                                                                           (202) 2244744
      COMMITTEES                                                                                       ONE GATEWAY  CENTER
BANKING, HOUSING,AND                                                                                        11TH FLOOR
                                          United ststu senate                                           NEWARK,NJ 07102
                                                                                                         (973) 645-3030
                                                                                                       208 WHITE HORSE PIKE
   JOINTECONOMIC                                WASHINGTON, DC 20510-3004                              BARRINGTON,  NJ 08007
       BUDGET                                                                                             (856) 757-5353

                                                    August 9,2002

                  The Honorable Michael Powell
                  Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
                  445 1 2 Street,
                           ~ ~ N.W.
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                  Dear Chairman Powell:

                     I am writing to encourage the Federal Communications Commission to act
              expeditiously on the petition of Digital Broadband Applications Corporation (DBAC) to
              provide satellite broadband video and data services through a combination of U.S. and
              Canadian satellites and, where available, terrestrial LMDS spectrum.

                      DBAC has filed a petition to operate an advanced hybrid satellite network to
              provide high-speed two-way digital data and video services to consumers across the
              United States. Using a unique system architecture, DBAC could offer innovative
              services such as video-on-demand and help speed the deployment of high-speed Internet
              access, especially in rural and underserved markets.

                     I share your interest in stimulating competition in the broadband and multi-
              channel video marketplace. Amidst increasing consolidation among service providers in
              these markets, it is imperative that consumers reap the benefits of competition, such as
              improved services and lower prices. At the same time, I recognize the need to give full
              consideration to all issues related to the petition and trust the FCC will give all matters
              appropriate consideration.

                     Given the potential public benefits involved, I encourage the FCC to thoroughly
              and promptly examine DBAC's petition. I appreciate your attention to this matter.


                                          'E         0NS.CO
                                                    United States

                                                                                  20, Wd 20 E 91

Document Created: 2002-08-29 07:32:44
Document Modified: 2002-08-29 07:32:44

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